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Why California’s Homeless Population Continues to Grow

There has always been an issue with people not being able to find a place to live in California. For as long as anyone can remember, California has had a large homeless population but in the past decade, the sheer number of homeless individuals who live in California has really skyrocketed. There’s a reason for it.

The Cost of Living Has Gotten Out of Hand

When we think of the homeless population, we tend to picture drug addicts and other people who live on the fringe of society. The truth is that many members of California’s current homeless population are healthy people who are working full-time jobs. Instead of living in a nice apartment or house, they are living in their car and taking showers at their local gym.

The reason so many working-class individuals are joining the ranks of California’s homeless population is that the cost of renting or purchasing a traditional place to live is simply more than their budget can handle. Sleeping in their car is the only way they feel that they can make ends meet. Until something is done to stabilize the cost of living in California which includes creating some sort of affordable housing, California’s homeless population will likely continue to expand.


Addictions to drugs and even alcohol plays a huge role in the growth of California’s homeless population. Not only does feeding the addiction make it impossible for individuals to save enough money to afford housing, but the addiction also leads to erratic behavior and unreliability that prompts landlords from accepting rental applications.

Mental Illness

Except for drug/alcohol addiction, very little is said about the impact mental health has on California’s homeless population. Depression in particular is a mental illness that can cause a person to become homeless. The depression makes it impossible for the individual to go to work and the state doesn’t provide the resources they need to help work through their depression. The individual is no longer able to go to work, pay their bills, or stay on top of their rent/mortgage. As a result, they lose their home and are forced to become part of the homeless population. This is just a few of the many reasons that California’s homeless population continues to grow.


Safe and Sane vs Dangerous Fireworks

Did you know that California actually has two different categories of fireworks?

The first category of fireworks and the one everyone would prefer that you work with is referred to as “safe and sane fireworks.” Most of us are perfectly happy using safe and sane fireworks. These are the simple yet satisfying light shows that you can put on in your own backyard. They include things like snap caps, sparklers, small little rockets that only travel a few feet into the sky, fountains, and spinners. The simple things that pretty much anyone can figure out how to operate safely.

Dangerous fireworks are more complicated. These are the fireworks that create the bigger light show. Lawmakers consider fireworks that exceed ten inches in length and a quarter-inch in diameter to be dangerous. More importantly, they’re illegal.

While safe and sane fireworks are perfectly legal for you to purchase and use in the comfort of your own backyard, they’re still heavily restricted. To sell safe and sane fireworks, vendors must be properly licensed. They are also only allowed to sell the fireworks from June 28th through July 6. If you want to purchase the safe and sane fireworks, you’ll need to get to the store as close to that June 28th date as possible. Anyone who can’t prove that they are at least 16 years old will not be allowed to purchase the fireworks.

When it comes to what lawmakers consider dangerous fireworks, you shouldn’t have them at all. It’s illegal for you to have dangerous fireworks.

If you’re caught with a large number of dangerous fireworks, you’ll face serious legal ramifications. The large quantity of fireworks means you’re facing felony charges. If convicted, the maximum sentence is three years in a state prison and/or a $50,000 fine.

If you plan on purchasing and setting off any fireworks this season, you first need to check your local government ordinances. Some cities and counties, have banned even the types of fireworks the state considers to be safe and sane. Before lighting up your small stash of safe and sane fireworks, make sure you’re not about to break any local ordinances that could result in misdemeanor charges.

Your local fire department will be able to provide you with detailed information about local firework laws and restrictions.


Conserving Electricity This Summer

Since May, various people have expressed concern that the power grid won’t be able to provide enough electricity to meet everyone’s needs. According to a May 6, 2022 article that was posted by CBS Sacramento, the California Independent System Operator (Cal ISO) was already seriously concerned about whether supply would meet demand. At the time, it was predicted that the state’s power grid would be approximately 1,700 megawatts short.

There are a few different reasons why electricity is becoming increasingly difficult for Californians to use. The leading reasons that electricity is in short supply include wildfires that not only destroy many electrical resources but often put an additional strain on the grid. The drought makes it harder to find the water needed to create electricity. Last is the sheer demand people are placing on the state’s electrical system. As the days get hotter, people are using their air conditioning more frequently which drains electrical resources.

