Crimes of Passion
There is something about the term “crime of passion” that causes many of us to think about romance and true love. The reality is that crimes of passion are not about showering a loved one with flowers and chocolate. Victims of crimes of passion will tell you that they are actually terrifying, life-altering acts that have more to do with fear than love.
What are Crimes of Passion
The legal definition of a crime of passion is, “a defendant’s excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or heartbreak, to eliminate the element of premeditation.”
A suspect is never charged with a crime of passion. That phrase is primarily used by the media and defense attorneys. In most cases, people who have committed “crimes of passion” are actually charged with murder, assault, or sexual assault.
Why so Many Use the Crime of Passion Defense
There are two reasons so many people use the crime of passion excuse. The first is to eliminate the idea that the crime was premeditated. If the prosecutor is convinced that the crime was premeditated and they feel they can prove it in court, the charges, and resulting penalties, will be far more severe than if you are found guilty of acting in the heat of the moment.
For example, for the prosecution to pursue a case of premeditated murder, the lawyer has to prove the suspect didn’t just think about murdering the victim, but actively planned out the details. Failing to prove this could cost the prosecutor the case.
Another reason defense attorneys like to use the phrase “crime of passion” while defending a suspect is because it’s a great way to convince the jury to put themselves in the accused shoes. The lawyer is basically asking each jury member to put themselves in the suspect’s shoes and imagine how they would feel if they were in the same situation. In some situations this can sway the jury, causing them to find the defendant not guilty.
It’s worth noting that California has an interesting take on crimes of passion that result in murder. In California, the defense not only has to prove that the murder was a crime of passion, but they also have to prove that the defendant was experiencing emotional turmoil at the time. The way the law is written makes it difficult for an attorney to use the crime of passion defense in cases that involve revenge.

False Allegations of Child Abuse in California
Child abuse laws are designed to protect children from being hurt. They’re good laws that make a lot of sense. Unfortunately, they are also laws that can be used against people, particularly parents who are engaged in a child custody dispute. It’s not unheard of for one parent to accuse the other parent of child abuse in order to obtain full custody of the children. It’s an accusation that can deal a lasting blow to both sides.
While there have been instances of men lodging false child abuse claims against women, it’s far more common for a woman to falsely accuse a man of child abuse. Data collected by the Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) indicates that 85% of all child abuse protective orders are filed by men and issued against men. One lawyer estimates that approximately 90% of those that are filed during a divorce and that mention child abuse are a tactical move to gain custody of the children.
California’s family court judges are legally obligated to take all child abuse accusations seriously. The last thing anyone wants is for a child to be hurt because the court failed to act. As soon as one parent accuses the other of child abuse, the court will take action, usually siding with the parent who made the accusation. If you are the one accused of abusing children, you shouldn’t assume that you’re promptly out of luck. You do have to be willing to take a defensive stance.
It’s in your best interest to demand that the court investigate the accusations. Be prepared for this to involve an in-depth and invasive investigation into your background. Court-appointed experts will interview several people which can include:
- Your children
- Family
- Friendly
- Doctors
- Teachers
The process is time-consuming and often frustrating. When you feel impatient, remind yourself that you’re doing this for the good of your child.
The topic of false child abuse accusations in California is addressed in Family Code section 3027. According to the code, once it’s proven that the allegations filed against you were knowingly false, you have the right to seek monetary compensation for your court fees and additional costs that were connected to proving your innocence. The result of the investigation could lead to a significant change in which parent is granted custody of the children.

Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel in California
We’ve all done it. Gotten behind the wheel and driven when we were tired. Most of the time rolling down the window, cranking up the radio, and indulging in a massive amount of caffeine is enough to get us safely where we need to be. The problem is that some people don’t make it to their destination. Some people fall asleep while they’re behind the wheel and find themselves in serious legal trouble.
The Dangers of Falling Asleep While Driving
People constantly warn us about driving while intoxicated. We know it’s dangerous and know that it’s a serious traffic offense. People rarely discuss the fact that driving while fatigued is equally dangerous. In most cases driving is monotonous. It’s so easy to let your eyes close for a second. That’s all it takes for us to fall asleep and get into a bad accident.
If you’ve ever driven while drowsy you’re not alone. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that approximately 100,000 police-reported car accidents involved drowsy driving. It’s estimated that 72,000 of those accidents led to severe injuries and that 1,600 involved fatalities.
How California Handles Drowsy Driving Cases
Each time you get behind the wheel of your car, you’re entering into an unspoken, but legally binding contract with everyone that you’re fit for driving. Getting behind the wheel means that you plan on following all posted traffic laws, that you’ll stay alert, and that you’ll drive defensively. This means you won’t be distracted, you’re not intoxicated, and you’re not fatigued.
Failing to keep up your end of the agreement results in traffic tickets and possibly jail time.
If you’re caught driving while drowsy in California, at best, you’ll get a ticket for reckless driving. According to the state, you’re driving recklessly any time you, “drive any vehicle in a manner that exhibits willful or wanton disregard for the well-being of others on the roadway.” The state considers falling asleep and an example of willful or wanton disregard.
If you’re caught driving while drowsy, the best you can hope for is a traffic ticket that will cost you $145. That’s the best-case scenario. If you caused an accident, injured someone, created an intensely dangerous situation, or did a great deal of damage to someone else’s property, the consequences will be much more severe. The state has the option of sentencing you to 90 days in jail and charging you with a $1,000 fine.
Depending on your driving record, the driving while drowsy episode could result in you losing your license. If you injured or killed someone, you could face both manslaughter charges and a civil lawsuit.
The next time you think about driving while exhausted, you should reconsider and take a nap instead.

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law?
You just watched your neighbor commit a crime. You know what they did was illegal, but you aren’t sure what you should do about the situation. You don’t want to get anyone in trouble. On the other hand, you know you don’t like the idea of living next to someone who blatantly breaks the law.
Assuming that your neighbor didn’t do break a minor law, like jaywalking, it’s in your best legal interest to report the crime to the authorities. The reason for this is simple. If your neighbor gets caught and the police find out that you’ve been turning a blind eye to the situation, you could land in hot water. This is especially true if your neighbor is abusing a roommate/parent/friend, or if they are involved in a child endangerment/neglect situation.
Some people don’t realize that their chosen profession requires that they report any criminal activity that they have knowledge of. California created Mandatory Reporting laws that require specific professions to report criminal activity. Professionals who are bound to adhere to the Mandatory Reporting Laws include:
- School officials
- Anyone who works in law enforcement
- Social workers
- Members of the clergy
- Firefighters
- Therapists
If you are a member of any of these professions, you’re legally required to report instances of:
- Extreme verbal abuse
- Physical abuse/assault
- Sexual abuse
- Child neglect
- Child endangerment
Failing to obey the Mandatory Reporting Laws means could come at a steep price. If you’re found guilty, you could be sentenced to spending 6 months in a county jail and be charged a $1000 fine.
What if You Discourage Someone From Reporting a Crime
If someone you know has knowledge of an abuse or child endangerment crime, and you convince them to stay quiet, the law can come after you. If found guilty of willfully preventing someone from stepping up and reporting a crime to the proper authorities, you’re looking at a year in jail and a $5000 fine.
Mandatory Reporting Laws Require that You Think Before you Confide in Someone
If you have broken a law or think you know someone who has, you need to be aware that if you discuss the situation with someone who’s profession forces them to report the alleged crime, they will likely have to mention your name. The police will likely be very curious about why you failed to report the abuse right away. It will look better and not put your friends in an awkward position if you report the situation yourself.

What Happens During the Booking Process?
There is a lot about getting arrested that most people don’t know. After all, most people don’t ever plan on getting arrested so why bother learning about something that will never happen. Unfortunately, an arrest isn’t something that can be planned, it just happens. Thousands of people get arrested every single day. Even if you don’t get arrested, one of your loved ones could be.
When a person is arrested, they aren’t sent straight to jail. First, they have to go through the booking process. During this time, information on the person is recorded and put into the system. This way the person can be identified in jail and the future if they ever get into trouble again.
The steps of the booking process are as follows:
- Recording a person’s name and other information.
- Taking a mugshot.
- Confiscating the person’s personal belongings.
- Taking fingerprints.
- Conducting a full-body search.
- Checking for warrants.
- Health screening.
- Checking for any affiliations.
- Taking a DNA sample.
When all of that information has been recorded, the person will be completely booked into the system. Once that happens, the person can be bailed out of jail, provided they have been granted bail. If you are ready to bail your loved one out of jail, then you should contact Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles. We are always there for our clients, no matter what time it may be.
We provide all of the following for our clients:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
A person has to be completely booked into the system before they can be bailed out. Once a person has been booked into the system, you can bet that Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles will be there for you. Our bail agent will be ready to go and will help get your loved one out of jail in no time.
Call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now for a free consultation with one of our bail agents.

