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4 Things Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers

Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver is impaired.

Driving At a Certain Time

It might not be fair, but there are certain times when you’re more likely to be pulled over for a suspected DUI than others. The most common time is between 2 and 3 in the morning. This is when the bars close and people are driving home. Not only are there fewer cars on the road which increases the likelihood of you catching a patrol officer’s eye, but most people who are on the road at that time of the night are leaving a bar or club. This is why so many bartenders are pulled over after they’ve left work.

Driving too Slowly

Weirdly enough, driving too slowly is one of the best ways to be pulled over for a suspected DUI. While there are a few different reasons people will drive slowly, DUI is the most common one. While every person is different, most people who are inebriated drive slowly because their reflexes aren’t as sharp as normal and they’re overcompensating and being overly careful. Not only will the extremely slow driving catch the eye of a passing patrol officer, but your slow driving can also be a road hazard.

Erratic Acceleration and Deacceleration

If you’re rapidly accelerating and deaccelerating for no apparent reason, you shouldn’t be surprised when you spot red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. The inability to gauge how heavily you’re pressing down on the brake and gas pedal are early indicators of inebriation.


Swerving in and out of your lane isn’t just a sign of a potential DUI, it’s also dangerous. When you’re drunk, the swerving indicates that you’re having a difficult time staying focused, that you’re not in full control of your motor skills, and that there’s a serious risk of you getting into a serious accident.

Even if you haven’t been drinking, if a cop spots you swerving all over the road, there’s a good chance that in addition to issuing a sobriety test, they’ll also give you a ticket for erratic or reckless driving.

Patrol officers are extremely good at spotting individuals who are DUI and will not hesitate to pull you over and issue an immediate sobriety test. The best way to prevent this from happening is to make sure you always have an alternate way to get home, such as a designated driver or a ride-share pickup, when you’re going out for drinks.


When Does California Permanently Revoke a Driver’s License for DUI?

It’s no secret that if you’re caught driving while under the influence of an illegal amount of drugs or alcohol in California, you’ll not only be arrested and fined but you’ll also be convicted of a misdemeanor and have your driver’s license suspended. In most cases, the hassle of losing their driver’s license and finding alternative means of travel is the worst part of having a DUI conviction. Even for a few months, not being able to drive convinces most drivers to be mindful of how much they imbibe before sliding behind the wheel.

While most people learn their lesson after a single DUI, there are always exceptions. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, some drivers make the same mistake a second time. At this point, many panic about the long-term impact the second conviction will have on their driving privileges and start worrying about just how many DUIs they can have on their record before they permanently lose their California driving privileges.

Anyone who has passed their 21st birthday and is pulled over for suspicion of DUI and has a blood alcohol content (BAC) that is 008% or more will have their driving privileges revoked. The first time this happens, your driver’s license will be suspended for four months. Each time after that initial charge during a ten-year period, the suspension will last a full year.

The situation goes from bad to worse if you refuse to take a BAC or breath test when you’re pulled over by a patrol officer. In this situation, your driver’s license suspension will last for an entire year following your first DUI experience. If this is the second time you’ve been arrested for a DUI offense and refused the test, you’ll be suspended for two full years. The third and subsequent time this happens, your driver’s license will be suspended for a full three years.

Suppose you’re charged with a DUI while you’re currently on probation for a DUI offense. In that case, your driver’s license will be suspended for an additional year in addition to the traditional suspension period. You will also face the serious legal consequences of driving on a suspended license and probably some other traffic violations as well.

The best way to ensure you don’t lose your driving privileges is to be smart and always have a designated driver or ride-share plan when you go out for a night of fun and drinking.


How to Report a Missing Person in California

There is nothing funny about having a friend or family member fail to be where you expect them to be. The problem becomes even worse when you are unable to contact them via a cell phone call.

Many people who are in this situation mistakenly believe that their loved one must be missing for a full 24 hours before they should contact the police. The truth is that you can contact the authorities and set about filing a missing person report as soon as you suspect that something has gone wrong. If the police tell you that you must wait, they’re wrong. You’re legally allowed to file the missing report right away.

