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Be Smart. Don’t Drink and Drive on St. Patrick’s Day

Be Smart. Don’t Drink and Drive on St. Patrick’s Day

Many people spend the entire year looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day. The holiday is a huge deal in some locations, particularly those that have a large Irish American population.

The great thing about St. Patrick’s Day is that the holiday is basically a 24-hour party. Many bars and restaurants run all sorts of special. Many cities host parades. Sports teams often wear special uniforms and have an assortment of events planned for the holidays.

It’s also a day when many people are arrested for drunk driving. Nothing ruins an otherwise fun day as getting arrested because you made the mistake of sliding behind the wheel after you’ve had to
much to drink on St. Patrick’s Day.

The police and court officials don’t care that you simply wanted to have a good time on St. Patrick’s Day. Their main concern is keeping California’s residents safe from drunk drivers.

Getting arrested for drunk driving on St. Patrick’s Day will ruin your immediate future. The judge won’t go lightly on you because you wanted to have a good time and celebrate a saint. If it’s the first time you’ve ever been convicted of drunk driving in California

If you’re convicted of DUI for a St. Patrick’s Day incident you will be charged with a misdemeanor and could spend up to 6 months in a county jail and be ordered to pay a $390-$1000 fine.

The sentencing for subsequent DUIs becomes increasingly more severe. If someone is injured as a result of you driving while intoxicated, you will face additional charges and also likely be named as the defendant in a civil lawsuit.

The best way to avoid being arrested for a DUI on St. Patrick’s Day is making sure you have a designated driver or calling a taxi/rideshare.

What you shouldn’t plan on doing is sleeping it off in your car. While this may seem like a perfectly good idea, if you’re spotted getting into your car after you’ve had too much to drink, there’s a chance an officer will decide that you intended to drive and arrest you. While a conviction for the intent to drive while intoxicated isn’t nearly as serious as an actual DUI, it’s still intense. The rule of thumb for an intent to drive drunk conviction is that the sentence is half of what you would get if you were charged with an actual DUI. So instead of serving 6 months in jail, the judge could sentence you to three months and/or charge you a $195-$500 fine.


How to Report a Crime in California

It doesn’t matter if you’re the victim of a crime or if you have seen a crime take place. You should always report the situation to the police. Here’s how to go about doing just that.

Don’t try to take matters into your own hands. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is attempting to stop a crime that’s in progress. While it’s commendable that you want to do something about the situation, the odds of you getting hurt are extremely high. Stopping a crime that’s in progress isn’t worth jeopardizing your safety. When you witness a crime taking place that isn’t jeopardizing anyone’s actual health safety, don’t get involved. Simply report the situation to the police and let them handle it.

When you see a crime taking place, the first thing you need to do is get yourself to a safe place. Once you’ve addressed your personal safety, pull out your cell phone and contact 911. Explain what is happening. The 911 operator will advise you on the best way to protect yourself and also put you into contact with the police.

When the police reach out to you, give them as much information as you can. The more accurate you are about times and locations, the better the chances are that the prosecution will put together a successful case that will end with the criminal getting convicted.

Follow the police’s advice to the letter. If they want to speak to you in person right away, they will advise you on where to wait for them. If they want you to come to the police station and file a report, they will tell you which station to go to and whom to speak with.

It’s important that your memory of the incident remains clear. It doesn’t take much time for a memory to shift or fade, so it’s not a bad idea to grab a piece of paper and write down everything you remember about what you’ve witnessed. This includes a detailed description of the person/people who committed the crime.

If an arrest is made and the case goes to court, you’ll be called on to testify. The prosecutor that’s handling the case will provide you with the information you need to be a reliable witness while on the stand.


Valentine’s First Date Safety Tips

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Those of us who are single often feel that the holiday is the perfect day to arrange a first date and hopefully strike up a romance. The problem is that some of us are so fixated on connecting romantically, that we sometimes overlook basic first-date safety measures and will find ourselves in a dangerous situation.

Drive Separately

These days, most of us go on first dates with people we don’t actually know. In many cases, it’s an internet connection that sounds interesting. No matter how nice and trustworthy that person might sound during your virtual conversations, you need to remember that you don’t fully know them. One of the best ways you can keep yourself safe is making sure that each of you drives separately to your Valentine’s Day date location.

