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Category Archive Westminster, CA

bail bonds

What Is Money Laundering and Why Is It Illegal?

Everyone is aware of the obvious fact that committing crimes is illegal. What can often get people into trouble is not knowing which acts are considered illegal in the first place. This leads to people doing something they thought was okay and then winding up in trouble with the law.

For instance, people are aware that stealing money from someone else is bad. However, many people do not realize that just depositing illegally gained money into a bank account is illegal. While it sounds a little, silly, there is a good reason for this.

The Definition of Money Laundering

The act of depositing illegally gotten money into a bank account, or any other legitimate institution, is called money laundering. This is a reference to how the person depositing the dirty money, because it was obtained from criminal activity, is trying to “clean” it by putting it to use in legitimate institutions such as banks and other businesses.

This crime is made illegal under 2 California laws: Penal Code (PC) 186.10 and Health and Safety Code (HS) 11370.9. The reason for the two different laws is the distinction between how the money was obtained. HS 11370.9 is only concerned with money that was obtained through all drug crimes. PC 186.10 covers money from any other type of crime.

Both of these crimes require specific intent or knowledge of criminal activity. In other words, money laundering can only occur when a person is knowingly trying to “clean” the money by placing it into a financial institution.

Why Is Money Laundering Illegal

After learning what money laundering is, some people are left wondering why the act is even illegal. Why punish someone for depositing illegally obtained money? Shouldn’t the illegal act be punishment enough?

For California, money laundering became illegal to help combat organized crime rings. In these crime rings, the lower-ranking people were the ones who would commit the illegal activity and therefore they were the ones who faced the consequences. Meanwhile, the bosses were able to get away with the money and without any consequences.

Making it illegal to handle criminally obtained money made it possible to go after the bosses of criminal organizations.

Penalties for Money Laundering

Money laundering is a wobbler offense under both PC 186.10 and HS 11370.9, meaning it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. How exactly it is charged will be dependent on the person’s criminal record and the crime itself.

When either crime is charged as a misdemeanor, the person will face:

  • Up to 1 year in county jail.
  • A max fine of $1,000.

When PC 186.10 is charged as a felony, a person will face:

  • 16 months, 2 years, or 3 years in county jail.
  • A max fine of either $250,000 or twice the amount of the money that was laundered, whichever is greater.

The maximum fine for this crime can increase if this is not the first time the person was convicted of money laundering. Also, the maximum prison sentence can increase if the total amount of money laundered was greater than $50,000.

When HS 11370.9 is charged as a felony, a person will face:

  • 2, 3, or 4 years in state prison.
  • A max fine of either $250,000 or twice the amount of the money that was laundered, whichever is greater.

It’s an Odd but Important Crime

Money laundering is a bit of an odd crime. For starters, it doesn’t involve laundry in any way. Then there is the fact that people are being punished for putting money into a bank account. However, as strange as this may seem, it does make sense. Making this simple act illegal allows law enforcement agents to go after those in charge of different crime organizations. This way, everyone in the criminal organization can get punished, not just those doing the grunt work.

bail bonds

Laws That Minors Can Break but Adults Cannot

Everyone knows what crimes are and what would happen if they were to commit one. This is just something that people learn over time. However, there is something about laws and crimes that people know, without ever really considering. What a lot of adults may not consider, is that there are somethings they can do without fear of breaking a law, while a minor would face legal trouble for doing the same.

What Are Status Offenses?

According to the law, there are plenty of things out there that adults can do, but minors cannot. This leads to an interesting section of the law where things are considered illegal, but only for minors. This means these acts can’t be crimes, because adults can do them pretty much any time they want. This is why the term status offense exists.

A status offense is any activity that a minor could get in trouble for doing simply because of their age at the time of the act. It is estimated that 20% of all juvenile arrests are due to status offenses.

Some of the most common status offenses that a minor can be charged with include:

  • Being uncontrollable by parents or guardians.
  • Consuming alcohol.
  • Consuming marijuana.
  • Consuming tobacco.
  • Possessing alcohol.
  • Possessing marijuana.
  • Possessing tobacco.
  • Running away.
  • Skipping school.
  • Violating curfew.

