How to Keep Your Life on Track While You’re Out on Bail
Just because you have been released from jail on a bail bond doesn’t mean you’re life will go back to being completely normal. You’ve only been released from jail. Official criminal charges against you will still impact your living over the next few months. You must keep your life on track and organized until your legal matters have been settled.
Here are a few tips that will help you keep your life on track while you’re out on bail.
Review any Restrictions Connected to Your Bail
If you have only been charged with minor crimes, likely, there aren’t any real restrictions connected to your bail. However, if the charges are more serious, the judge probably laid out some rules you must follow if you don’t want your bail revoked. Take some time to review these restrictions and make sure you fully understand how they will impact your day-to-day life.
Let Your Employer Know About Your Situation
Many people hope to hide the news that they’ve been arrested from their employer, but that isn’t always a good idea. First, information about who has been charged with what is readily available in local and online papers. If your employer frequently checks police records or county information, they will likely learn about your charges. It’s far better that they get the news from you.
The second issue is that there will be mandatory court dates in your future; it’s important for your employer to understand why you need those upcoming times off.
Arrange Your Finances so That you Have Budgeted for Bail Bond Payments.
If you signed up for Absolute Bail Bonds zero-down, zero-interest payment plan, you will want to sit down with your normal budget and figure out how to incorporate the regular payments into your budget.
Record Court Date Onto Your Calendar
The most important rule connected to being bailed out of jail is that you must attend all of your mandatory court dates. Don’t assume that you don’t have to go just because it’s something only your lawyer will speak about; you still do. Failing to appear at any mandatory court dates results in the automatic revocation of your bail.
In addition to knowing your court dates, make sure you take some time beforehand to arrange for reliable transportation.
The services our clients enjoy include the following:
- 20% discounts for some applicants
- Zero worry about hidden fees
- Zero-down bail bond
- Zero-interest bail bond
- Flexible payment plans
- Simple contracts
- 24/7 service
- Phone consultations
- Online consultations
To learn more about bail, call (800)793-2245. Free consultations are available 24/7!

How Does A California Bail Reduction Work?
A high bail amount is often the difference between getting released from jail and resuming your life while your case goes through the slow judicial process or spending all of that time stuck in a jail cell.
When bail is set so high that it seems impossible, one of the options you will likely want to explore is a bail reduction. Before you start the process, you should know that it is complicated, time-consuming, and often doesn’t work out. Another and considerably easier and quicker choice is contacting Absolute Bail Bonds about the possibility of getting bonded out of jail.
If you decide to pursue the possibility of getting the bail reduced, you first need to consider why such a large bail was set in the first place. There are several factors California judges consider when setting bail for a defendant, including the following:
- The severity of the characters you’re dealing with
- If you have a prior criminal history and the types of convictions that history includes
- If the prosecutor plans to file additional charges against you
- If you have an account of failing to appear for court dates
- If there is anything that indicates you are a public safety risk or could potentially threaten the safety of your alleged victims whiles you’re out on bail
If you feel that the judge set bail unreasonably high, you can arrange for your lawyer to file a bail reduction motion. If you can show that the high Bail violated statutory or constitutional factors, the amount will likely be reduced.
Another option that is usually more successful is motioning for a bail reduction due to a change in circumstances. The most common reason for this motion to be granted is that some charges were dropped.
If you find yourself in need of bail and are unable to raise funds yourself, you should contact Absolute Bail Bonds. We are a 24-hour bail bond service with decades’ worth of experience helping people like yourself.
Every single one of our clients enjoys the following:
- 20% Discount
- Phone/online approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral is required for working signers
To learn more about how you’ll benefit from an alliance with Absolute Bail Bonds, contact us for a free consultation at (800)793-2245.

What Happens During a Bail Bonds Consultation?
Don’t underestimate the importance of a good bail consultation. The consultation allows you and us to get to know one another and decide if we’re a good fit for your needs.
Several things take place during a free bail bonds consultation.
We Collect Your Information
It doesn’t matter if you’re contacting us about yourself or if you’re inquiring about a loved one, the first thing we do is collect some personal information.
The information we require includes the following:
- The full legal name of the person who requires the bail bond
- The name of the jail they’re currently being held at
- Their booking/report number
- The charges that have been filed against them
- The size of the bail bond they require
Once we have this information, we will be able to learn more about any terms, conditions, and restrictions connected to your release on bail.
The conversation doesn’t stop once we’ve collected the first wave of basic information. We will also want to know some of the same things the judge likely inquired about during your arraignment. We will ask about your community ties if you’re employed, and what your criminal history is like, particularly regarding how reliable you’ve been about attending past court dates.
If you’re calling about a recently arrested loved one, we will want to know your relationship with the individual and if you are willing to serve as a co-signer.
We Discuss the Contract
We require that all of our clients sign a contract. This contract outlines any restrictions you agree to follow while on a bail bond. It serves as a promise from you that you’ll attend all of your court dates. If you cannot pay our fee in one payment, the contract will also outline your payments and when they are due. If you’re happy with the arrangement, Absolute Bail Bonds will sign the contract, and we’ll start putting together the bail bond.
Other Issues that are Addressed During the Consultation
Some other things will come up during the consultation. These issues include:
- Whether you’ll need a co-signer
- How our zero down, zero interest bail bond payment plan works
- How you can communicate with us while you’re out on bail
- The importance of letting us know if anything changes in your life while you’re out on a bail bond
- Whether you’ll need collateral and what you can use
What You’ll Like About the Consultation
The two most obvious things you’ll enjoy about our consultation process is that it’s free and that consultations are available 24/7. You’ll also enjoy that instead of an automated system or chatbot, every single one of our consultations is handled by a live person with a great deal of experience with bail bonds.
It isn’t until you’re involved with the consultation that you’ll fully understand how nice it is to talk to someone who is willing to talk you through the entire process and patiently answer all of your questions.
The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can arrange to post a bail bond and release you from jail. Simply call (800)793-2245 for a free consultation.