Driving does more than simply prevent you from being located in a small space where you have very little control over things with a person you don’t know well. It also provides you with an easy and accessible means of escape if the date doesn’t go well.

If you don’t have your own car, use an Uber/cab/bus to get to the location.

Tell Your Friends About Your Plans

Secret first dates sound fun and exciting, especially on Valentine’s Day. The other nice thing about secret first dates is that you don’t have to fill your friends and family members in on all of the details if the date turns out to be a dud.

The problem with secret Valentine’s Day dates is that if no one knows where you are or what you’re doing, they won’t know that you could be in trouble. Let at least one trusted person know where you’re going and who your Valentine’s Day date is. They will provide this information to the police if something goes wrong.

Meet in Public

Your Valentine’s Day date doesn’t have to be in a noisy club or even a secluded forest glen. It should be in a public place where people can step in if things don’t go the way you like. If you start to feel uncomfortable during the date, alert someone who is nearby and they can help extract you from the situation.

Never Leave a Drink Unattended

Always keep an eye on your drink. You don’t want your date or anyone else who is nearby, to slip anything into it. If you have to leave your drink, order a new one. Don’t finish the one that was left by itself.

Let Someone Know When You Make it Home Safely

Let the friend/family member you told about the date know that you’ve made it home and are safe. This is a great opportunity to discuss your Valentine’s Day date and decide if this is a person you’re interested in seeing again.

What are your plans for this Valentine’s Day?

Is It Illegal To Brake Check?

Is It Illegal To Brake Check?

“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving in front of another driver, forcing the other driver to either slam on their own brakes or swerve out of the way. It’s often done because the driver of the lead vehicle feels the second car is following too closely, or tailgating, them. The hope is that slamming on the brakes will convince the other driver to back off. It’s important to understand that this isn’t just a light tap of the brakes. During a brake check, the driver exerts enough pressure on the brake pedal to quickly and significantly slow their vehicle. They usually hit the gas pedal equally hard and speed off.

The interesting thing about brake checks is that both the brake checking and the tailgating are considered to be examples of aggressive or reckless driving. In this particular incident, both drivers can be issued a ticket. Both actions can lead to a serious accident.

There are a couple of different reasons people tailgate. The first is because the driver is impatient and hopes that they can encourage the other driver to go faster. In this scenario, the tailgating is a form of road rage and aggressive driving. The second most common reason for tailgating is because the driver isn’t paying attention or doesn’t realize just how close they’re getting to the other car’s back bumper. In this instance, the tailgating is a perfect example of distracted or careless driving.

If a police officer observes you doing a brake check, they can nail you for reckless driving. Don’t assume that it will merely be a ticket and a fine. Depending on the circumstances, your brake check could result in you gaining a criminal record, possibly losing your driver’s license, and even ending up in a jail cell.

If your brake check results in someone getting hurt or killed, the penalties are more severe and could include the suspension of your driver’s license. It’s also likely that the injured party will file a civil case against you.

The next time you get tired of being tailgated, take a deep breath and keep your foot off the brake pedal. Remind yourself that it’s far better to be irritated than to do something that could cost you both your freedom and your means of transportation.

Bail During the Holidays

Bail During the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. For most of us, it’s a time of love and celebration. The problem is that holiday plans don’t always go off without a hitch and sometimes a loved one is arrested during the holidays.

Getting arrested during the holidays does more than kill the festive mood. The fact that it’s a holiday means additional stress. Between federal/state days off and staff requesting vacation time leaving everyone shorthanded, the judicial process slows down over the holidays, which means it takes even longer to process cases.

How fast do we act during the holiday season? For our part, we can have the bail bond ready to go in almost no time at all. The court system and jail could delay things, especially if you require a bail hearing before you learn how much bail money you need.

The good news is that if you do require a bail hearing, you can speed things up by contacting us in advance. While we won’t be able to write your actual bail bond until an amount is actually declared, we can have all the paperwork done and signed so that you’re ready to be released on bail almost as soon as the hearing ends.