Not only are you legally allowed to file the missing person report right away, but doing so is a good idea. The sooner you report your loved one as missing, the sooner the police can be on the outlook for them. It can even be the thing that prompts the police to do a wellness check which could reveal that your loved one isn’t missing, but simply sitting at home ignoring your calls.

If you’re reporting a minor as missing, the police will start looking for them right away. If you’re reporting someone who isn’t a minor or considered an at-risk person as missing and remains at large for more than 72 hours, the police contact the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and have your loved one officially listed as an endangered adult. This is a crucial step as it gets your loved one’s information into a national database, making it easier for different law enforcement groups to report a sighting or to take an interest in the case.

Don’t assume that just because you’ve reported a loved one as missing that the police will bring your loved one directly to you once they’ve been found. If your loved one is over 21 years old and doesn’t have a history of mental health problems and hasn’t committed a crime, there is little the police can legally do once they’ve been located.

While the police can’t force your loved one to return and they can’t provide you details about where your loved one is currently located, it’s highly likely that they will let you know that you’re loved one is safe and appears to be of sound mind and spirit.


How to Clear your Criminal Record in California

Having a criminal record adversely impacts your life. Depending on the severity of the convictions, your criminal record can make it difficult for you to find housing, establish relationships, and secure some jobs. The fact that you’re living in the technological age where anyone with internet access has the ability to locate your criminal history makes your criminal record even more impactful than it would have been twenty or thirty years ago.

The good news is that with some charges in California, it’s possible to clean up your criminal history and have the charges removed from your history, therefore lessening the negative impact your poor choices have on your future.

The first thing you need to understand is that while it’s possible to have some convictions removed from your criminal history, not all types of convictions are removable. The more serious the offenses, the less likely you’ll be able to get them removed.

The second thing you should understand is that while you may be able to remove some of the convictions from your record, there will remain a history of the court case and investigation so it’s possible that someone who is interested enough to really dig deep into your history will find a trace of your criminal activity.

Expungement is the term used to describe the act of cleaning up your criminal history in California. While many minor offenses are eligible for expungement, if your sentence included you spending time in one of the state prisons, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to clear your record.

You also must have successfully completed every single aspect of your sentencing before expungement even becomes a possibility. That could include serving time in a county jail, performing community service, finishing probation, and making restitution.

Once you’ve completed your entire sentence, you can petition the court about getting the charges expunged from your criminal history. It’s important to note that not everyone who files for expungement will have their request granted. However, if the offenses were minor, there’s nothing to show you’re going to be a habitual offender, and you’ve completed your sentence in a timely manner, it’s likely your request will be granted.

The best thing about having your record expunged is that once the process is complete, future employers and landlords won’t find any criminal history when they perform a background check, making them far more likely to accept you for a position on their team or as a tenant.


Tips for Earning a Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Times are tough right now. We could all use a little extra income, especially with the holidays right around the corner. The good news is that now is a great time to explore the possibility of a side hustle that will put some extra money in your pocket.

Consider Drive Share Programs

If you like to drive and have reliable transportation, you may consider joining a drive-share program. With so many people worried about the possibility of getting drunk at holiday parties, they are turning to drive-share programs for a designated drivers. Demand for drive shares is high during the holidays.

While it’s possible to make some really good money while doing a drive-share program, you do need to consider how much wear and tear it will put on your car as well as the possibility that your car insurance rates will go up. You need to calculate these expenses against your possible earnings.

A Second Job

The holidays are a great time to look for a second job. Many businesses are hiring seasonal labor to get them through the holiday season. If you think a seasonal job is a great way to earn some additional money this holiday season, look for one that:

  • Can be scheduled around your current employment
  • Offers a decent hourly salary
  • Provides a steady schedule during the time you’re working there
  • Is a relatively short commute

Spare Jobs

Check out a local job board or community social media page. You’ll likely find a few people actively looking for someone to clean their house, do some yard work, watch their kids, or do some sort of other odd jobs. These spontaneous odd jobs can be a great source of extra income during the holidays. If you’re going to pick up a few odd jobs make sure that you and the person who is hiring your services are very clear about the type of work you’ll be doing, how long they’ll need your assistance, and how much you’ll be paid. It’s in your best interest to get as much on a contract as possible.