While you may not be able to completely spare the state from rolling black and brownouts this summer, there are a few things you can do that will limit the strain you place on the overtaxed system and also lower your monthly electricity bill.

Use Window Covering/Treatments

You will be amazed by the amount of money upgrading your window coverings/treatments saves you. Good quality window coverings/treatments are designed to significantly reduce the amount of heat that’s let into your house. The less heat that enters your home, the less you’ll pay to keep the interior air conditioning.

Consider Using a Fan

Switching the air conditioning off and turning a fan on is always a great way to conserve electricity, especially when you’re the only person home. Fans create a wind-chill effect as they circulate air around the room. Occasionally using a damp towel to moisten your skin will enhance the fan’s cooling properties.

Since the fan doesn’t actually cool your home but simply moves air around, you’ll want to shut it off whenever you leave the room. Continuing to allow it to run will simply drain your electrical supply for no good reason.

Invest in a New Thermostat

Believe it or not, the thermostat you’re using can have a major impact on your monthly utility bills. All you have to do is replace your traditional thermostat with an automated one that you can program to accommodate your family’s routine. Why is this important? It means that during the times when no one is home, the system will turn off your air conditioning and allow the internal temp of your home to rise a bit while you conserve energy by not running the A/C. Just before you’re scheduled to get home, the automated thermostat will turn the A/C on so you return to a cool and comfortable environment.

What steps have you taken to decrease your electricity use this summer?


Jaywalking in California

All of us have heard the term jaywalking, but few of us can say exactly what it is. According to the Legal Dictionary, the exact definition of jaywalking is the act of crossing a roadway when it is unlawful to do so. This includes crossing between intersections, as well as crossing at a crosswalk equipped with a signal, without waiting for the proper indication that it is safe to do so.

While jaywalking might not seem like a big deal, you should know that it’s prohibited in California. You can learn more about jaywalking in California by checking out 21955 VC, which makes it very clear that jaywalking is illegal in the state.

The law states that you’re not allowed to walk, “between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices or by police officers, pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place except in a crosswalk.”

Even though jaywalking is illegal, the good news is that it’s an infraction, not a misdemeanor or felony. Not only won’t it go on a permanent criminal record that can negatively impact your ability to find housing or secure a job, but it also means you don’t have to worry about going to jail. The jaywalking incident will be no worse than getting pulled over for a minor driving mistake.

The bad news is that there are some substantial fines connected to jaywalking in California. Right off the bat, your jaywalking ticket will cost you $196 but there will also be administrative fees, processing fees, and other charges added to the ticket until it’s a substantial amount.
It is also worth noting that if you’re caught jaywalking, the police officer who witnessed the incident will ruin your record. If you have any bench warrants, they’ll have no choice but to arrest you.

The big concern everyone has regarding jaywalking is that someone could get hurt. If you’re decision to jaywalk results in an accident, you’ll likely have to defend yourself in a civil case.


Consequences of Reckless Burning in California

Finally, it’s summertime! Between the increased daylight hours and warmer weather, you’re finally able to do all of your favorite outdoor activities, including having your friends over for a bonfire.

Before you strike a match, you need to make sure you’ve taken the proper steps so that you don’t find yourself dealing with a reckless burning charge.

California’s Penal Code 452 PC exists exclusively for people who either start an illegal fire or who are reckless with fire. The law prohibits you from randomly setting fire to:

  • Structures
  • Property
  • Forest land

The way the law is written, even if you don’t deliberately set fire to something, but simply have a campfire, you can still be charged with being reckless with fire if you fail to follow basic protocols and the fire gets out of control.

