• 1-800-793-2245
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Tag Archive los angeles bail bondsman


Oops, I Opened my Neighbor’s Mail!!

The postal service isn’t infallible. They’re prone to making human mistakes. One of the most common mistakes the postal service does is occasionally putting your neighbor’s mail in your mailbox.

Most of us don’t really look at the mail before we open it. Since it’s in our mailbox, we automatically assume it’s for us. As a result, occasionally we open a piece of mail that belongs to our neighbor.

This can instantly lead to a sense of panic because most of us know that opening other people’s mail is a federal offense.

If you’ve accidentally opened a piece of mail that isn’t yours, the first thing you need to do is take a deep breath and relax. Unfortunately, these things happen.

The best way to deal with the situation is to return the mail to the envelope, seal it with a piece of tape, and let your neighbor know what happened. If you don’t see your neighbor, either slide the mail under their front door with a note of explanation or return the mail to the post office.

You want to take a proactive stance on the situation. The quicker you are to admit to the mistake, the less likely your neighbor will be to press charges.

If you got as far as reading whatever was sent to your neighbor, you don’t want to discuss the contents with anyone. Not with your neighbor (unless they bring it up,) not your spouse, and not your friends. Talking about the mail you accidentally opened could be considered an invasion of privacy and may cause your neighbor to consider filing charges against you.

The issue of mail theft is dealt covered by PC 530.5(E). In California, opening someone’s mail is a misdemeanor offense. A guilty conviction could result in being sentenced to a single year in jail. The good news is that to secure a conviction, the prosecution has to prove that you knowingly accepted the mail (or took it out of someone’s mailbox) and opened it. That’s why it’s so important to admit what you’ve done and alert both the post office and the actual owner of the mail to the situation.

absolute bail bonds los angeles warrant check

Do You Need a Warrant Check in California?

Bailing someone out of jail is no fun, but here at Absolute Bail Bonds we do everything that we can to help you. We will always help you get your loved ones out of jail, but that is not all that we do here. We also provide warrant checks for clients who need them. This way, if someone thinks there might be a warrant out for their arrest, they can find out for sure.

When a warrant is issued for a person’s arrest, no one notifies the person in question. If the police could find the person, then they would arrest him or her. If a person suspects that there may be a warrant out for their arrest, they usually have to go to the police station to see. If they do have a warrant, then they are arrested then and there, which isn’t optimal.

No one wants to get arrested, but if someone were to get arrested, they’d probably prefer to prepare for it first. Absolute Bail Bonds lets you do that. When we perform a warrant check, if we find a warrant, we may be able to prepare a bail bond before the person turns themselves in, in some instances. This way, a person only stays in jail as long as it takes for them to be booked in, then they are bailed out.

While not all California counties allow us to perform warrant checks, the following do:

  • Contra Costa
  • Fresno
  • Kern
  • Riverside
  • Sacramento
  • San Bernardino
  • Stanislaus
  • Tulare

And sometimes:

  • Kings
  • San Joaquin

Even if we are unable to perform a warrant check for you, we can still get started on some of the bail paperwork. This can help expedite the bail process once a person is arrested, thereby shortening their stay behind bars.

When a person needs bail help, they should always contact Absolute Bail Bonds. When a person thinks there might be a warrant out for their arrest, they can contact Absolute Bail Bonds for help with that as well.

Do you need to talk to one of our agents? Consultations are free, so just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds bail questions

Some Common Questions about Bail and Bail Bonds

When it comes to bailing someone out of jail, you probably have a lot of questions. That is perfectly normal. Most people have questions about bail. Luckily, we here at Absolute Bail Bonds we have all of the answers for you. We have worked with bail and bail bonds for over 30 years. You can count on us.

