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Category Archive West Los Angeles, CA


Mug Shots Decorating Social Media Feeds? Not Anymore!

Law enforcement agencies throughout the United States have discovered the importance of social media marketing. It’s a great way to stay in touch with the communities they trust, to gain some extra funding, and even get some important leads on open cases.

Posting mug shots on social media sites is one of the things some law enforcement agencies have done to generate extra social media content. This is a practice that California police departments will not be doing in 2022.

At the start of 2022, a new law went into effect that doesn’t straight up ban police officers from posting mug shots on the department’s social media accounts, but it does significantly limit which mug shots can be posted.

The law that restricts the mug shots police departments can post on social media is AB 1475. Governor Newsom signed it in July 2021. It goes into effect at the start of 2022.

It’s important to understand that the new law doesn’t prohibit officers from turning to social media and posting images of suspects while they are investigating a case. The only thing that changes is the police force can’t post the mug shot they took after arresting someone for a non-violent crime if that person hasn’t yet been convicted.

The reason behind the new law is simple. Some people were concerned that by posting the mug shots of recently arrested suspects who hadn’t yet been convicted of a crime, the police department was creating an environment that was full of presumed guilt. Not only would this presumed guilt make it more complicated to find an impartial jury, but it could also negatively impact the overall quality of someone’s life. All it takes is for friends, family members, and even employers to see the mug shot on social media for them to start thinking that someone is guilty of a crime that they’ve been arrested for but not officially convicted of. This type of situation can cost people valuable relationships and might even lead to them losing their job or having a difficult time finding a home.

It’s important to realize that the way AB 1475 was written still allows police departments to use social media and to post information and mug shots of fugitives, suspects the department believes to be a risk to society, and anyone who is suspected and has been arrested for committing a violent crime.

It will be interesting to see if any more laws that dictate how the police can and can’t use social media are created in the future.

Staying Safe While Online Dating

Staying Safe While Online Dating

It doesn’t look like online dating is going anywhere.

This is often the time of year when people start to think about online dating. Some do this because they think the start of a new year is the perfect time to start a new relationship. Others because they realize that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Others decide that it’s a great time to create a new online dating profile because they hated being single during the holidays.

Whether you’re an online dating veteran or you’re just dipping your toe into the world of online dating, it’s always a good time to review safe online dating practices.

The first thing to remember is that you don’t really have any idea about who you’re talking to. Online dating is a great way to meet people, but it’s also a format that attracts a lot of predators. Choose a dating site that is upfront about its policy for keeping everyone involved safe.

If you make a match, take some time to get to know the person online before you arrange an in-person meeting. Whenever possible try to keep the conversation going through whatever means the online dating site has provided. This makes it easier to report any abuse or suspicious behavior.

Do not meet in a private or secluded area. Arrange to meet in a public place. Before going on your first date, let people know where you are going, who you are going with, and arrange for a time that you’ll check in with them and let them know that you’re okay.

Do not tell the person you’ve connected with online where you live. Make sure you eliminate any geographically identifiable items (such as your house) from the pictures you post on your profile.

If you start to feel at all uncomfortable with the other person, be it while you’re chatting on the dating site or while you’re on a real-time date with your online match, sever the connection and move on. Your safety and mental health are far more important than the few minutes of embarrassment you’ll feel while dashing away from the date.

Do not invite your online love connection to your home until you’re one hundred percent positive that they’re a good person and someone you can trust. If you have any reservations at all, keep the dates to public places. The same is true about getting into a car with them. It doesn’t matter if you’re driving or they’re driving, always travel in separate vehicles until you are confident about who you are with.

The most important thing to remember when you’re dating online is to trust your instincts. You really do know best so if something feels a little funny or unsafe it’s in your best interest to block that person and search for the next promising candidate.

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

All of us know that young kids have to be strapped into a safety seat whenever they’re in a vehicle. The reason for this is because those safety seats save lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that properly installed car seats reduce the number of infant fatalities suffered during car accidents by 54 percent and lower the number of serious injuries sustained during car accidents by 71 percent.

Like other states, California has strict child safety seat laws. Lawmakers used data collected during accidents that involved seriously injured children and accidents that involved a child fatality to decide how they could make it safer for parents to transport their children.