Don’t Worry, We’ll Answer Your Questions
When trying to bail someone out of jail, a vast number of people are dealing with it for the first time. They’ve never needed to bail someone out of jail before. This makes the whole experience more intimidating and confusing than it should be. If this is what you are currently going through, don’t panic. There are caring professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds who are willing to help out.
Unsurprisingly, our bail agents deal with bail daily. This means they know everything about the subject and will be more than capable of answer whatever questions you might have. They are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consultations are always free, so there is no reason not to talk to a bail agent.
Our bail agents can answer all of your questions about bail without needing much information. However, if you want answers specifically related to your loved one’s case, they will need some information. Namely, our agents will need your loved one’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. This information will allow our bail agents to locate your loved one in the county jail system.
Once our agents have located your loved one in the system, they will have access to all of the information they need to answer your questions. All of this is included in the free consultation because we want to help you. We want you to be able to make an informed decision, and that means having all of your questions answered.
Some of the other services that we provide for our clients here at Absolute Bail Bonds include:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
Don’t let bail intimidate and confuse you. It can be really simple when you have a professional by your side to guide you. Just talk to the bail agents here at Absolute Bail Bonds. They are ready and waiting to help you with a free consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What are you waiting for? You can talk to a bail agent right now by calling 1-800-793-2245 or by clicking Chat With Us now.

What Kind of Discounts Do You Offer?
Whenever someone is looking to make a big purchase, they often are looking for discounts as well. After all, everyone works hard for their money and they want to save as much of it as possible. This why when people begin looking to bail someone out of jail, they try to find the bail bond company that offers the most discounts.
Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we offer a variety of discounts to clients who qualify. For starters,our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for, meaning you get a 90% discount just by coming to us for help. On top of that, we provide all o four clients with affordable payment plans that spread out the cost of the bail bond over several months, making it more affordable.
One discount that we offer provides qualified clients with 20% off the price of the bail bond. Instead of paying 10% of the full bail price, you only have to pay 8%. To qualify for this discount, one of the co-signers for the bail bond needs to meet just one of the following requirements:
- Is a union member.
- Is a member of AARP.
- Is a member of the military.
- Is a homeowner.
- Has a private attorney.
As long as one of those requirements is met, you qualify for the discount.
Another discount that we offer to clients with approved credit is 0% down bail. Clients who qualify for this discount do not have to make a payment on the bail bond for up to 1 month after their loved one has been released. We find that providing bail with no down payment gives our clients the ability to save up for the bail bond, making it easier for them.
If you are looking for discounts on bailing someone out of jail, you’ve come to the right place. For over 30 years, Absolute Bail Bonds has helped Californians rescue their friends and family members from jail. Let us do the same for you. All you have to do to get started is talk to one of our bail agents.
For a free consultation at any time, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

Do You Know How Much a Bail Bond Costs?
Finding out that a loved one has been arrested is almost always a shock for people. No one ever expects one of their friends or family members to get arrested, and yet that does happen from time to time. This leads people to look into how they can get their loved one out of jail, but they can’t help wonder how much that will cost.
When it comes to bail, the pricing can be all over the place. There are a few different factors that are taken into consideration when assigning a bail amount. This makes it so that even if two people are arrested for the same thing, they may not get assigned the same bail amount. The main factors that are considered by a judge when determining bail include:
- Crime committed.
- County of arrest.
- Person’s criminal record.
- Likelihood of running away.
A judge will look at all of that to determine how much a person’s bail will be. This makes it difficult to predict how much a person’s bail will be before they have met with a judge. However, it is safe to assume that the bail will cost several thousands of dollars.
When it comes to determining the cost of a bail bond, things are a lot simpler. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, our bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for. As long as we know what your loved one’s bail is, we can tell you how much it will cost to get a bail bond from us. We will even provide you with a payment plan that you can afford and special discounts if you qualify.
Knowing how much a bail will cost before a judge has reviewed the case can be difficult. However, once a bail is assigned, you can rest easy knowing that Absolute Bail Bonds is here to help you afford it.