Here are some of the most common questions that we get about bail bonds:

  • What is the difference between bail and a bail bond? Bail and bail bonds are two terms that often go together, so much so that some people assume they mean the same thing when they actually don’t. Bail is the amount of money that is needed to be paid in order for a person to be released from jail. A bail bond is an agreement between a bail agent and their client to cover the bail amount.
  • How much does a bail bond cost? The cost of a bail bond is dependent on the price of the bail. Here in California, state law regulate the price of bail bonds to 10% the price of the bail itself. So, if someone’s bail is set at $20,000, then their bail bond will cost $2,000.
  • Do you offer discounts? Yes, we offer a 20% discount of the price of the bail bond if one of the co-signers is a union member, a member of AARP, a member of the military, a homeowner, or has a private attorney.
  • Do I get my money back at the end? No, this is a common misunderstanding due to the confusion between bail and bail bonds. If someone pays for a bail, then they would get their money back. However, when a person pays for a bail bond they do not get their money back. This is because the payment for the bail bond is considered payment for the bail agent’s services, which are completed once the person is released from jail.
  • What is a co-signer? A co-signer is someone who is willing to sign for the bail bond and take responsibility for it. There can be multiple co-signers for a bail bond.
  • How long does it take for someone to be released from jail? Anywhere from a few hours to a day. That depends on the jail and whether or not you have all of your paperwork ready to go when you call. We always try to get the paperwork for the bail bond finished as quickly as possible to get it delivered to the jail as soon as possible. Even then, depending on the size of the jail, it may take them some time to process the release.

These are just a few of the questions that our bail agents answer on a regular basis here at Absolute Bail Bonds in Palmdale. If you still have questions about the subject, feel free to contact one of our bail agents. They are available 24/7 and consultations are always free. Our agents will be more than happy to help you.

What are you waiting for? You can get started now, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us.

absolute bail bonds affordable bail bonds

Payment Plans Made Easy with Absolute Bail Bonds

Dealing with big purchases can be a bit of a hassle, especially without a payment plan. Payment plans are great because they break up a large payment into smaller, more manageable chunks for a person. Unfortunately, most places charge interest on their payment plans, making it cheaper to pay the large amount up front. Unfortunately, that isn’t always an option, especially if the expense came without warning.

This is often the case when it comes to bail. No one ever expects that someone they know will get arrested, and so no one ever expects that they will need to post bail. This means that most people do not have the several thousands of dollars needed to post bail in California. Luckily, Absolute Bail Bonds is here to offer an affordable solution.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, our bonds only cost 10% of the bail they are for. In addition to this discount, we provide all of our clients with personalized payment plans. These plans break up the cost of the bail bond into small monthly payments that you can actually afford. Each payment plan that we make is customized to work with that client’s unique budget.

On top of just breaking up the price of the bail bond, our payment plans provide flexibility to our clients. The plan can range from 12 to 24 months and has 0% interest on it. This means that you will only be paying the price of the bail bond, and nothing more. You pay the same amount whether you pay it all up front, or with small payments over time.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Dealing with a large, unexpected payment like bail doesn’t have to be impossible. With help from the professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds, you will have a personalized payment plan that works with your budget. Plus, with 0% interest and no penalty for paying of the bond early, there is no reason not to call us for help.

Don’t waste another second. You can call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now to get started working with a bail agent today.

absolute bail bonds bail out a loved one

Be a Hero for Your Loved One

Many people dream of being a hero, especially for their friends and family members. While being a hero may seem like a difficult or impossible task, it is a lot easier than people realize. For instance, in most cases, in order for a person to be a hero, they just have to be there for the people they care about. This can be done in a number of ways, from taking the time to listen to someone’s problems to posting someone’s bail.

When someone gets arrested, the first thing people want to do is get her out of jail. Unfortunately for many Californians, bail in the state costs several thousands of dollars. This puts bail well out of reach for most people. However, this does not mean that nothing can be done. With the right help, posting bail can be affordable.

The best place to get bail help here in California is here at Absolute Bail Bonds. Since 1987, we have provided Californians with an affordable option to rescue their loved one’s from jail. Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for. Plus, we allow our clients to pay for the bond with personalized payment plans.

