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Tag Archive identity theft


What is Catfishing?

What we currently refer to as catfishing, which is pretending to be someone else for the specific purpose of deceiving another, isn’t a new concept. It has been happening since the beginning of time. The difference between now and all the historic cases of catfishing is that social media has made deceit and connecting with people easier than ever.

Using the term catfish to describe the act of assuming a fake identity in order to dupe another became commonplace shortly after a 2010 documentary called Catfish premiered. The documentary gave a detailed and fascinating account of a woman who was completely deceived by a young man with a Facebook account.

Catfishing could be considered a bit of a long con. The perpetrator puts a great deal of time and effort into setting up the scam. They must create a fake account, post fake photos, and come up with a good story. Most importantly they must know why they’re embarking on their catfishing escapade.

Every person has their own reason for setting up a catfishing scheme. Some people do it just because they want to see if they can have a good time. Stories like the old email con from the supposed Nigerian prince who needed money do it for financial gain. Sometimes it’s a desperate attempt to connect with someone and establish a romantic connection. There are even cases like the one involving Jonelle Potter who launched a catfishing campaign that hJonishing convinced her father and boyfriend to murder for her.

The good news is that most catfishing schemes don’t end in murder, though the victims frequently lose a great deal of money to the catfisher before the con runs its course. In 2021, 3,023 California victims revealed that not only had they become ensnared in a catfishing scam, but that they had given the person running the scam. It’s estimated that the 3,023 victims collectively lost $183,928,230. And that was just in California!

The laws surrounding catfishing are… murky.

Many states don’t have a law that specifically prohibits catfishing. What they do have are laws that deal with the outcome of catfishing, such as extortion and fraud. If convicted of either offense, the person who perpetrated the catfishing scheme will be a felon and likely spend some time in a state prison. It’s also highly likely that additional crimes such as identity theft (if you assume the identity of a real person for your catfishing scheme,) phishing, and electronic harassment.


Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card

Credit card fraud happens when someone uses another person’s credit card to either make unauthorized purchases or to withdraw/transfer funds.

There are two main ways that credit card fraud takes place. The first method involves someone either finding or stealing another person’s credit card. Instead of turning it in, the person decides to put the credit card to use and goes on a shopping spree.

The second way that credit card fraud happens is when one person hacks into another person’s credit card accounts, steals the numbers, and starts using them for themselves.

The good news is that you have it in your power to limit the amount of strain both types of credit card fraud puts on your life. The first thing you need to do is become vigilant about checking your credit card statement for unfamiliar charges. The best approach is to have email alerts sent to you each time your card is used. If that’s not possible, get into the habit of logging into your credit card account and checking the transactions at least once a day.

As soon as you see charges that you didn’t make, you need to leap into action and arrange to have your current credit card canceled and a new one issued. Once you’ve done that, start working with your credit card company to get the charge reversed. The sooner you contact the insurance company, the better.

California lawmakers take credit card fraud very seriously. Using another person’s credit card without that person’s permission is illegal. The exact consequences depend on which of California’s laws were broken. In some cases, credit card fraud is only a misdemeanor while in others it is treated as a serious felony. In serious cases, someone who is convicted of credit card fraud in California could be sentenced to three years in prison and also be charged a large fine.