It is easy to see how these kinds of things affect minors, but aren’t a big deal for adults. Most adults don’t have to worry about skipping school or following their parents’ rules anymore.

Why Status Offenses Are a Big Deal

When people began to look closer at status offenses, they noticed the alarming trend that minors who committed status offenses were more likely to commit more delinquent acts in the future. This has led to many states, including California, to adopt programs and strategies aimed at achieving the following:

  • Preserving families.
  • Ensuring public safety.
  • Preventing young people from becoming delinquents.

This is one of the many reasons why, when minors get into trouble they receive lighter penalties. The goal of punishing a minor after committing a crime is to teach them that their behavior was wrong and that they don’t want to commit that type of behavior again.

Penalties for Status Offenses

The penalties that a minor will face for a status defense can vary greatly depending on the minor’s record and the status offense they are being charged with. Some of the common penalties that a minor will face for a status offense include:

  • Being required to attend an educational program.
  • Being required to attend counseling.
  • Having their driver’s license suspended.
  • Paying a fine.
  • Paying restitutions for any damages.
  • Removing the minor from the care of the minor’s parent or guardian.

This is just a small sample of what a minor can face when charged with a status offense, and some of these consequences are more common than others.

Minors Need Different Rules

It’s a bit of an odd thought to realize that minors can get into trouble for doing things that some adults do daily without having to worry about breaking a law. However, many of these status offenses make sense. Kids should be in school, furthering their education so that they have a better chance once they reach adulthood. It wouldn’t make sense for many of these things to be made into crimes for everyone, which is why they are status offenses that only apply to minors.

absolute bail bonds in bakersfield

If You Need Bail Help, You’ve Come to the Right Place

Were you recently surprised by the arrest of a close friend or family member? Are you trying to rescue him or her from jail? If so, you’ve come to the right place. For over 30 years, Absolute Bail Bonds has helped thousands of Californians bail their friends and family members out of jail. Let us help you too.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we know how intimidating and confusing the bail process can be for the first time. This is why our bail agents do everything that they can to help guide you through this. Whenever you need help, whether it is one in the afternoon or four in the morning, you can count on our bail agents to be there for you.

Once you start talking with one of our bail agents, they begin working with you. Just tell our agents your loved one’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. With that information in hand, our bail agents will be able to locate your loved one in the county jail system and begin filling out the paperwork for the bail bond.

Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail they are for, and we provide each of our clients with personalized payment plans. These payments plans further reduce the upfront cost of the bail bond, and come with 0% interest. This means that you only have to pay for the bail bond itself, and don’t have to worry about paying extra just to make the bond more affordable.

Some of the other benefits that we provide include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

If you were recently caught off guard by the arrest of a loved one, don’t panic, Absolute Bail Bonds is here to help. We have been helping Californians face bail since 1987 and we can help you to. You will always have a bail agent to talk to and answer your questions. On top of that, you will be provided with a bail bond and payment plan that you can afford.

There is no reason to wait any longer. Call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now!

absolute bail bonds in los angeles

What Happens During the Booking Process?

There is a lot about getting arrested that most people don’t know. After all, most people don’t ever plan on getting arrested so why bother learning about something that will never happen. Unfortunately, an arrest isn’t something that can be planned, it just happens. Thousands of people get arrested every single day. Even if you don’t get arrested, one of your loved ones could be.

When a person is arrested, they aren’t sent straight to jail. First, they have to go through the booking process. During this time, information on the person is recorded and put into the system. This way the person can be identified in jail and the future if they ever get into trouble again.

The steps of the booking process are as follows:

  • Recording a person’s name and other information.
  • Taking a mugshot.
  • Confiscating the person’s personal belongings.
  • Taking fingerprints.
  • Conducting a full-body search.
  • Checking for warrants.
  • Health screening.
  • Checking for any affiliations.
  • Taking a DNA sample.

When all of that information has been recorded, the person will be completely booked into the system. Once that happens, the person can be bailed out of jail, provided they have been granted bail. If you are ready to bail your loved one out of jail, then you should contact Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles. We are always there for our clients, no matter what time it may be.

