• 1-800-793-2245
  • inmateinfo@cabail.com

Category Archive California

bail your friend out of jail

Get Back to Making Good Memories with Your Friends

When it comes to best friends, you have a lot of great memories together. You two are often inseparable and always have each other’s backs. That is why, when your best friend got arrested, he called you for help. He knows that he can count on you to get him out of jail. While you are determined to do just that, you have no idea where to start. You’ve never bailed someone out of jail before.

Luckily, that doesn’t have to stop you. All you need to do is contact Absolute Bail Bonds. We have dozens of professional bail agents who are always ready to lend a helping hand. You can contact our bail agents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the year. This means that you will never be left alone.

Once you talk to one of our bail agents, they begin working for you right away. They will walk you through the bail bond process, answer your questions, and communicate with the jail for you. They will do all of the hard work for you.

With our agents working for you, your loved one can be out of jail in no time at all. They will not rest until they have built a payment plan that works for you and secured your loved one’s release from jail. No other bail bond company in California will provide you with the same kind of caring dedication.

  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Bailing out your best friend is a very important task, and we want to help you succeed. When you need to bail someone out of jail, just contact Absolute Bail Bonds. For over 30 years, we have helped Californians rescue the important people in their lives from jail. We will do the same for you. That way, once this is all over, you and your friend can go back to making great memories together.

Are you ready to get started? You can get a free consultation at any time by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

Bail should be easy and affordable

Posting Bail Doesn’t Have to be Difficult

Dealing with the arrest of a loved one can be a very intimidating undertaking. After all, for most people, the concept of bail is pretty new and foreign to them. They’ve only experienced bail through the television screen, which doesn’t offer a very good view at how bail really works. Luckily, bailing someone out of jail isn’t as bad as people think it is, provided they get good help.

The best place to find professional bail help here in California is at Absolute Bail Bonds. Since 1987, Absolute Bail Bonds has helped Californians deal with the strange and foreign concept of bail. We take the new experience and make it quick and easy for all of our clients. Let us do the same for you too.

Our agents are available 24/7, so they will always be there to offer you a helping hand. Once you talk to an agent, they will begin working for you. They will answer your questions and fill out the paperwork for the bail bond. On top of that, our agents will also create a personalized payment plan that is designed with your budget in mind, making the bail bond more affordable.

Even though our bail bonds are only 10% of the bail that they are for, we know that they can still be a bit expensive for the average individual. That is why we offer customized payment plans, as well as discounts for qualified individuals. If a co-signer for the bail bond is one of the following, they can qualify for a 20% discount off the price of the bail bond.

  • Is a member of the military.
  • Is a member of AARP.
  • Is a union member.
  • Is a homeowner.
  • Has a private attorney.

Even if you haven’t bailed someone out of jail before, you should still be able to help out. All you need to do is contact Absolute Bail Bonds. Our agents will happily guide you through the process and answer all of your questions. With our help, you will bail your loved one out of jail at an affordable price. What more could you ask for?

Are you ready to get started? You can talk to a professional bail agent at any time by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

Don't leave your friend behind bars

You Don’t Have to Leave Your Friend in Jail

Some people out there would be lost without their friends and family members. For these people, their loved ones help keep them in check and out of trouble. You know this about your friend, which is why you aren’t terribly surprised to hear that she has been arrested. You may not have been there to keep her out of jail, but you are not about to leave her stranded in jail.

The thing is, you’ve never bailed someone out of jail before. You don’t know where to begin. The best way to get started is by contacting Absolute Bail Bonds. We are a professional, statewide bail bond company that has been aiding Californians just like you for over 30 years. We know everything about bail and will be more than happy to help you.

Our agents will answer all of your questions as they help you bail out your friend. They will communicate with the jail for you and fill out the paperwork. All they need to get started is your loved one’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. With that information in hand, our agents will be able to get to work.

Our agents work non-stop around the clock to help their clients. Whenever you need to talk to one, they will be available. With their hard work and dedication, they can have your loved one out of jail in as little as 2 hours in some counties. If you want to get someone out of jail quickly, then you need to contact Absolute Bail Bonds.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Getting your friend out of jail may be a new experience for you, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. You can talk to Absolute Bail Bonds at any time to begin the process. Our agents will help you get your friend out of jail quickly and easily. All you have to do is give us a little bit of information to get started. We will handle the rest.

You don’t have to leave your friend in jail, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

Dont let bail scare you away

Don’t Let Bail Shock You

The thought alone of bailing someone out of jail can terrify most people. They do not want to picture their loved one stuck behind bars, and they also don’t want to completely drain their bank account to rescue said loved one. Luckily, you do not have to. You can bail a loved one out of jail at an affordable price simply by contacting Absolute Bail Bonds.