In addition to 24/7 service, we also provide:

  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • 24/7 availability
  • 20% Discount to veterans
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • Outstanding customer service

The information needed to bail someone out fast includes:

  • Your loved ones full name
  • Their birthdate
  • Their booking number (you should be able to get this from the jail)
  • Payer’s Occupation/Employer Information
  • Three references for the payer
  • Address of both your loved one and the payer
  • The phone number for both your loved one and the payer
  • The amount of bail needed
  • Credit card
  • The name of the jail where you’re loved one is being held
  • What to do When the Police Want to Question You

    What to do When the Police Want to Question You

    It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone call asking that you schedule an appointment or if officers knock on your door. Learning that the police want to talk to you is enough to strike terror into your heart, even if you haven’t done anything wrong.

    When you learn that the police want to speak to you, you should forget anything you learned from procedural shows. They always imply that you should wait to get a lawyer, that’s a huge mistake.

    The police can’t force you to talk to them without a lawyer and contrary to what popular culture might want you to believe, having a lawyer doesn’t automatically make you seem guilty.

    Legally speaking, you’re not obligated to speak to the police unless they have presented you with a warrant. However, they aren’t obligated to leave you alone either. If the police believe that you have the information that they need, they can keep contacting you and attempting to set up an appointment. Hiring a lawyer and meeting with them is one of the best ways to resolve the situation quickly.

    The main reason you want to hire a lawyer when you’re going to speak to the police is that the lawyer will make sure you don’t say anything that could potentially implicate you and they will also make sure the police follow the strict letter of the law during the questioning.

    While you’re waiting for a lawyer, you shouldn’t answer any questions the police try to ask. If you feel compelled to speak, limit your comments to “I’m waiting for my attorney.” While you don’t want to talk to the police without your lawyer, you also don’t want to do anything to offend the police. Don’t slam the door in their face, don’t yell obscenities, and don’t even think about making any threatening comments. It’s in your best interest to stay calm and polite. The only thing losing your temper accomplishes is potentially creating a situation where your behavior inspires the police to press charges against you.

    You should also remember that just because the police have asked to talk to you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they think you’ve done something wrong. In many situations, the police simply want to ask you a few questions that will help them build a case against someone else.

    When Minors Use a Fake ID

    When Minors Use a Fake ID

    Having a fake id is almost considered a right of passage. There are movies, books, and even songs that feature all sorts of adventures a young man or woman can get into once they’ve managed to acquire a fake id. Most of these adventures involve illegally purchasing alcohol or cigarettes.

    Most of these stories don’t show the ugly truth about what would have happened if the main character had been caught using their fake id. The reality is that if you are using a fake id and the police find out about it, there will be some very real, very scary legal consequences.

    Business and Professions Code 25661 BPC is the law that covers what happens to minors who possess a fake id. The law clearly states that in California, using an ID that isn’t their own for the purchase of items such as cigarettes, vapes, and alcohol is a legal offense.

    While having a fake ID is against the law, minors who are caught using a fake id to purchase items that they aren’t legally old enough to use won’t face felony charges. Presenting a false ID is a misdemeanor in California.

    If you’re a minor, don’t assume that just because using a fake ID is a misdemeanor that getting caught with one isn’t a big deal. You will still go through the trauma and embarrassment of being arrested. You will still have a criminal record. You will still face some pretty serious legal consequences.

    The first time a minor is convicted of using a fake ID, the maximum sentence they will face is a fine that’s no larger than $250 and up to 32 hours of community service. If the same minor is caught and convicted a second time, the maximum sentence is a $500 fine and up to 48 hours of community service.

    In most cases, using a fake ID is just one of the charges young adult faces after they’ve been caught. Most of these cases usually involve additional charges such as minor in possession of alcohol/tobacco and DUI. It’s even possible that the owner of the store where the minor attempted to use a fake ID will decide to pursue a civil case against the minor.

    When all is said and done, it’s in everyone’s best interest to obey the letter of the law and not purchase alcohol and tobacco until you’re legally able to do so.

    Is it Ok for a Parent to Ask for a Parenting Help?

    Is it Ok for a Parent to Ask for a Parenting Help?

    If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable of to provide, do not hesitate to call for third party help, be it from another family member, a friend, or a professional. You want the best for your child, and you want to help them in every way possible, but sometimes, it’s just not enough to come solely from you. Don’t be ashamed and don’t think you are not a suitable parent.

    It would be worse to see your child end up in serious danger and trouble than to call in another person to help educate and “rehabilitate” them, wouldn’t it? Your child needs to be as responsive and receptive to positive influence and change in order for him or her to develop a goal-oriented, successful future.