We provide all of the following for our clients:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

A person has to be completely booked into the system before they can be bailed out. Once a person has been booked into the system, you can bet that Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles will be there for you. Our bail agent will be ready to go and will help get your loved one out of jail in no time.

Call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now for a free consultation with one of our bail agents.

Los angeles bail bonds

Don’t Worry, We’ll Answer Your Questions

When trying to bail someone out of jail, a vast number of people are dealing with it for the first time. They’ve never needed to bail someone out of jail before. This makes the whole experience more intimidating and confusing than it should be. If this is what you are currently going through, don’t panic. There are caring professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds who are willing to help out.

Unsurprisingly, our bail agents deal with bail daily. This means they know everything about the subject and will be more than capable of answer whatever questions you might have. They are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consultations are always free, so there is no reason not to talk to a bail agent.

Our bail agents can answer all of your questions about bail without needing much information. However, if you want answers specifically related to your loved one’s case, they will need some information. Namely, our agents will need your loved one’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. This information will allow our bail agents to locate your loved one in the county jail system.

Once our agents have located your loved one in the system, they will have access to all of the information they need to answer your questions. All of this is included in the free consultation because we want to help you. We want you to be able to make an informed decision, and that means having all of your questions answered.

Some of the other services that we provide for our clients here at Absolute Bail Bonds include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Don’t let bail intimidate and confuse you. It can be really simple when you have a professional by your side to guide you. Just talk to the bail agents here at Absolute Bail Bonds. They are ready and waiting to help you with a free consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What are you waiting for? You can talk to a bail agent right now by calling 1-800-793-2245 or by clicking Chat With Us now.

Bail bonds in los angeles

How Do Bail Bonds Work?

Bail and bail bonds are two subjects that people may have heard of, but likely have very little understanding of since no one ever really expects to need bail. For instance, most people don’t know that bail and bail bonds are not the same things. They are two different, but related, ways to get someone out of jail.

Bail is what people are most familiar with. It is a set amount of money that someone needs to pay for a person to be released from jail. The exact amount of money varies from case to case. Meanwhile, a bail bond is what a person gets when they hire a bail agent to help them rescue a loved one from jail.

With a bail bond, a person signs a contract with their bail agent. By signing, they are agreeing to pay a percentage of the full bail amount to the agent in return for the bail agent posting their loved one’s bail. In this instance, instead of paying for the bail, you are paying for the bail agent’s services.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we only ask for 10% of the full bail price. This means that our clients get a 90% discount on the cost of bailing their friends and family members out of jail. On top of just getting a discount, you get help professional bail agents. Our agents will always be there to answer your questions and guide you through rescuing a loved one from jail. Some of the other benefits that we provide for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Bail bonds work because the bail agent can pay the full amount of the bail to the jail right away. Also, they only cost a person a fraction of the cost of paying for the whole bail themselves.

What are you waiting for? You can get your loved one out of jail today by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds affordable bail

Are You Looking for Affordable Bail Options?

When you need to pay for something expensive, it is usually easier to do so with a payment plan. This is why Absolute Bail Bonds provides payment plans for all of our clients. This way, the cost of the bail bond is broken up and spread out over several months. By doing this, paying to get someone out of jail becomes much more affordable, but we do not stop there.

One of the biggest problems with bail, aside from the cost, is the suddenness of it. You never know when someone that you care about is going to get arrested. The only time you learn about the arrest is after it has occurred. This means that you can never really save up and prepare to post bail.

This is a problem that Absolute Bail Bonds has created a solution for. We are able to provide clients with approved credit a 0% down bail bond. If you qualify for this, we will bail out your loved one and you don’t have to make a payment for up to a month after. This gives you some extra time to save up money for the first payment.

We also provide clients who qualify with an additional 20% off the price of the bail bond. This means that instead of paying 10% of the full bail amount, you would only have to pay 8%. To qualify for this discount, one of the co-signers on the bail bond has to meet just one of the following requirements:

  • Be a member of the military.
  • Be a member of AARP.
  • Be a union member.
  • Be a homeowner.
  • Have a private attorney.