Each client gets their own, unique payment plan that is designed with their budget in mind. This helps reduce the upfront cost of the bail bond by dividing it up. The smaller payments are spread out over several months. This gives clients the time they need to gather the money for the payments while still getting their loved one out of jail that day.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

The thought of bailing someone out of jail may seem like an impossible task, but that is exactly the kind of thing that heroes face. Posting a loved one’s bail shows them that you care, and will always be there for her. If your loved one was recently arrested, be her hero and post her bail with Absolute Bail Bonds.

You can get a free consultation at any time. Just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

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Don’t Let the Thought of Bail Scare You

NThere are a lot of things in life that scare people. For the most part, these scary things aren’t so much scary as they are simply new experiences. People are afraid of these things because they have no idea how they work. A perfect example of this is when someone wants to post bail for an arrested loved one.

Most people don’t post bail on a regular basis. Some people are even lucky enough to never need to post bail at all. However, creates the problem of no one really knowing how bail works when they actually need to rescue someone from jail. Luckily, there are professionals who can offer their assistance here at Absolute Bail Bonds.

Since 1987, Absolute Bail Bonds has provided Californians with all the help they need to rescue a friend or family member from jail. Our bail agents are some of the best in the state. They have years of training and experience behind them. Whatever questions you might have about a loved one’s arrest, our agents will be able to answer.

Our professional bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will always be there when you need them. Our agents will answer your questions and guide you through each step of the bail bond process. You will not have to face this alone. Our agents won’t leave your side until they have secured your loved one’s release from jail.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Posting bail for the first time may seem intimidating and scary, but it isn’t. With the right help, like the kind that can be found here at Absolute Bail Bonds, posting bail is easy. All you have to do to get started is talk to one of our bail agents. From there, they will guide you through the whole process.

What are you waiting for? You can get started with a free consultation by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds need to post bail

What Documents Do You Need to Post Bail?

When it comes to bail, most people are a bit of a loss. After all, no one ever really plans on needing bail, and therefore no one ever talks about it. This leaves people lost and confused when they suddenly find themselves needing bail. Luckily, there are professionals available to help at Absolute Bail Bonds.

One of the more common questions our bail agents receive is what documents do clients need to post bail?

  • An Official ID – This one is pretty self-explanatory. Whenever a lot of money is involved, companies need to be sure that person they are talking to is exactly who they claim to be. This helps thwart any sort of identity theft. All we need to see is some form of official ID, such as a driver’s license.
  • Proof of Residence – This will prove that you are a California resident. This kind of proof can easily be given by showing a utility bill with your home address on it.
  • Proof of Income – Lastly, we will need to see that you can truly afford your loved one’s bail bond. This can easily be accomplished with a pay stub or bank statement.

If a person has these documents ready to go when they talk to a bail agent, they will be able to speed up the bail process, getting their loved one out of jail quicker.

Bail may seem intimidating and scary, but it is actually easy, provided you come to Absolute Bail Bonds for help. Our agents are available 24/7 to get your loved one out of jail as quickly as possible. With our agents by your side, you will have nothing to worry about.

Do you want a free consultation? If so, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

absolute bail bonds questions

We Answer Bail Questions All of the Time

Bailing someone out of jail is a foreign concept to most people. It is not something that many people deal with a on a daily basis. This leads to many people having questions about bail when they need to finally use it to rescue a friend from jail. Bad bail bond companies take advantage of this lack of knowledge. Good companies, like Absolute Bail Bonds, do their best to educate their clients, and help them understand how bail works.

    What is the difference between a bail agent and a bail bondsman?

  • Actually, there is no difference between a bail agent and a bail bondsman. Both terms are used to describe the same job.
  • How much does bail cost?