If you’re driving with children who are two years old or younger, the child must be securely strapped into a rear-facing car seat. The child will have to use this seat until they are either 40 pounds or 40 inches tall. The seat the child uses much comply with all the manufacturer’s height and weight restrictions.

Don’t assume that because your child is older or bigger that they no longer need special seating in the car. Children who are under eight years old can only ride in the back seat of the car and they must be in a car seat or a booster seat that’s designed to handle their weight and height. State law mandates that your child use the seat until they’ve passed their eighth birthday or until they are at least 4’9” inches tall.

It’s not enough to have your child secured in the car seat. The seat must also be properly installed. It is in your best interest to visit your local police or fire station. Someone who is on duty will have the training and time to make sure your car seat is properly installed. You are free to get help each time you purchase a different car seat or need to use a different vehicle.

Failing to make sure your child is properly secured in a safely installed child car seat is an infraction. You won’t go to jail if your child isn’t properly strapped into their car seat but you’ll get a ticket. The first time you get a ticket for not having a child in a car seat it’s a $100 fine. Each child’s car seat violation ticket after the first is a $250 ticket.

No matter how big a hurry you’re in when you leave your home, always take a few seconds to make sure your child is properly secured in their car seat before you pull out of your driveway.

Different Types of Domestic Violence

Different Types of Domestic Violence

Most of us are familiar with the concept of domestic violence. What many of us don’t realize is that there is different types of domestic violence charges.

There is both misdemeanor and felony domestic violence. The exact circumstances surrounding the domestic violence incident determine which of those charges you face.

When the prosecutor is trying to decide if a specific case represents felony or misdemeanor domestic violence there are a few factors they consider. These factors include:

  • The circumstances surrounding the incident
  • How serious the victim’s injuries were
  • Criminal history

It’s also possible that witness statements and medical records will play a role in determining how the charges will be handled.

In misdemeanor cases, a guilty verdict can result in a maximum sentence of 12 months in jail as well as possible fines. In felony domestic abuse cases the sentence can be 2,3, or 4 years in a state prison, mandatory counseling, a fine that could be as high as $6,000.

Felony domestic violence is a crime that often has sentencing enhancement added. The circumstances surrounding the case will often determine if the enhancements are added. If the newly convicted person already had a record that includes previous domestic violence convictions that occurred within the last seven years an additional $10,000 in fines as well as 2,4, or 5 years can be attached to the sentence.

If the domestic violence incident that’s currently on the table involved a great bodily injury, the judge has the option of using a sentence enhancement that adds 3,4, or 5 years to the sentence.

A single domestic violence charge can have a massive negative impact on your life. It can cause loved ones to turn their back on you, hurt your chances of securing houses, and make it significantly more difficult to find a romantic partner. The best way to prevent a domestic violence conviction from ruining your life is thinking before you act and removing yourself from the situation when you feel that you’re losing your temper.

Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season

Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season

The holidays are here. For most of us, that means spending time with friends and family members we love. This is a time when we make good memories and spread love.

Unfortunately, not all of us will enjoy the holiday season. Some studies indicate that crime rates increase during the holiday season. There are a few different reasons for the surge of crime. First, people have time off work which gives them more time to get into trouble. Second, many people who don’t usually overindulge will often misjudge how much alcohol they’ve consumed. The increased alcohol content lowers inhibitions and results in them doing things they’d never have considered if they were sober. The third reason crime rates increase during the holiday season is because money is often tight.

Police have noticed that there are certain crimes that surge more than others during the holidays.

Drunk driving offenses are always a problem during the holidays. People get together and want to have a good time which often involves alcohol. The problem is that many don’t plan to spend the night where they are drinking and fail to have a DD at the ready so they slide behind the wheel and ultimately get caught driving while intoxicated.

The best way to make sure you aren’t charged with a DUI this holiday season is to only drink while you’re home, always having a DD at the ready, or arranging to take a cab/Uber home. If you aren’t sure you’ll be able to get yourself home safely, stay away from the alcohol. Staying sober might not seem like fun, but it beats spending a night in jail and dealing with the fallout of a drunk driving arrest.

