Do You Need a Warrant Check in California?
Bailing someone out of jail is no fun, but here at Absolute Bail Bonds we do everything that we can to help you. We will always help you get your loved ones out of jail, but that is not all that we do here. We also provide warrant checks for clients who need them. This way, if someone thinks there might be a warrant out for their arrest, they can find out for sure.
When a warrant is issued for a person’s arrest, no one notifies the person in question. If the police could find the person, then they would arrest him or her. If a person suspects that there may be a warrant out for their arrest, they usually have to go to the police station to see. If they do have a warrant, then they are arrested then and there, which isn’t optimal.
No one wants to get arrested, but if someone were to get arrested, they’d probably prefer to prepare for it first. Absolute Bail Bonds lets you do that. When we perform a warrant check, if we find a warrant, we may be able to prepare a bail bond before the person turns themselves in, in some instances. This way, a person only stays in jail as long as it takes for them to be booked in, then they are bailed out.
While not all California counties allow us to perform warrant checks, the following do:
- Contra Costa
- Fresno
- Kern
- Riverside
- Sacramento
- San Bernardino
- Stanislaus
- Tulare
And sometimes:
- Kings
- San Joaquin
Even if we are unable to perform a warrant check for you, we can still get started on some of the bail paperwork. This can help expedite the bail process once a person is arrested, thereby shortening their stay behind bars.
When a person needs bail help, they should always contact Absolute Bail Bonds. When a person thinks there might be a warrant out for their arrest, they can contact Absolute Bail Bonds for help with that as well.
Do you need to talk to one of our agents? Consultations are free, so just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

Some Common Questions about Bail and Bail Bonds
When it comes to bailing someone out of jail, you probably have a lot of questions. That is perfectly normal. Most people have questions about bail. Luckily, we here at Absolute Bail Bonds we have all of the answers for you. We have worked with bail and bail bonds for over 30 years. You can count on us.
Here are some of the most common questions that we get about bail bonds:
- What is the difference between bail and a bail bond? Bail and bail bonds are two terms that often go together, so much so that some people assume they mean the same thing when they actually don’t. Bail is the amount of money that is needed to be paid in order for a person to be released from jail. A bail bond is an agreement between a bail agent and their client to cover the bail amount.
- How much does a bail bond cost? The cost of a bail bond is dependent on the price of the bail. Here in California, state law regulate the price of bail bonds to 10% the price of the bail itself. So, if someone’s bail is set at $20,000, then their bail bond will cost $2,000.
- Do you offer discounts? Yes, we offer a 20% discount of the price of the bail bond if one of the co-signers is a union member, a member of AARP, a member of the military, a homeowner, or has a private attorney.
- Do I get my money back at the end? No, this is a common misunderstanding due to the confusion between bail and bail bonds. If someone pays for a bail, then they would get their money back. However, when a person pays for a bail bond they do not get their money back. This is because the payment for the bail bond is considered payment for the bail agent’s services, which are completed once the person is released from jail.
- What is a co-signer? A co-signer is someone who is willing to sign for the bail bond and take responsibility for it. There can be multiple co-signers for a bail bond.
- How long does it take for someone to be released from jail? Anywhere from a few hours to a day. That depends on the jail and whether or not you have all of your paperwork ready to go when you call. We always try to get the paperwork for the bail bond finished as quickly as possible to get it delivered to the jail as soon as possible. Even then, depending on the size of the jail, it may take them some time to process the release.
These are just a few of the questions that our bail agents answer on a regular basis here at Absolute Bail Bonds in Palmdale. If you still have questions about the subject, feel free to contact one of our bail agents. They are available 24/7 and consultations are always free. Our agents will be more than happy to help you.
What are you waiting for? You can get started now, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us.

Bail Is Not as Hard as You Might Think
There are many things in life that, at first glance, may seem complicated, but are actually pretty easy. People are often hesitant to start these tasks, but once they do, they realize they had nothing to worry about. This is often the case with bailing someone out of jail. At first glance, rescuing a loved one from jail may seem impossible, however, it can be accomplished with the right help.
Finding the right bail help in the state of California is as easy as contacting Absolute Bail Bonds. Our professional bail agents are available 24/7. They are always ready and waiting to help a client rescue a friend or family member from jail. With their expertise by your side, you will see how simple and quick bailing someone out of jail can truly be.
Bailing someone out of jail is really simple pay a set amount of money to get a friend or family member out of jail and that is it. The hardest part about bail, is finding the money for it. Once that is dealt with, it is just a matter of signing paperwork and waiting for the jail to release the person in question.
At Absolute Bail Bonds, we make bail easier for clients by making it affordable. Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for. In addition to this discount, we also provide our clients with personalized payment plans. This way the cost of the bail bond is broken up and spread out over several months, thereby reducing the upfront cost of rescuing someone from jail.
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
With the professional help found here at Absolute Bail Bonds, you will see that bailing someone out of jail is a whole lot easier than you thought. Our agents will help guide you through the process and answer all of your questions along the way. You will not have to face this alone. In no time at all, your loved one will be out of jail and back home safe and sound in no time.