The Most Common Crimes That Occur During the Holidays

Most of us associate the holidays with happiness, family, and love. While many of us focus on the good things during the holiday season, police departments throughout the United States will quickly tell you that crime doesn’t stop during the holidays.

What members of law enforcement have noticed is that certain types of crimes seem to take place during the Christmas season.


Police expect that most of the arrests they make during the holidays will be related to DUIs. More people make the bad decision to drive after they have been drinking during the holidays than most other times of the year. There are several reasons this happens including:

  • People drink more than they realize during holiday parties
  • Some people realize how lonely they are during the holidays and drink to make themselves feel a little better
  • Teens have more time on their hands after school lets out for the holidays, giving them more time to party and drink

Before you go out to a holiday party or to a bar to meet up with friends, take time to figure out how you’ll get home. If there is even a chance that you’ll have a few drinks, it’s in your best interest to arrange things so that you’re not even tempted to drive.


Shoplifting crimes happen all year long, but they seem to be especially common during the holidays. Part of this could be attributed to the fact that there are more shoppers in the store. It could be that because employees are so busy during the holiday season, people who wouldn’t normally shoplift spot an opportunity and decide to take advantage of it. Or it could be that some people would like to purchase a nice gift for their loved ones but don’t have the money and are unable to resist the impulse to take the items that have caught their eye.

Fraud and Scams

The sad reality is that the holidays bring about more fraud and scam crimes than other times of the year. One of the reasons fraud and scam crimes are so prevalent during the holiday season could stem from the fact that people are busy, so they don’t pay as much attention to what is being said as they normally would. Loneliness, which is often felt more during the holidays, could be another reason so many people fall victim to fraud and other types of scams during the holidays.

While you want to enjoy the current holiday season, you also have to be vigilant and take steps to protect yourself against crime this holiday season.

What is the difference Between Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol?

In California, driving under the influence means driving while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. Many people often wonder if there is a difference between driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

In terms of the charges connected strictly to your driving, there’s not much of a difference if you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You will face some serious fines, probably be ordered to get some counseling, lose your driving privileges, and possibly spend some time in jail.

What is different is that if you’re caught driving under the influence of drugs, you’ll not only face the same charges connected to driving under the influence, but you’ll also face any charges that are connected to the use of the drugs you have in your system. A perfect example of this is a person who is caught driving while under the influence of prescription drugs that they don’t have a legal prescription for. They will also face charges for not having a prescription, illicit drug use, and possibly additional charges.

The other issue to consider is that some prescription medications interact badly with alcohol. If you mix the two, you could be charged with a DUI if they react strongly with one another.

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Is a Public Defender the Right Choice for You?

One of the great things about the way our justice system is set up is that everyone is entitled to legal representation. That means that no matter what your financial situation is, you don’t have to worry about navigating the criminal charges that have been filed against you by yourself. If you can afford a private criminal lawyer, fantastic. If you can’t afford the legal bills, the court will appoint a public defender to handle your case.

There are several reasons why you should take advantage of the public defender.

Public Defenders are Fully Trained Lawyers

Some people believe that they should avoid public defenders because they assume that since public defenders are court-appointed they must not be real lawyers. That’s not the case at all. The truth is that public defenders are highly trained attorneys who not only attended law school but who also successfully passed the state’s bar exam.

Unlike private criminal defense attorneys, public defenders don’t have the ability to cherry-pick their cases. They are required to take any case the court assigns to them. This means that public defenders get a great deal of experience handling an assortment of cases and charges. In many respects, this makes them more versatile and able to handle the unique details of your case.