For over 30 plus years, Absolute Bail Bonds has been helping Californians face bail. We provide our clients with an affordable alternative to posting bail. Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the full bail amount. This means that our clients get a 90% discount by coming to us for help. That is a great deal, and it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Aside from getting a large discount off the price of bailing someone out, you also get help from professional bail agents. Our agents have years of training and experience behind them. They deal with bail on a regular basis and will be more than happy to help you face this. They can answer your questions and will walk you through every single step.

Lastly, we provide personalized payment plans for every client because we know that even with the discount, posting bail can be costly. Each payment plan is designed to work with that client’s own, unique budget. The cost of the bail bond will be broken up and spread out over several months.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Bailing someone out of jail does not have to be a scary and intimidating process. With the right help, it can be a piece of cake. If you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, just contact the professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds. Our bail agents are available 24/7 to offer their assistance whenever it may be needed.

Are you afraid of bail? Don’t be, just talk to our friendly and professional bail agents by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

Don’t let a loved one feel alone

Don’t Let a Loved One Feel Alone

There are times in life where a person may feel like they are on their own. When family is involved, this is rarely true, but it can still feel that way. This is exactly what happens when a person is arrested. When a person is sitting in a jail cell, it can be hard to not feel alone. What the person may not realize, is that there is an army of loved ones working to rescue him or her from jail.

Family rarely gives up on one another. If someone is in trouble, everyone else comes running to help out. Unfortunately, bail can be a bit difficult to deal with when you don’t have a lot of experience with it. This is especially true when bail in California costs several thousands of dollars, which is much too pricey for the average individual.

Luckily, Absolute Bail Bonds can help out. We are a family-owned bail bond company that has been helping Californians deal with bail since 1987. Our bail agents will happily assist you in bailing out your loved one no matter where in the state he or she is located.

Absolute Bail Bonds has been dealing with bail for over 30 years. Due to this fact, our bail agents know everything about bail. They can guide you through each step and answer your questions along the way. You will be able to rescue your loved one from jail quickly and affordably with our help.

We provide the following for our clients:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

When you come to us for help, even if you only ever talk to one bail agent, you get a team of people working together to help you. Just imagine it as our family helping your family. At Absolute Bail Bonds, we understand how important this is for you. You do not want your loved one to feel alone in jail. With us at your family’s side, none of you will ever need to feel alone.

Why wait another minute? You can get started for free right now by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

In need of bail bonds

Want to Bail Someone out of Jail?

No one in their right mind would volunteer to spend time in jail. This is due to the fact that jail is not a pleasant place to be. It is essentially adult timeout. That is why everyone does everything in their power to avoid getting arrested and sent to jail. Unfortunately, despite some people’s best efforts, they still end up behind bars. When this happens, they often turn to their family for help.

While people can always rely on their family for assistance, most people have no idea how to deal with an arrest. The only time they’ve ever encountered bail before was on television. The family may not know what to do, but that is not a problem so long as they contact Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles.

For 30 plus years, Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles has provided professional bail help for all Californians. No matter where a client is located in the state, or where their loved one is being held, we can help them. Our agents are working in offices all over the state, or roaming the areas in between to ensure that they can help everyone.

To get started with bailing someone out of jail, a person simply needs to contact one of our bail agents. This can be done at any time of the day or night. Once that is done, our bail agents will start working with the client to create an affordable payment plan. Once that is done, our agents will deliver the bond to the jail.

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

Just because a person doesn’t know how to post bail, doesn’t mean they cannot rescue a loved one from jail. They just need help from the professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles. We have helped thousands of Californians rescue their loved ones from jail since 1987. Let us help get a friend or family member out of jail today.

Are you ready to begin? If so, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

Absolute bail bonds will be there for you

You Still Love Your Family, No Matter What

Families are complicated relationships. Not every family member always sees eye to eye. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t care about one another. Sometimes families just struggle with communication, but when things get rough, they know that they can count on one another. That is why, when your loved one got arrested, he came to you for help.

Your loved one came to you, not because you might know something about bail, but because you are reliable. If you are going to post his bail, you are going to need some reliable bail help. The best place to find that kind of help in the state of California is by contacting Absolute Bail Bonds.

Unlike families, we here at Absolute Bail Bonds excel at communication. We will talk with you and guide you through the bail bond process. Our agents will work with the jail to secure your loved one’s release. You can count on us to always be there to talk with you whenever you need us.

Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will always be ready to talk to you and lend a helping hand. We have offices all over California, and roaming bail agents in the areas in between to ensure that we can help every single Californian. Our bail agents here at Absolute Bail Bonds are always available for their clients.

  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

You may not have the best relationship with your arrested loved one, but you still love him. You will always be there for him, and he knows it. On top of that, Absolute Bail Bonds will always be there for you. We will have your back just like you have your loved one’s.