As long as one of those requirements is met by one co-signer, you can qualify for the discount. Some of the other things we do for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

At Absolute Bail Bonds, we do everything that we can to help out our clients. This is why we provide bail bonds that only cost 10% of the full bail price, 0% down for clients with approved credit, and a 20% discount off the cost of the bail bond for those who qualify. If you need affordable bail help, look no further than Absolute Bail Bonds.

For a free consultation, just click Chat With Us or call 1-800-793-2245 now.

absolute bail bonds who can bail out your friend

Who Can Bail Out Your Friend or Family Member?

For most people, there are a lot of unknowns when it comes to bail. They don’t know how much bail costs, how it works, when they can post bail, or even who can do that. Luckily, the answers are usually much simpler than people realize. Take for instance who can bail someone out of jail.

Most people would assume that only relatives can bail a person out of jail. However, those people would be wrong. Here in California, anyone can bail someone out of jail whether they are family, or just a really good friend. All you need in order to post someone’s bail is to know enough about him or her.

When you come to Absolute Bail Bonds for bail help, our bail agents will always be ready to assist you. All we need to get started is your friend or family member’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. With that information in hand, our agents will be able to locate your loved one in the county jail database.

Once your loved one has been located within the jail system, our agents can fill out the rest of the paperwork. From there, our agents will work with you to create a personalized payment plan that breaks up the cost of the bail bond. With that payment plan, you should be able to afford your loved one’s bail.

Some of the other services we provide to help out our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Being related to someone doesn’t matter when it comes to posting bail. All that does matter is that you care about a person. As long as you care enough to try, Absolute Bail Bonds will be by your side to help you post bail and rescue your friend or family member from jail. You can count on us to always be there when you need us most.

What are you waiting for? Help out your friend or family member today by calling 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

online bail bonds

Need a Free California Warrant Check?

Warrants are tricky things. In most cases, the people issuing the warrant don’t alert the individual to the existence of the warrant. After all, if they could locate the person, then they would just arrest him or her. This leads to instances where people never even knew they had an outstanding warrant until they have a run in with the law.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is more common than you might think. Luckily, it is possible for a person to check if they have a warrant. One of the easiest ways to do so is by contacting Absolute Bail Bonds. We provide free warrant checks in several California counties to help out our clients.

Each county is different on how warrant checks are performed and who can perform those checks. This makes it so that we can only perform warrant checks in certain counties.

The counties were we cannot perform warrant checks include:

  • Alameda County
  • Kings County
  • Madera County
  • Marin County
  • Napa County
  • San Francisco County
  • San Mateo County
  • Solano County
  • Sonoma County

If you want to check for a warrant in one of these counties, you will need to do yourself. This is usually done by going to a local police station or courthouse, but can also be done online in some instances.

If you suspect that there may be a warrant out for your arrest, you should definitely check and make sure. You don’t want it to pop up when you’re interacting with the law over trivial things, like a parking ticket. Luckily, Absolute Bail Bonds in Downtown Los Angeles has your back. We will be more than happy to perform a warrant check for you, provided it is in a county where we can.

Want a free warrant check? If so, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds the cost of bail

How Much Do You Have to Pay Upfront for a Bail?

When it comes to paying for expensive things, most people like to know how much they have to pay upfront. This is a reasonable expectation to have, especially when paying for something like bail. When you are bailing someone out of jail, you want to know exactly how much you will need to pay, and how much you will have to pay upfront.

Unfortunately, this isn’t an easy question to answer without first knowing the details of the case. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, our bonds only cost 10% of the full bail amount. From there, we provide our clients with personalized payment plans. These plans help divide up the cost of the bail bond even further.

How much a person has to pay upfront is dependent on how much the bail is, the person’s credit, and the credit of any co-signers. All of this plays into how much a person will have to pay upfront for their loved one’s bail bond. A bail agent will be better able to answer that question.

While this question can be tough to answer online, you can rest easy knowing that Absolute Bail Bonds will do everything in its power to help you out. We try to make the bail process as easy and affordable as possible for all of our clients. Some of the things that we do include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

For affordable bail help, just contact Absolute Bail Bonds. Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provide free consultations for anyone who wants them. When you talk to our knowledgeable agents, they will be able to answer questions whenever you need them. You can count on us.

For a free consultation at any time, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.