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Tag Archive who offers no down payment bail bonds in los angeles

Driving with a suspended license in california

Driving on a Suspended License in California

Several California drivers have found that they didn’t fully appreciate how much independence they enjoyed as a result of their driver’s license until the state suspended that license, making it impossible for the person to drive themselves.

Why California Driver’s Licenses Are Suspended

There are a variety of reasons your California driver’s license could be suspended. The most common cause for suspensions is a DUI conviction. Unpaid tickets, severe driving infractions, and simply accumulating too many bad driving points can also result in a suspension. There are even cases where California driver’s licenses have been suspended for non-driving offenses, the most common of which is unpaid child support.

What a Suspended California Driver’s License Means

If your license has been suspended it means you can’t drive, for any reason, until you’re able to get the license reinstated. In some cases, such as drunk driving and reckless driving, the suspension has a time limit, such as 6 months. In other cases, it remains suspended until you correct whatever issue triggered the suspension. For example, if it was suspended because you didn’t pay child support, it will remain suspended until you’ve gotten caught up on what you owe.

Driving on a Suspended California Driver’s License

California’s Vehicle Code #14601.1 deals with the issue of anyone who is caught driving on a suspended license in California. It states, “(a) No person shall drive a motor vehicle when his or her driving privilege is suspended or revoked for any reason other than those listed in Section 14601, 14601.2, or 14601.5, if the person so driving has knowledge of the suspension or revocation. Knowledge shall be conclusively presumed if mailed notice has been given by the department to the person pursuant to Section 13106. The presumption established by this subdivision is a presumption affecting the burden of proof.”

The penalties that can be connected to driving on a suspended driver’s license in California include:

  • Having to spend time in jail
  • Substantial fines
  • Probation
  • Additional costs for any additional traffic violations that were committed while you drove with a suspended license

If your California driver’s license is suspended and you can’t fathom how you’ll get by without it, there’s a chance you can appeal to the court and get what California calls a hardship license. This type of license is a heavily regulated one that limits where you can drive and even what times you can drive. If you’re caught driving at a time or for a purpose that doesn’t align with the limits, you’ll be charged with driving on a suspended license.

absolute bail bonds affordable bail

Are You Looking for Affordable Bail Options?

When you need to pay for something expensive, it is usually easier to do so with a payment plan. This is why Absolute Bail Bonds provides payment plans for all of our clients. This way, the cost of the bail bond is broken up and spread out over several months. By doing this, paying to get someone out of jail becomes much more affordable, but we do not stop there.

One of the biggest problems with bail, aside from the cost, is the suddenness of it. You never know when someone that you care about is going to get arrested. The only time you learn about the arrest is after it has occurred. This means that you can never really save up and prepare to post bail.

This is a problem that Absolute Bail Bonds has created a solution for. We are able to provide clients with approved credit a 0% down bail bond. If you qualify for this, we will bail out your loved one and you don’t have to make a payment for up to a month after. This gives you some extra time to save up money for the first payment.

We also provide clients who qualify with an additional 20% off the price of the bail bond. This means that instead of paying 10% of the full bail amount, you would only have to pay 8%. To qualify for this discount, one of the co-signers on the bail bond has to meet just one of the following requirements:

  • Be a member of the military.
  • Be a member of AARP.
  • Be a union member.
  • Be a homeowner.
  • Have a private attorney.

As long as one of those requirements is met by one co-signer, you can qualify for the discount. Some of the other things we do for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

At Absolute Bail Bonds, we do everything that we can to help out our clients. This is why we provide bail bonds that only cost 10% of the full bail price, 0% down for clients with approved credit, and a 20% discount off the cost of the bail bond for those who qualify. If you need affordable bail help, look no further than Absolute Bail Bonds.

For a free consultation, just click Chat With Us or call 1-800-793-2245 now.

absolute bail bonds how are bail prices determined

How Are Bail Prices Determined?

There is a whole lot to take in whenever someone deals with bail for the first time. The part that almost always surprises people is the cost. Bailing someone out of jail in California is not cheap. It typically costs several thousands of dollars. While getting a bail bond is cheaper, reducing the cost of bail by 90%, it can still be an expensive undertaking. This causes many people to wonder how bail prices are determined in the first place.

Despite the fact that bail agents are often the ones to inform people of the cost of bailing someone out of jail, they are not responsible for determining the cost. Bail agents are regulated by California law to charge 10% of the full bail price. This is why getting a bail bond is 90% cheaper than paying for the bail yourself.

Law enforcement officers may set bail prices, but they don’t have a lot of say in the matter. Every year, each county in the state creates what is known as a bail schedule. This is just a fancy name for a list of every possible crime and the recommended bail amount for each one. The officers just follow that list, which means they don’t come up with the bail amounts either.