Public Defenders Have a Solid Working Relationship With the Judges

Public defenders work with the local judges and prosecutors every single working day. They understand the personal preferences of the other side in a manner that private lawyers don’t. They know when it’s best to approach a judge, how to word things in a way that makes both the prosecutor and the judge more likely to accept a plea bargain, and are often more comfortable speaking to the judge and prosecutor than a private attorney is. They can use this knowledge to help you get the best possible deal.

Public Defenders Often Excel in Niche Areas of the Law

Public defenders, especially the ones who work in larger cities where there is a larger pool of public defenders, often settle into one or two niches of criminal defense, such as auto theft or domestic violence. This sometimes gives them an edge since they are always up to date on changes in the law, the little things that can really impact a case, and similar court cases that they can use to help lessen the charges you’re facing.

Public Defenders are Masters at Recognizing a Great Plea Deal

The simple truth is that if your case is going before a jury, you will probably be better off with a private criminal defense attorney, but if your main concern is getting the best possible plea deal, a public defender is a great option. Public defenders have seen enough cases just like yours that they have developed a knack for identifying a great plea deal and knowing when you should hold out for a different option.

They’re Affordable

A private defense attorney is expensive. If your finances are such that you are eligible for a public defender, it is far better to accept that as opposed to trying to handle the case all on your own.

Have you ever been represented by a public defender? Was your experience positive or do you wish you’d gone with a different option?


The Smartest Way to Handle a Big Lotto Win

With the Powerball jackpot soaring to over a billion dollars, people are stocking up on tickets. Even people who have never played the lotto before are purchasing a ticket and daydreaming about what they will do if they strike it big.

Since there is always a chance that you could win, dedicating a few minutes to learning what you should do if you happen to have the winning numbers is a good idea.

Sit on the News

The best thing you can do if you find out that you’re holding the winning numbers is to put your lotto tickets in a really safe place, like a safe deposit box, and sit on the news for a while. Don’t tell your family, don’t go directly to the state lotto office, and don’t make any huge purchases. Give yourself some time to come to terms with what has just happened and to think about how this will change your life.

It’s also a good idea to spend some time thinking about what major life changes you want to make and what you want to remain the same.

Seek Financial and Legal Assistance

Before you contact the lottery office, it’s a good idea to connect with both a legal advisor and a good lawyer who has a solid financial background. Both of these professionals will help you explore all of your options so that you can best decide how to handle your lotto winnings.

While you’re working with your financial advisor, it’s a good idea to have them consolidate your debts so that the first thing you do with your lotto winnings is paid things off. Knowing that all of your outstanding debts are handled allows you to sit back and enjoy your winnings.

Have a Plan in Place to Deal With Loved Ones

It’s possible that learning about your stroke of good luck will bring out a side of your loved ones that you’ve never seen before. Some will be genuinely happy for you. Some will be jealous. Some will believe that you are now the perfect person to hit up for money.

Before letting your loved ones know of your windfall, sit down and decide how you want to handle financial gifts and loans. Not only should you determine who will benefit from your lotto win, but you should also have an explanation ready for when you find yourself in a position of having to tell someone no, you won’t help them out.

Look To the Future

One of the mistakes that some lottery winners make is assuming that the money will be around forever. They go on a spending spree and drastically change their lives only to find out that the money spends faster than they thought, especially when tax season rolls around.

Before you start spending your lottery winnings, you should think about how much you need to add to your retirement fund, how you’ll pay your way as you get older, and potentially have to deal with health problems and other expenses that could crop up. The more of your winnings that you can set aside for your future, the better.

Explore Tax Deductions

Taxes will eat into a large chunk of your winnings. And they will continue to do so. Sit down with your financial advisor and learn about the different things you can do to minimize the amount of taxes you have to pay. Some choices you can consider include charitable donations, and maxing out your 401K.

Once you’re satisfied that you have thought through everything, have set up a good financial plan, and are fully prepared for the different ways the winnings will change your life, it’s time to contact the nearest lotto office and start the process of collecting your lotto winnings.