  • The cost of a person’s bail depends on a lot of different factors. These factors include, the person’s criminal record, the crime itself, the likelihood of the person running while out on bail, and the threat the person may pose to the community. A judge looks at all of this when determining a person’s bail amount.
  • Can you tell me what my friend/family member was arrested for?

  • Yes, we can do that. First, we will need the name of your friend/family member, plus his or her birthday, and the county where he or she was arrested. This will allow us to look up your loved one in the county jail system and get you specific answers about his or her case.
  • Do I need to give collateral for the bail bond?

  • In most cases, you do not. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds we prefer to not use collateral for our bonds, however collateral may be needed for incredibly large bail bonds.
  • Can you bail my friend out of jail in Nevada?

  • No, Absolute Bail Bonds and our agents are only licensed to operate within the state of California.

This is just a small sample of the questions that we get about bail bonds here at Absolute Bail Bonds. If you have any more questions, you can check out some of our other articles on the website, or you can talk to a professional bail agent for free.

Talking to one of our agents is simple, all you need to do is call 800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

Bail bonds in long beach

Making Bail Affordable Since 1987

Most people are looking to save as much money as they can. After all, it doesn’t come easily, so they want to make sure they can store it away and use it on whatever they want. That is why people are always looking for a deal. The less money people have to spend on things they don’t want to spend on, the more money they have for fun things.

This is often the case when it comes to bailing someone out of jail. No one wants to spend a lot of money on bail, but they also don’t want to leave their loved one behind bars. This puts them in a bit of a bind. They have to spend a lot of money if they want to rescue their loved one, or so they think.

Despite the fact that bail can cost several thousands of dollars here in California, bailing someone out of jail can actually be affordable. All a person has to do is contact Absolute Bail Bonds. We’ve provided affordable bail help for Californians for over 30 years. We take care of all of our clients and try to make the bail as affordable as we can for them.

Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for. This means that if the bail is set at $20,000, the bail bond from us will only cost $2,000. This gives our clients a 90% discount on the cost of bailing out their loved one. This makes things very affordable. In addition, we provide a 20% for clients who have a co-signer that meets one of the following:

  • Is a union member.
  • Is a member of the military.
  • Is a member of AARP.
  • Is a homeowner.
  • Has a private attorney.

So long as one of those requirements is met, the clients can qualify for a 20% discount off the price of the bail bond.

Bailing someone out of jail may seem like a costly endeavor initially, but it can actually be affordable. All a person has to do is contact Absolute Bail Bonds. From there, they will be provided with an affordable bail bond, thereby making it possible for them to bail a loved one out of jail without breaking the bank.

Are you ready to get started? All you have to do is call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now for a free consultation.

zero down bail bonds

You May Need to Talk about Bail Someday

There are plenty of things in life that people never learn. For some of these things, people don’t understand them not because they just don’t understand, but because no one ever discusses the subject. After all, there are hundreds of different topics that people don’t like to discuss with others for one reason or another, and bail is a perfect example of that.

No one ever wants to talk about bail, because that would imply that someone they know might get arrested. People would rather pretend that bail didn’t exist than even consider the possibility that someone they care about could get arrested someday. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help them very much in the event that an arrest does occur. Luckily, there are people out there who are more than willing to talk about bail.

The bail agents working here at Absolute Bail Bonds are professionals in their field. They know all there is to know about bail, and are more than willing to talk with you about it. They can answer your questions about how bail and bail bonds work. They will even walk you through the entire process.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds we know that most people have a lot of questions about bail. Due to that fact, our agents provide free consultations for anyone looking to bail out a friend or family member. These consultations can be done at any time of the day since our bail agents are available 24/7.

  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Our agents here at Absolute Bail Bonds will answer all of your questions about bail. They will walk you through the entire bail bond process and explain it all step by step. With our agents guiding you, rescuing your loved one from jail will be a piece of cake. In fact, with our help, your loved one can be out of jail in just a few hours in some California counties.

What are you waiting for? To talk to professionals who can answer your questions, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.