Bail amounts are determined by judges. They are the ones who get together and create the bail schedules. They are also the only ones who can alter bail amounts after they have been assigned. This often happens after a person’s first court date where a judge gets to really look at the case in detail.

If you want to rescue someone from jail, the cheapest way to do so is through a bail bond, which can be acquired here at Absolute Bail Bonds. On top of just being affordable, we will walk you through the entire bail process and answer all of your questions. With our help, you won’t have to face this alone.

Some of the services that we provide for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

For a free consultation with a professional, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds who can bail out your friend

Who Can Bail Out Your Friend or Family Member?

For most people, there are a lot of unknowns when it comes to bail. They don’t know how much bail costs, how it works, when they can post bail, or even who can do that. Luckily, the answers are usually much simpler than people realize. Take for instance who can bail someone out of jail.

Most people would assume that only relatives can bail a person out of jail. However, those people would be wrong. Here in California, anyone can bail someone out of jail whether they are family, or just a really good friend. All you need in order to post someone’s bail is to know enough about him or her.

When you come to Absolute Bail Bonds for bail help, our bail agents will always be ready to assist you. All we need to get started is your friend or family member’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. With that information in hand, our agents will be able to locate your loved one in the county jail database.

Once your loved one has been located within the jail system, our agents can fill out the rest of the paperwork. From there, our agents will work with you to create a personalized payment plan that breaks up the cost of the bail bond. With that payment plan, you should be able to afford your loved one’s bail.

Some of the other services we provide to help out our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Being related to someone doesn’t matter when it comes to posting bail. All that does matter is that you care about a person. As long as you care enough to try, Absolute Bail Bonds will be by your side to help you post bail and rescue your friend or family member from jail. You can count on us to always be there when you need us most.

What are you waiting for? Help out your friend or family member today by calling 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds the cost of bail

How Much Do You Have to Pay Upfront for a Bail?

When it comes to paying for expensive things, most people like to know how much they have to pay upfront. This is a reasonable expectation to have, especially when paying for something like bail. When you are bailing someone out of jail, you want to know exactly how much you will need to pay, and how much you will have to pay upfront.

Unfortunately, this isn’t an easy question to answer without first knowing the details of the case. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, our bonds only cost 10% of the full bail amount. From there, we provide our clients with personalized payment plans. These plans help divide up the cost of the bail bond even further.

How much a person has to pay upfront is dependent on how much the bail is, the person’s credit, and the credit of any co-signers. All of this plays into how much a person will have to pay upfront for their loved one’s bail bond. A bail agent will be better able to answer that question.

While this question can be tough to answer online, you can rest easy knowing that Absolute Bail Bonds will do everything in its power to help you out. We try to make the bail process as easy and affordable as possible for all of our clients. Some of the things that we do include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

For affordable bail help, just contact Absolute Bail Bonds. Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provide free consultations for anyone who wants them. When you talk to our knowledgeable agents, they will be able to answer questions whenever you need them. You can count on us.

For a free consultation at any time, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds provides 24 hour bail

How Long Does It Take to Rescue Someone from Jail?

When something bad happens to a friend or family member, you want to rescue them from it as quickly as possible. You never want someone you care about to suffer when you can help them out. That is exactly why when you learned of your loved one’s arrest, you immediately wanted to post his or her bail.

The less time your loved one spends behind bars, the better. They would be better off at home, not stuck in some jail cell. That is why you want to post their bail through Absolute Bail Bonds. We will provide you with an affordable bail bond, and we will help get your loved one out of jail quickly.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we bail people out of jail all over California. Some jails have more workloads than others, which affects how quickly they will release someone from their facilities. This means that depending on the county of arrest, we can have your friend or family member out of jail in anywhere from a few hours to a day.

Whenever you need bail help, you can count on Absolute Bail Bonds to be there for you. Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that you can get the process of rescuing a loved one from jail started at any time. Someone will always be ready and waiting to help you out.

Some of the services that we provide around the clock include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

You can count on Absolute Bail Bonds to help get your loved one out of jail quickly. In some counties, we can have your loved one out of jail in as little as 2 hours, in others, it can take up to a day. No matter how long it takes, know that our bail agents are working tirelessly to help you rescue your loved one from jail as fast as they can.

What are you waiting for? There’s not a moment to lose, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds how to pick a bail agent

How to Pick a Bail Agent in California

Most people have never dealt with bail before and so when they have to rescue a loved one from jail, they don’t know how to do that. A big question that people often have is: how to pick a bail agent? What determines a good bail agent from a bad agent? Most people don’t know this.

