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Tag Archive underage drinking


Teens Need to be Smart While Partying This Halloween

Everyone knows that the best parties happen in October. There’s something about the combination of extreme sugar, spookiness, and the strange cheerful zaniness of the season that makes the parties even more memorable. It’s why so many teens spend days learning about what Halloween parties are taking place.

While there’s nothing wrong with going out and having a great time at Halloween parties, teens do need to be smart and make sure they’re not breaking any laws while they have the time of their lives.

The first thing to remember is that parties aren’t a secret like they once were. Thanks to teens using social media sites to plan and discuss parties, it’s easy for the police to use the same social media sites to gain information about the party. If they get the impression the Halloween party is going to have a lot of drug use or underage drinking, it’s reasonable to assume that they could show up at the party site and start making arrests.

Even if the cops don’t learn about the Halloween party via social media, if someone complains about the noise or something else that’s happening, the police will put in an appearance. While they are at the Halloween Party, they will be actively looking for intoxicated teens.

This year, like previous years, the police and courts are not fooling around when it comes to underage drinking. It doesn’t matter that it’s Halloween and that you only had one beer to celebrate. If they catch you drinking, you will face steep consequences that will have an instant impact on your life and your immediate future.

Teen who are caught drinking at Halloween parties will:

  • Lose their driving privileges for as long as a year if they’re caught driving with anything more than a .01 blood alcohol level.
  • Be fined up to $250 (plus court costs).
  • Be required to participate in drug and alcohol counseling.
  • Be required to complete 24-32 hours of community service.

If you’re going to a Halloween party, it’s important that you’re aware that even if you’re not actively drinking when the police knock on the door, you could still be in trouble. Just by holding a drink in your hand, you can be charged with being in possession of alcohol while a minor.

If you’re a teenager, the best way to enjoy the holiday without potentially getting into trouble with the law is to stay away from alcohol and any illegal substance.


Graduation Parties and Underage Drinking

Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future.

If you’re a graduating senior or someone who just likes to hang out with a group of senior friends, remember that while you’re allowed to have a good time and enjoy life, you aren’t legally allowed to consume alcohol in California. The fact that you’ve graduated from high school doesn’t matter. In California, you’re not allowed to drink until you turn 21. Getting caught consuming alcohol at a graduation party prior to your 21st birthday can have an immediate negative impact on your future.

One of the first things you need to realize is that you don’t have to be caught actually drinking in order to get into trouble for consuming alcohol when you’re still underage. If you’re surrounded by beer bottles, have a drink in your hand, or simply drank a little bit, you’re still going to be in trouble with the law. California has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to minors and drinking.

The consequences of getting caught drinking at a graduation party while you’re a minor are both scary and expensive. In most cases, the judges will order you to pay fines and do substantial community service. In some situations, especially if this isn’t the first time you’ve been caught drinking while still a minor, the judge will decide that you should spend some time in jail.

You’re bad decision to drink at a friend’s graduation party even though you were a minor will likely result in you losing your driving privileges for a time. It doesn’t matter that you were smart enough to avoid driving after you were drinking. If you’re caught buying alcohol, using a fake ID to get alcohol, or being in possession of alcohol, your driver’s license will likely be suspended. Not only does this mean you have to beg for a ride whenever you want to hang out with friends, but it also makes getting a summer job more difficult. When you are finally able to drive again, you’ll likely have to pay a significantly higher insurance premium.

An increasing number of colleges are starting to crack down on minors who get caught with alcohol. There have even been reports of scholarships being withdrawn and application approvals getting rescinded.

Considering the long-term impact a single drink can have on your future, it’s in your best interest to avoid alcohol this year while you’re celebrating graduations.

spring break consequences of underage drinking

Spring Break is Coming! Know What an Underage Drinking Charge Will Cost you

Spring break is finally here! It’s time to cut loose, forget all about your studies, and have a good time.

While there’s nothing wrong with relaxing and enjoying yourself, don’t forget that you’re not allowed to drink alcohol until you’re twenty-one years old. If you choose to ignore this, an underage drinking charge won’t just ruin your spring break, it will also have a negative impact on your life over the next few years.

It doesn’t matter if you’re pulled over for speeding or if the cops show up at a party, if your blood alcohol content is over .05 and you’re under twenty-one, you’ll find yourself on the wrong side of the law.

For the record, a single beer is all it takes to put you over .05.

The days when an underage drinking charge resulted in a difficult phone call to your parents and some community service time are long over. California lawmakers have decided to crackdown on underage drinking during spring break.

The first time you get caught drinking while you’re underage, the potential consequences are:

  • Serving 24-32 hours of community service
  • A $250 fine
  • Attending an alcohol education program

Each time you’re caught drinking while underage after the first conviction, the consequences are:

  • 36-48 hours of community service
  • A $500 fine
  • A one-year drivers license suspension

The very first time you’re caught drinking and driving while underage, the potential consequences can include:

  • Spending at least 48 hours in jail
  • Spending 3 years on probation
  • Lowing your good driver status for 10 full years (this will lead to significantly higher insurance premiums)
  • 2 points getting added to your current driving record

Some California counties will also install an ignition lock on any vehicles that are registered in your name.

It’s important to remember that minors aren’t the only ones who can get into trouble for underage drinking. Anyone who allows minors to drink will also find themselves on the wrong side of the law.

Parents who allow their children to consume alcohol while at home can get into serious trouble if that child is caught behind the wheel while under the influence. A guilty conviction of letting a minor drive while intoxicated includes a one-year jail sentence and a $1,000.

If the court decides that you’ve contributed to the delinquency of a minor, they can hit you with a one-year jail sentence and a $2,500 fine.

Businesses that serve alcohol to minors face a misdemeanor charge that can include a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. The charge can also jeopardize their business license.

It is in everyone’s best interest to remember that alcohol and minors shouldn’t mix this spring break.