Are you ready to get started? If so, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

rescue a loved one from jail

Want to Rescue a Loved One from Jail?

Bailing someone out of jail is nobody’s idea of a good time. Unfortunately, people still need to deal with it from time to time. You, yourself, may never get arrested, but you cannot control what your loved ones do. After all, no one really knows when someone that they care about may end up getting arrested.

An arrest can occur at any time. It is impossible for anyone to be ready for an arrest at any moment when they have other stuff to do. Luckily, you do not have to. Once you find out about a loved one’s arrest, you can contact Absolute Bail Bonds in North Hollywood. Our professional bail agents are always ready to deal with bail, so you don’t have to be.

Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will always be ready and waiting to help you when you need to rescue a loved one from jail. You can get in touch with one of our bail agents over the phone, through our website, or in person at one of our local offices. From there, our agents will start working with you to secure your loved one’s release from jail.

All our agents need to get started is your loved one’s name, birthday, and county of arrest. That small bit of information will allow our agents to locate your loved one in the county jail system. Once they have found him or her, they can finalize the paperwork for the bail bond and start working with you to figure out a payment plan.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds in North Hollywood, we do a lot for our clients. This includes:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

If the arrest of a loved one has caught you off guard, do not panic or stress. You can count on Absolute Bail Bonds in North Hollywood. Our professional bail agents are ready to help you whenever you need them. They will walk you through the bail bond process and answer all of your questions. In no time at all, your loved one will be out of jail and back home, safe and sound.

There is no need to stress, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

what do you know about bail

What Do You Know about Bail Bonds?

If you are like most people, than your answer to that questions is probably somewhere along the lines of not much. That is perfectly fine. Most people never need to know anything about bail or bail bonds. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen and a person finds themselves needing to post bail.

Sometimes the bail is for yourself. Other times the bail is for a loved one. Regardless of who the bail is for, chances are you are going to want some help with it. Aside from simply not knowing much about how bail works, you’ve also discovered that it is incredibly expensive. You can solve both of those problems by contacting Absolute Bail Bonds in San Bernardino.

Since our founding in 1987, Absolute Bail Bonds in San Bernardino has been helping Californians deal with bail. We know everything there is to know about the subject and are more than willing to share that knowledge with you. Our bail agents are available to talk to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will always be there to answer your questions.

Aside from just explain the bail process to you, we also work hard to make it cheaper as well. For instance, our bail bonds only cost 10% of your loved one’s bail. This means that you can save 90% just by coming to us for help. On top of that, we can set you up with a personalized payment plan and may even be able to offer you an additional discount if you qualify.

We do a lot for our clients here, including:

  • Being available 24/7.
  • Offering a 20% discount.
  • Providing over-the-phone approvals.
  • 0% Interest payment plans.
  • Never charging hidden fees.
  • Not requiring collateral with working signer.
  • Se habla Español.

No one should ever feel ashamed to ask for help, especially bail help. At Absolute Bail Bonds in San Bernardino we understand that most people don’t need bail. However, when the time comes to bail someone out of jail, we are always there to lend a hand.

What are you waiting for? You can talk to a bail agent for free by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

Mojave bail bonds

It Is Okay to Have Questions about Bail Bonds

People tend to have a lot of questions when it comes to bailing someone out of jail. After all, for many people, this is the first time they have ever dealt with bail before. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds in Long Beach, we understand that fact and do everything we can to help out our clients. No matter how many questions you might have about bail, we will answer them all for you.

Our bail agents at Absolute Bail Bonds in Long Beach are always ready to talk with you. This is due to the fact that they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We know that an arrest can occur at any time, which means you could need help at any time. That is why we are always ready to lend a hand, no matter what time it may be.

Getting in touch with one of our bail agents is easy. You can talk to them over the phone, online, or in person at one of our local offices. We have agents located all over California. Once you start talking to one of our bail agents, they begin working for you. They will happily answer your questions as they walk you through the bail process.

A big concern when bailing someone out of jail is how much it will cost. When it comes to bail bonds that is dependent on the person’s bail amount. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds in Long Beach, our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail they are for. In addition, we can split that cost up with a payment plan designed with the client in mind. This personalized payment plan will work with the client’s unique monthly budget to help ensure that the bail bond is affordable.

On top of that, we also provide our clients with:

  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with working signer
  • Se habla Español

You may have a lot of questions about bail, but that shouldn’t keep you from helping out your loved one. All you have to do is contact Absolute Bail Bonds in Long Beach. We will help you understand how bail bonds work and help you rescue your loved one from jail. No matter where your loved one is being held in California, we will be there for you.

There is no reason to wait, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.