California’s 3 Most Common Driving Infractions
Every single day, hundreds of drivers throughout the state of California receive traffic violations. While obtaining a ticket for many things is possible, some traffic violations are more common than others.
While there aren’t any hard stats showing how many speeding tickets are written by California patrol officers daily, it’s fair to say that speeding tickets make up the bulk of California’s traffic violations.
The exciting thing about speeding tickets is that many drivers, especially younger drivers, don’t think they are a big deal. Drivers don’t understand a speeding ticket’s long-term financial impact on their lives.
The first thing to consider is the cost. The base fee of a California speeding ticket is $35-$200, but that isn’t all you’ll have to pay. There are also fines, fees, and costs connected to the ticket. That $35 ticket will cost you about $150 or more when all is said and done. The faster you are going, the more the speeding ticket will cost. In addition to the traffic ticket fees, you will also see an increase in your car insurance, which could be years before your premiums decrease.
Reckless Driving
California drivers have a severe problem with reckless driving. Reckless driving tickets are issued when a driver is driving in a manner that displays a disregard for your safety as well as the safety as others. In California, many reckless driving incidents involve road rage.
Reckless driving in California isn’t a laughing matter. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident, it’s possible that the issue won’t be treated as an infraction, but rather a misdemeanor. If someone is killed in a reckless driving incident, the situation could be handled as a felony.
Using a Cell Phone While Driving
Despite all the warnings, people continue to use their cell phones while driving. Since this has led to several traffic accidents throughout the years, California has adopted strict cell phone driving violations. While you can use a hands-free setup while driving, you’re not allowed to use the phone traditionally. You’re also not allowed to text while you’re driving. In addition, if you are caught driving and using your cell phone, you will receive a negligent operator point on your driving record for each violation in 36 months.

How Parking Tickets Impact your Driving in California
Very few drivers in California haven’t received at least one traffic ticket. In most cases, the driver sputters a little bit, pays the fine, and moves on with their life. However, some California drivers have racked up lots of parking tickets.
There are two reasons drivers fail to pay for their tickets. First, they simply don’t have the money needed to cover the fine. The second, and more common reason is that they don’t think parking violations are a big deal and simply ignore them.
If you fall into the second category of drivers, there are a few things you should know about outstanding parking tickets in California. California’s government depends on the revenue they collect from tickets. They are determined that you should pay the fines connected to the tickets. The first step the government does is increase the amount of money you must pay. The older the outstanding parking ticket is, the heavier the fine is.
If the fine remains unpaid, the court doesn’t beg you to pay the ticket. Instead, the suspend your drivers license. Once this happens, the only way you’ll regain your driving privileges is by paying the tickets as well as any fees connected to reinstating your driver’s license. Before you consider driving with a suspended California driver’s license, consider that doing so is a misdemeanor. If you’re caught, you’ll be arrested. If you get into an accident, the insurance company will likely use the fact that you weren’t supposed to be legally driving as an excuse not to pay out on the claim.