Money Saving Tips for the Holidays

All the signs point to us being poised on the brink of a recession. Between inflation and the outrageously high price of fuel, most of us are looking at the holidays and wondering if there is any way we can save a little money yet still enjoy the holiday season.

The good news is that yes, it is possible to cut back on your spending and still have a fantastic and memorable holiday with your loved ones.

Put Your Credit Cards Away

Make this the year that you don’t use your credit cards to finance your holiday. The problem that many people run into is that since they are using a credit card, they don’t pay attention to how much money they are actually spending while holiday shopping. When the credit card statement arrives, it’s always a shock. Even more alarming is how quickly the interest adds up.

You’ll be amazed by how much more aware you are of your spending when you stick to cash or your debit card. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about any surprising bills showing up in January.

Stay Home

One of the biggest expenses many people run into during the holidays is the cost of eating out. There’s something about the holidays that inspires people to go out. While this is fun, it can quickly become expensive. Rather than going out to eat dinner, look for fun and innovative ways to dine at home. Try new recipes, prepare picnics, and cook favorite meals you don’t eat often. You won’t believe how much money you save.

When you invite loved ones over for the holidays, consider asking them to bring a dish to pass. Not only does this help you save a little money, but also ensures that there is at least one dish on the table that they’ll enjoy.

Make Your Gifts

Giving gifts is a great way to lift our moods, but it’s also a drain on your bank account. Rather than buying expensive gifts for friends and family, try getting creative and making a few things. If you’re stuck for ideas, check out your local community center, many places offer fun courses that not only end with you bringing home a fun craft project that you can turn into a gift, but also the skills needed to make more so that everyone can benefit from your handiwork.

Consider a Side Hustle

If you have the time, a side hustle such as getting a seasonal job or selling products online is a great way to put aside some extra money for the holidays. If you really want to get the maximum value from your side hustle, try using just half of the bonus income for the holidays and putting the other half into savings.

Cut Back on the Traveling

If you’re the type of person who likes to make lots of little day trips during the holiday season, this is the year you should consider cutting back. Look for ways you can combine several of your holiday excursions into one day so that you don’t spend as much on fuel.

What money-saving ideas do you plan on implementing this holiday season?


What to Do When You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

Car accidents happen, and even when you do everything in your power to drive defensively and avoid a collision, there could be a time when despite your best efforts you find yourself involved in an accident which is why now is the best time to learn the proper way to respond.

Secure Your Car

The first thing you need to do is to make sure your car is secure. In this case, it means shutting off the engine and getting out of the car as quickly as possible. While car accidents rarely cause fires, there’s always a chance that a random spark could ignite some gasoline. Shutting off the engine is the best way to reduce the risk of a post-accident car fire.

Even if you’re too severely injured to leave the car, try to turn your vehicle off.

Perform a Wellness Check

Take a quick moment to make sure that neither you nor any of your passengers are injured. Sorting out the details of the accident is important, but not nearly as important as making sure everyone is in one piece and not in immediate need of medical attention.

Call 911

Rather than trying to reach the police directly, you should call 911. The dispatcher will send the nearest police officer to the scene as well as the EMTs if you say that someone sustained injuries. Don’t worry that more than one person has contacted 911. If there are multiple calls about reporting the same accident, the dispatcher will deal with the issue.

Try to stay calm and keep your voice understandable while you’re on the phone with the 911 dispatcher. The information they need is how many vehicles were involved in the accident if there are any apparent injuries and the accident location. The calmer you remain, the easier it will be for the dispatcher to do their job properly and to get help to you as quickly as possible.

Create a Record of the Accident

It’s not a bad idea to create a record of the accident. Yes, the police will create a report, but having your own record adds more credibility to your version of the events when you file your insurance report. More importantly, creating your own record of the incident also helps cement details surrounding the accident into your memory, which makes it easier to answer any questions the police or insurance company will have.

File a Claim

Once you are satisfied that you’re safe, you need to let the insurance company know what happened. They will advise you on the best way to proceed.