Retailers report that shoplifting increases during the holiday season. This is likely due to the fact that some people find themselves short of money and unable to purchase gifts for their families. If you’re contemplating stealing a gift this holiday season, please reconsider. Store managers are going to be on the lookout for sticky fingers and with more stores installing elaborate video surveillance systems, the odds of you getting away with the theft are small. Instead of trying to steal a gift, consider making a homemade present.

Domestic violence arrests also increase during the holiday season. There are likely a few different reasons for this. First, stress over finances and strained family relationships can push some people over the edge. Second, people are often home rather than working and the increased contact can result in some pushed buttons. Third, having family and friends around can encourage the victim to report the violent acts which they may not have felt they could do in the past.

Recognizing that emotions run high during the holidays, it’s in your best interest to recognize when your temper is getting short and remove yourself from the situation before you react with violence. It’s better to take a walk or go for a long drive than to get arrested for domestic violence during the holidays.

Stay safe this holiday season!

Using Marijuana While Driving

Using Marijuana While Driving

Yes, you can legally use marijuana for recreational purposes in California, but that doesn’t mean you can use it wherever you feel like it. California lawmakers treat recreational marijuana the same way they treat alcohol. It’s a substance that you’re free to use provided you’re able to do so without potentially hurting other people.

The potential to hurt yourself or someone else is why you’re not allowed to use marijuana while you’re driving.

While most people assume that California’s Vehicle Code 23221 VC only pertains to alcohol, if you take the time to read through it, you’ll discover that marijuana is also addressed. The code states that:

  • A driver shall not drink any alcoholic beverage or smoke or ingest marijuana or any marijuana product while driving a motor vehicle upon a highway.
  • A passenger shall not drink any alcoholic beverage or smoke or ingest marijuana or any marijuana product while in a motor vehicle being driven upon a highway.
  • A violation of this section shall be punished as an infraction.

The fact that using marijuana while driving is considered an infraction is a good thing. It means you don’t have to worry about being sentenced to jail time though you will be fined $250 plus any other costs connected to the infraction.

Don’t assume that because using marijuana while driving is only an infraction you don’t have to worry about getting into too much trouble. The fact that marijuana is involved means the officer who pulls you will likely write additional things you were also doing while driving, such as weaving within your lane or failing to come to a complete stop.

If you’re enjoying marijuana while driving and do get into an accident, the very fact that you were using marijuana at the time, something California lawmakers have forbidden, increases the likelihood of anyone else who was involved in the accident launching a successful civil case against you.

No matter how long your commute is, it really is in your best interest to resist having a relaxing puff of marijuana until you’re safely inside your own house.

The Benefits Connected to Using Long Beach Bail Bonds

The Benefits Connected to Using Absolute Bail Bonds

Many people think bail is only a few thousand dollars. The truth is that the median bail is about $50,000, far more than the average person can afford. That’s where we come into the picture. In exchange for a ten percent fee, we’ll cover the entire price of your bail. That means that if your bail is set at $50,000, all you have to do is come up with $5,000.

Not having to pay the full $50,000 is just one of the benefits you’ll enjoy when you decide to use Absolute Bail Bonds in Burbank rather than posting the bail yourself.

Experience Helps

One of the things many people find is that posting bail, even a small amount of bail, is often overwhelming. The more bail you owe, the more overwhelming the experience becomes. We have over thirty years of experience. We use that experience to get you out of jail as quickly as possible. Letting use worry about your bail, allows you to focus on how you want to handle your case.

We Can Quickly Get You Released From Jail

One of the things that surprises many people is how much faster the process of being released goes when you choose us rather than trying to handle bail on your own. Once you’ve signed a bail bond contract, we leap into action and start the process of having you released. The process is usually completed in just a few hours, though there is sometimes a delay on the court/jail side of thing.

No Worry About Mistakes

One of the biggest problems many people encounter when they try handling bail by themselves are mistakes with the paperwork. Filling out the wrong form, forgetting to include some crucial piece of information, or failing to sign things correctly can significantly delay the release process.

The sooner you contact us about posting a bail bond for you, the sooner you’ll be reunited with your family and able to start preparing your defense.

Reasons so many people who are in your exact situation turn to Absolute Bail Bonds include:

  • Simple contracts
  • 24/7 service
  • Phone consultations
  • Online consultations
  • No hidden fees
  • Fast service
  • Discretion

Feel free to call (800)793-2245 or click the Chat With Us now link for a free consultation.

Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

For any of you out there who have children, you know how crucial it is to be a solid role model for them. That means being honest, honorable, and a well-rounded family-person. Parents can’t afford to go out and drink every night, do drugs, avoid traffic violation tickets, get into arguments (that could lead to altercations), etc.

Having a child means the consequences of such actions are more heartbreaking:

  • Your child could grow up without you in his or her life.
  • Your child, old enough to know what you had been up to, could make the serious decision to cut you out of their life.
  • Your child could also begin to start trouble and end up in jail, just like you.
  • Your family is no longer a family, and your home is no longer a home.
Take Advantage of our Free Bail Bond Consultation Service

Take Advantage of our Free Bail Bond Consultation Service

You might not know this, but when it comes to getting a bail bond you don’t have to jump into the situation blind. It’s in your best interest to take your time and educate yourself about your options. The good news is that gaining this education isn’t difficult or even time-consuming.

We’ve made it easy to educate yourself by creating free consultations. Every single person who contacts us is entitled to a free bail bonds consultation. When you seek out one of our consultations, you’ll instantly be put in touch with one of our bail bonds experts. We urge you to ask them any questions that crosses your mind regarding bail. You won’t believe how much information you can get during the free consultation.

Questions we frequently answer during a bail bond consultation include:

  • How does our payment system work
  • What type of collateral is needed
  • How co-signers work
  • How long it will take before you’re released from jail

Best of all, the consultation is completely free. Not only do we not charge you for the time, but we also won’t put any pressure on you to sign a contract with us. We understand that you have a lot on your plate right now. If you want to sign a contract right away, great! If you want to talk to a few other bail bond agencies and consider all your options, we completely understand.

Don’t worry that it is too late, too early, or just too inconvenient a time for you to talk to us. We are ready and available to talk about bail whenever you are. We’re open 24/7, which includes all holidays.

When you chose Absolute Bail Bonds, you’ll enjoy:

  • Flexible payment plans
  • Simple contracts
  • 24/7 service
  • Phone consultations
  • Online consultations
  • Zero worry about hidden fees
  • Fast service
  • Discretion

We want you to be released from jail and reunited with your loved ones as quickly as possible. The best way to do that is by calling 1-800-793-2245 ​or clicking the Chat With Us now link. Both phone and internet consultations are 100% free

The Unlawful Taking of Pictures and Video Recording

The Unlawful Taking of Pictures and Video Recording

Thanks to built-in cameras on smartphones, most of us have a camera at our disposal 24/7. We’re able to record everything. We use the phone camera for selfies, points of interest, and to record the actions of others. We’ve grown so accustomed to taking photos and videos of everything that we rarely stop and think about the fact that there are certain times, places, and situations when taking pictures and video recordings is actually against the law.

Learning that there are cases where a person has broken the law with videos or photos they’ve snapped can make you have second thoughts about using your camera. The good news is that the odds are pretty good that you’re not going to record anything that will break the law. Both federal and state laws are written in a manner that allows you to legally take a photo of anything that’s plainly visible. You’ll be pleased to learn that this includes federal buildings and even police officers who are working.

You’re also legally allowed to take photos and videos of things that can be seen from public property. For example, as long as you can do so from the road, you’re allowed to photograph an interesting-looking barn.

If you’re on private property, the property owners get to make rules about what you can and can’t take photos/videos of. For example, if snapping a few shots of the barn requires you to walk across a private hayfield and jumping a fence, the property owners could insist that you destroy the images and also file trespassing charges against you. The same is true if you walk up to someone’s house and start snapping pictures or videos through their windows. You’re not legally allowed to take photos or videos of a person (or their belongings) if the property owner had a reasonable expectation of privacy.

If you’re caught taking photos or videos in an area where the property owner had a reasonable expectation of privacy, they can file invasion of privacy charges as well as trespassing charges against you. If you’re convicted of invasion of privacy, the judge could sentence you to up to six months in a county jail and order you to pay a fine of $1,000. If this isn’t the first time you’ve been convicted of invasion of privacy, the sentence could double.

The best way to avoid getting into trouble while you shooting pictures or videos is to make sure you’re feet are always firmly planted on public property.