    Your concern for your child is natural – it’s loving, and it shows you genuinely care. And that you made the extra effort to reach out to another person to help you, well, one day your child will truly thank you for that. You will not regret it and just know that other people are happy and willing to help.

    If the kind of help you need is in the form of bail and bail bonds, you can certainly count on Absolute Bail Bonds. Give us a call at (800)793-2245 if you need to talk about the bail process and what we can do to make this less stressful and more affordable for you. We are happy to get you and your child through this together!

    What to Do if Your Neighbor’s Christmas Decorations are Over the Top

    What to Do if Your Neighbor’s Christmas Decorations are Over the Top

    The holiday season is here. For many of us, that means breaking up the average, boring scenery with decorations that depict your favorite part of the holiday. Most of us love seeing how creative our neighbors are and will even sometimes engage in holiday decoration contests where you try to see who can upstage whom.

    For the most part, holiday decorations are fun and everyone enjoys them but there are always exceptions. Sometimes a neighbor will go too far and instead of being a source of joy, the holiday decorations are actually an annoyance.

    It’s important to know how to respond when your neighbor’s holiday decorating goes too far.

    The first thing you should do is remind yourself that the holiday season is relatively short. The odds are good that the decorations will only be up for a few weeks. Try to decide if this is something that you really can’t live with for the short term.

    If the decorations are really driving you crazy, have a friendly chat with your neighbor to discuss the situation. Explain exactly what the problem is and ask if they think there is a way you can compromise. If it’s a case of the flashing lights or sound effects keeping you up at night, maybe they will agree to turn off the problem decorations at an earlier time in the evening.

    If they have decorations you simply find offensive, maybe you can convince your neighbor to move that particular item to a different part of their property where you don’t have to see it.

    When meeting with your neighbors about their decorating, you must be prepared to compromise. It took a great deal of time to plan and set up the decorations which they obviously love. They won’t be willing to undo all of that hard work. When you’re willing to compromise, rather than simply making demands, your neighbor will be more willing to consider your side of things.

    If the issue isn’t the decorations themselves, but rather the sheer amount of traffic the elaborate display is attracting, you can contact the police and ask them to patrol the area which will encourage traffic to continue moving.

    Good luck and enjoy the holiday season!

    Sleep-deprived Driving

    Sleep-deprived Driving

    Most of us have heard so much about the dangers of drinking and driving that we would never dream of sliding behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Yet, we seldom think twice about going for a drive while we’re tired.

    The truth is that while there aren’t any actual laws about sleep-deprived driving, the action is very dangerous. The United States Department of Transportation reports that in drowsy driving incidents resulted in nearly 700 deaths during 2019. It’s impossible to know exactly how many actual accidents were the result of drowsy driving.

    We know that alcohol dulls our senses and makes it difficult to react appropriately when things start to unwind. The same is true when we’re tired. All it takes is a single driver hitting the brakes or turning in front of you for an accident to happen. While fully alert, you might have been able to avoid a collision, but when you’re sleep-deprived, you react too slowly, or worse, fail to even realize that you need to react at all.

    The other problem with sleep-deprived driving is that sleep deprivation, like alcohol, can cause you to make poor decisions. This poor decision can lead to reckless driving behavior that makes you a danger to yourself and everyone else.

    The biggest danger of drowsy driving is that you’ll fall asleep. All it takes is closing your eyes for a second and dropping off. At this point, your car is operating all by itself. You can drive off the road, collide with another car, change lanes so you’re heading the wrong way. Falling asleep at the wheel has resulted in numerous fatal car accidents.

    Don’t assume that you can use caffeine to stay awake while you’re behind the wheel. The only way to truly prevent being the cause of a drowsy driving incident is to make sure you are fully awake and alert each time you hit the road. If you’re tired, postpone your trip and take a nap. Being late is far better than the alternative.

    If you feel yourself getting tired while you’re in the middle of a commute, don’t try pushing through the fatigue. Instead, find a safe place to pull off the road, such as a gas station or grocery store parking lot. Lock your doors and try to take a nap.

    If your drowsy driving leads to an accident, you could be ticketed for reckless driving plus other moving violations. If someone is hurt or killed during the incident, you could find yourself facing vehicular manslaughter charges as well as a civil lawsuit.