To put it simply, a good bail agent is one that you can rely on. A good bail agent is someone who is available all day, every day. They are knowledgeable and can answer all of your questions. Lastly, they care about their clients and are more concerned with helping them, rather than making money.

Bad bail agents aren’t their when you need them, can’t answer your questions, and are only worried about money. They don’t care if they’ve really helped you or not so long as they are getting paid.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we have only the best bail agents in the state of California. Our agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they will be able to answer all of your questions about bail. Once they start working for you, they will not rest until your loved one has been released from jail.

Some of the other services we provide for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

When you need help rescuing someone from jail, you can count on Absolute Bail Bonds. Our agents will always be there when you need them and will provide you with professional help that you can afford. You won’t find better bail agents anywhere else in the state of California.

Ready to get started? If so, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

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We’ll Help You Post Bail 24 Hours A Day

No one ever plans on getting arrested, and so people are usually caught off guard when a loved one does get arrested. Luckily Absolute Bail Bonds can help you with that. One might think that after posting bail things get easier, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes the unthinkable happens and your loved one gets arrested again.

You could still be trying to pay off your loved one’s first bail bond, when they get arrested a second time. This can be even more stressful for you than the first time. Luckily, Absolute Bail Bonds is still here for you. We can help you out with this situation just like we did with the first one.

Just because you haven’t finished paying off the first bail bond does not mean that you can’t get a second one. We want to help because our goal is to aid you in rescuing your loved ones from jail. We will always be there to help you.

Luckily, things get easier the second time around. You already know what to expect and we will have your information on file already. This means filling out the paperwork is even easier. However, just as before, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. Remember, our goal is to help you.

Some of the services we provide to make posting bail easier for you include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

You never know what to expect when you wake up each morning. You would never expect a loved one to get arrested, and you certainly wouldn’t expect them to get arrested a second time. Sadly, this does happen from time to time. Luckily for you, Absolute Bail Bonds will always be there to offer a helping hand.

Are you ready to get started? If so, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

bail doesnt have to be difficult

Do You Need Collateral to Post Bail?

There are a lot of different aspects to bailing someone out of jail. Some things, such as giving information about a loved one to a bail agent, are easier to understand. Other things can be completely new concepts to people. One example of this would be collateral. Some people have never heard the term before and have no idea what it means or how it applies to bail.

Collateral is something that often pops up when large sums of money are being loaned to others. In its simplest form, collateral is something of value that a client pledges as an insurance that they will pay back the loan. The collateral has to be equal to or greater in value to the amount of money loaned. If the client fails to pay off their loan, then the company keeps the pledged collateral as payment for the loan.

Collateral can be any sort of item as long as both the client and the company agree that it has value. The larger the loan, the more valuable the collateral has to be. Some examples of collateral include jewelry, cars, and homes.

When it comes to bailing someone out of jail, a lot of bail bond companies require their clients to pledge something as collateral. This makes an already stressful situation even worse. Luckily, there is an alternative, just contact Absolute Bail Bonds. We don’t require collateral on most of our bonds. More often than not, we just need the signature of a working co-signer.

Some of the other services we provide for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

When you need help with bail, you can always count on Absolute Bail Bonds. Unlike our competitors, we don’t require collateral on all of our bonds. In most cases, we are happy with just the signature of a working co-signer. We don’t want to stress our clients out by requiring collateral.

For more information on collateral and bail, feel free to talk to a bail agent by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds why was your loved one arrested

Why Was Your Loved One Arrested?

You never know what a friend or family member could get arrested for. After all, you never really expected a loved one to get arrested at all. Once you learn of a loved one’s arrest, you may not actually know why he or she was arrested. Trying to find that information on your own can be difficult, especially when your loved one can only talk to you for so long.

Luckily, there are professionals who can help you. All you have to do is contact Absolute Bail Bonds. For over 30 years, we have helped Californians deal with bail and rescue their loved ones from jail. We can do the same for you. We provide all kinds of services for our clients, including:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Once we locate your loved one in the county jail system, which we can do with just their name, birthday, and county of arrest, we can answer all of your questions. We can even tell you why your loved one was arrested in the first place. Once you are satisfied and all of your questions have been answered, then we can begin readying the bail bond.

Our expert bail agents have plenty of experience with bail, and so they can guide you through the whole process. With our bail agents helping you, your loved one can be out of jail in as little as 2 hours in some counties. Regardless of how long it takes, our agents will work nonstop to get your loved one out of jail.

No matter how surprising the arrest of a loved one can be for you, there is no reason to panic. Absolute Bail Bonds has plenty of experience helping people rescue their loved ones from jail. You can count on us to be there for you and to answer any questions that you might have about your loved one’s arrest.

Want to talk to a bail agent for free? Just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.