Consequences of Shoplifting in California
A surprising number of people have shoplifted during their lifetime. It’s especially common with young children who will often take something from candy racks. Teenagers will also sometimes shoplift because they were dared by their friends or because they are simply looking for a way to rebel.
The problem with shoplifting is that it is against the law. If you’re caught, you face some serious legal consequences.
Shoplifting occurs when you remove something from a store without paying for it. There are times when this happens by accident, such as a pair of earrings getting overlooked by a cashier or a small item getting forgotten in a cart because you were distracted by a grumpy toddler, but most of the time, shoplifting is done deliberately.
In most accidental cases, the store management will review any security tapes they have or talk to the cashier who waited on you. If it’s clear that the item was accidentally taken from the shop, they’ll likely ask you to pay for it and let you go.
However, if they discover that the shoplifting was intentional, they’ll likely file criminal charges.
If you’re arrested as a result of your shoplifting, you’ll be charged with theft. The value of the merchandise you removed from the store determines if you’re charged with petty theft or grand theft. If the total value of merchandise taken during a single shoplifting episode is less than $950 you’ll be charged with petty theft which is a misdemeanor. If you took more than $950 worth of stuff, you’re facing felony grand theft charges.
With both petty and grand theft, you could face possible jail time, though the amount of time you spend incarcerated and the location varies. With a petty theft conviction, the maximum sentence is 6 months in a county jail. The maximum jail time associated with a grand theft conviction is a year.
It isn’t unusual for a judge to look at the circumstances surrounding the shoplifting incident and decide that community service, a fine, restitution, and probation are sufficient sentences.
One of the big things the judge will look at while they are trying to settle on an appropriate sentence is your criminal history. They will be far more willing to entertain a mild sentence that includes nothing more than a small fine and community service if this is your first brush with the law. If you already have a criminal record, especially that record includes other theft charges, they may decide to hit you with the maximum sentence.

Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season
The holidays are here. For most of us, that means spending time with friends and family members we love. This is a time when we make good memories and spread love.
Unfortunately, not all of us will enjoy the holiday season. Some studies indicate that crime rates increase during the holiday season. There are a few different reasons for the surge of crime. First, people have time off work which gives them more time to get into trouble. Second, many people who don’t usually overindulge will often misjudge how much alcohol they’ve consumed. The increased alcohol content lowers inhibitions and results in them doing things they’d never have considered if they were sober. The third reason crime rates increase during the holiday season is because money is often tight.
Police have noticed that there are certain crimes that surge more than others during the holidays.
Drunk driving offenses are always a problem during the holidays. People get together and want to have a good time which often involves alcohol. The problem is that many don’t plan to spend the night where they are drinking and fail to have a DD at the ready so they slide behind the wheel and ultimately get caught driving while intoxicated.
The best way to make sure you aren’t charged with a DUI this holiday season is to only drink while you’re home, always having a DD at the ready, or arranging to take a cab/Uber home. If you aren’t sure you’ll be able to get yourself home safely, stay away from the alcohol. Staying sober might not seem like fun, but it beats spending a night in jail and dealing with the fallout of a drunk driving arrest.
Retailers report that shoplifting increases during the holiday season. This is likely due to the fact that some people find themselves short of money and unable to purchase gifts for their families. If you’re contemplating stealing a gift this holiday season, please reconsider. Store managers are going to be on the lookout for sticky fingers and with more stores installing elaborate video surveillance systems, the odds of you getting away with the theft are small. Instead of trying to steal a gift, consider making a homemade present.
Domestic violence arrests also increase during the holiday season. There are likely a few different reasons for this. First, stress over finances and strained family relationships can push some people over the edge. Second, people are often home rather than working and the increased contact can result in some pushed buttons. Third, having family and friends around can encourage the victim to report the violent acts which they may not have felt they could do in the past.
Recognizing that emotions run high during the holidays, it’s in your best interest to recognize when your temper is getting short and remove yourself from the situation before you react with violence. It’s better to take a walk or go for a long drive than to get arrested for domestic violence during the holidays.
Stay safe this holiday season!