California Vehicle Exhaust Noise Laws
When it comes to noisy cars people always have one of two opinions: they either think the deep rumble sounds awesome or they think it is the most obnoxious and irritating thing they’ve heard all day. Many feel that a car with either a broken or modified exhaust is a major nuisance and disruption. To simplify the matter, California’s lawmakers created exhaust noise laws. These set a very strict limit on the amount of noise your vehicle can legally make as you drive it down the road.
California’s vehicle exhaust noise laws are addressed in the California Vehicle Code. They’re numbers 27150 – 27153.
California Vehicle Code # 27150 requires that your vehicle have an adequate muffler. This doesn’t just mean that not only does your car has to have muffler, but that it also has to be in good working order. This must be in place when you bring your car in for its registration inspection. The same law states that your vehicle won’t pass its inspection if the muffler or exhaust system has been set up with any type of cutout or bypass.
California Vehicle Code # 27151 prohibits you from making modifications to your exhaust that either directly violate VC 27151 or that raise the decibel level of your vehicle above 88 dbA. If your vehicle weighs less than 6,000 pounds or is a motorcycle, it can’t make noise that exceeds 95 dbA. It’s worth noting that most contemporary vehicles, even the ones that have a nice throaty roar, are designed in such a way that the noise they make doesn’t exceed 75 dbA.
One of the challenges driver’s face is that the way the vehicle codes that deal with excessive noise are written, police officers don’t necessarily know how much noise your exhaust system makes. They can pull you over simply because your vehicle is nosier than the rest of the cars on the road. The current writing of the law allows them to “exercise their own judgment.” There’s a chance that they’ll issue an excessive noise ticket even if your car is within the legal noise limits.
If you’re issued an excessive noise ticket, you’ll have to take your vehicle to a mechanic and have the problem repaired (or removed if there’s an illegal modification.) The next step is going to the California Referee Center. After looking at both your ticket and your vehicle’s registration the Referee Center will test your exhaust system and determine if it meets the legal requirements. If everything is in order, they’ll issue a Certificate of Compliance which you’ll have to show the traffic court.
The tickets for illegal exhausts and excessive noise vary. For a first offense, the ticket is usually $25 with fees climbing to $193. There have been some instances where the overall cost of the illegal exhaust fines reaching $1,105.
If the police pull you over, it’s possible that they will notice other issues, such as unpaid parking tickets, bench warrants, parole violations, etc. All things considered, it’s in your best interest to keep your car quiet and not attract police attention.

How Do Bail Bonds Work?
Bail and bail bonds are two subjects that people may have heard of, but likely have very little understanding of since no one ever really expects to need bail. For instance, most people don’t know that bail and bail bonds are not the same things. They are two different, but related, ways to get someone out of jail.
Bail is what people are most familiar with. It is a set amount of money that someone needs to pay for a person to be released from jail. The exact amount of money varies from case to case. Meanwhile, a bail bond is what a person gets when they hire a bail agent to help them rescue a loved one from jail.
With a bail bond, a person signs a contract with their bail agent. By signing, they are agreeing to pay a percentage of the full bail amount to the agent in return for the bail agent posting their loved one’s bail. In this instance, instead of paying for the bail, you are paying for the bail agent’s services.
Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we only ask for 10% of the full bail price. This means that our clients get a 90% discount on the cost of bailing their friends and family members out of jail. On top of just getting a discount, you get help professional bail agents. Our agents will always be there to answer your questions and guide you through rescuing a loved one from jail. Some of the other benefits that we provide for our clients include:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
Bail bonds work because the bail agent can pay the full amount of the bail to the jail right away. Also, they only cost a person a fraction of the cost of paying for the whole bail themselves.
What are you waiting for? You can get your loved one out of jail today by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

Need a Free California Warrant Check?
Warrants are tricky things. In most cases, the people issuing the warrant don’t alert the individual to the existence of the warrant. After all, if they could locate the person, then they would just arrest him or her. This leads to instances where people never even knew they had an outstanding warrant until they have a run in with the law.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it is more common than you might think. Luckily, it is possible for a person to check if they have a warrant. One of the easiest ways to do so is by contacting Absolute Bail Bonds. We provide free warrant checks in several California counties to help out our clients.
Each county is different on how warrant checks are performed and who can perform those checks. This makes it so that we can only perform warrant checks in certain counties.
The counties were we cannot perform warrant checks include:
- Alameda County
- Kings County
- Madera County
- Marin County
- Napa County
- San Francisco County
- San Mateo County
- Solano County
- Sonoma County
If you want to check for a warrant in one of these counties, you will need to do yourself. This is usually done by going to a local police station or courthouse, but can also be done online in some instances.
If you suspect that there may be a warrant out for your arrest, you should definitely check and make sure. You don’t want it to pop up when you’re interacting with the law over trivial things, like a parking ticket. Luckily, Absolute Bail Bonds in Downtown Los Angeles has your back. We will be more than happy to perform a warrant check for you, provided it is in a county where we can.