Absolute Bail Bonds “We Never Sleep”
At Absolute Bail Bonds we make paying for a bail bond easy for our clients. We offer payment plans, 0% interest bail bonds, and personalized payment plans for qualified clients. We will never surprise you with hidden fees like our competitors because we believe in working with honesty and integrity.
- 24/7 Bail Bond Service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest Payment Plans
- No Hidden Fees – Unlike other bail agencies
- No Collateral with Working Signer
- Se Habla Español
You don’t have to worry when your friend or family member has been arrested. You can count on Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles our bail agents are ready to assist you. Night or day, anywhere in California, we can help you bail out your loved one. Our skilled bail agents will always be available to offer their assistance.
What we do is help people in your situation post bail so they do not have to await their hearing in jail. Our process is simple:
1. Let us know who you need to bail out, their birthday if you know it, and where they are being held. Absolute Bail Bonds will contact that location and gather the rest of the information we need.
2. Tell us your financial situation and will work around it to formulate a customized payment plan with low monthly rates.
3. Review and sign paperwork so you understand what you are paying and the steps you need to take to ensure the bond is accepted (ie making sure the arrested individual appears in court when ordered).
4. Our agents will send paperwork to the location your loved one is at. The paperwork will be processed there and your loved one will be released.
It’s really as simple as that but once we start discussing your situation, we’re sure you’ll have more questions so do not hesitate to ask! For a free consultation simply call 1-800-793-2245.

You Can Count on Absolute Bail Bonds
At some point, you may need to hire a bail bondsman. As much as you don’t want to admit that you think your loved one going to get arrested someday, you know it’s very likely. So, you want to be as prepared as possible.
A bail bondsman will issue a bail bond for your loved one so that he or she can be released from jail. The bail bondsman will charge a 10% premium (like a fee for their services) which is 10% of the full bail amount. You will be allowed to pay off the premium over a set period of weeks or months, whatever you and the bail bondsman agree to. You will need to make sure your loved one shows up for court.
Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles can go into deeper detail when you’re ready to talk one-on-one and get the bail bond processed or if you just want a consultation, free of charge. We can be reached online or on the phone at 1-800-793-2245.

Absolute Bail Bonds Makes Bail Easy & Affordable
We Offer the Best Help with DUI, Drug, Warrant, Domestic Violence, Felony, Traffic, Weapons & Misdemeanor
Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles is committed to serving you and securing your freedom. Our mission is to provide fast, friendly, confidential, and professional service to all of our clients. We believe in the right to bail and that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Because of this, we do not discriminate or judge and welcome anyone and everyone to reach out to us for assistance. Other bail bond companies may turn clients away or do a rush job on their case. But that is not the case for us. We see clients leave our services 100% satisfied with our work and they happily reunite with their loved one. That visual is why we are so honored and so dedicated to the work we do. As a family-owned company, nothing makes us happier than bringing families together.
We will gladly answer any and all questions you may have as there are many other aspects to posting bail beyond just the exchange of money. We regard your privacy and the information you share with us with the highest respect.
We Specialize in Fast, 24 hour availability! Call 1-800-793-2245 get them out within hours!

Unsure About Getting A Bail Bondsman? Here’s Why You Should
Our team here at Absolute Bail Bonds aims to get your loved one out of jail, and change people’s perceptions on bail bonds. Bail bonds are directly related to negative situations – someone is arrested and needs to be bailed out of jail. What good thing can be related to an arrest?
Have you thought of bail bonds in the way that because it gets someone out of jail, it reunites your family? That’s a positive thought. And more often than not, most family and friends strengthen their bonds with each other as a result of this bail bond release.
It often takes an outside perspective to change the view of something so dark to something that is relieving and much needed. Without this bail bond experience, relationships between friends and family may never experience that much needed tightening.
To get a free consultation on a bail bond, or to simply just get more information, please visit us online to chat with one of our representatives, or call us at 1-800-793-2245.

Down Powerline Safety tips
There are a variety of ways a power line can come down including severe winds, natural disasters, and even an auto accident. The reason the power line is down isn’t important. The important part is knowing how to stay safe when you find a downed power line.
Don’t assume that just because the downed power line isn’t sparking or because it’s coated with rubber that it’s safe. When it comes to power lines, always act like it’s a live wire and that touching it will result in a fatal shock. Power lines aren’t something you should ever take a chance on.
As soon as you spot the downed power line, you need to change the way you move. Instead of lifting your feet when you walk, start shuffling. Keeping your feet, especially if you’re wearing rubber-soled shoes, on the floor increases the odds of your remaining grounded and safe from the electricity.
Most people assume that the damaged power line is the only dangerous thing. It’s not. When a power line goes down, the electricity actually fans out, which means that anything in the area could potentially deliver a deadly shock. Stay at least 100 feet, the length of two semi-truck trailers, away from the line and don’t touch a single thing. The further you are from the line, the safer you are.
As long as you are safe, remain in the area. Your responsibility while you wait for the proper authorities to arrive is to warn anyone who approaches of the danger and prevent them from coming into contact with any stray voltage.