Penal Code 452 PC states:

“A person is guilty of unlawfully causing a fire when he recklessly sets fire to or burns or causes to be burned, any structure, forest land or property.
(a) Unlawfully causing a fire that causes great bodily injury is a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for two, four, or six years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine, or by both such imprisonment and fine.
(b) Unlawfully causing a fire that causes an inhabited structure or inhabited property to burn is a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine, or by both such imprisonment and fine.
(c) Unlawfully causing a fire of a structure or forest land is a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months, two or three years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, or by a fine, or by both such imprisonment and fine.
(d) Unlawfully causing a fire of property is a misdemeanor. For purposes of this paragraph, unlawfully causing a fire of property does not include one burning or causing to be burned his own personal property unless there is injury to another person or to another person’s structure, forest land or property.
(e) In the case of any person convicted of violating this section while confined in a state prison, prison road camp, prison forestry camp, or other prison camp or prison farm, or while confined in a county jail while serving a term of imprisonment for a felony or misdemeanor conviction, any sentence imposed shall be consecutive to the sentence for which the person was then confined.”

If you’re charged with basic reckless burning of personal property, you’re dealing with a misdemeanor crime. The maximum sentence is 6 months in a county jail and/or a $1,000 fine.

The situation goes from bad to worse if a building or forestland was impacted by your fire. When buildings and forest land are involved, reckless burning in California becomes a wobbler offense. At this point, it’s often referred to as reckless arson.
When you create a forest fire and are only charged with a misdemeanor, the maximum sentence you face is six months in a county jail and/or a $1,000 fine. However if the fire involved an inhabited structure or property, you face a felony charge which carries a sentence of 2, 3, or four years in a state prison.

If someone was injured as a result of your fire, the sentence can include up to six years in a state prison.

If you have any intention of lighting any type of fire this year, it’s in your best interest to be safety conscious and to have all of your safety equipment/tools on hand before you start burning.


Early Warning Signs of Heat Stroke

The longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the hotter it gets, the greater the risk of heatstroke.

The problem many people discover is that while there are warning signs that they’re starting to overheat, most either ignore these signs or fail to recognize them for what they are until it’s too late. Make this the year that you sit down and familiarize yourself with the early warning signs of heatstroke. You’ll find that knowing when you’re overheating improves your overall health and how much you enjoy the summer months.

Headaches are often the first sign that you’ve been out in the sun and heat too long. They can also be a sign of dehydration so going indoors and drinking a tall glass of cold water as soon as your head starts to throb can solve both issues before they become serious health concerns.

Keeping a mirror tucked into your pocket while you’re outside isn’t a bad idea. You can use it to keep an eye on your complexion. If you notice you’re becoming flushed, you should either get inside or at least to a nice shady patch so you can cool down a bit.

If your skin feels hot, tight, and dry, you immediately need to take steps to cool down. The fact that you feel hot but aren’t sweating isn’t a good sign. The longer you ignore the state of your skin, the greater the risk of you developing full-blown heat stroke.

Do you feel your pulse pounding in your throat or your heart hammering in your chest? This is often a sign that you’ve developed heatstroke. You need to immediately get out of the sun and start slowly cooling yourself down. If your heart rate doesn’t start to slow down after a few minutes, you’ll want to seek medical assistance.

The hotter you get, the more confused you’ll feel. Things like agitation, sudden irritation, delirium, and slurred speech are signs of advancing heat stroke. Seek medical attention.

Stay cool and healthy this summer!


Avoiding Road Rage in California

Road rage is a serious problem and it doesn’t show signs of getting better. According to the American Automobile Association, approximately 200 murders and 12,000 deaths over seven years were linked to road rage incidents. The NHTSA reported that 66% of traffic fatalities were the direct result of aggressive driving and road rage. The Zebra conducted a study in 2019 that revealed that 82% of drivers committed an act of road rage.

While you may not be able to avoid road rage altogether, there are some things you can do to reduce the number of road rage incidents you’re linked to.

Avoid driving when you’re already on edge.

The more irritated you are when you slide behind the wheel, the greater the odds are that you’ll experience road rage during your commute. Try to calm yourself down before driving. Once you’re on the road, take deep breaths and listen to soothing music or an uplifting podcast.

Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination. The tighter you are on time, the more recklessly you’ll drive and the more irritated you’ll be at other drivers. Giving yourself a good amount of time to safely reach your destination is one of the best ways to avoid road rage incidents.

Carefully choose your route before you leave. If you know you’re already irritated, choose a route that has the least amount of traffic on it. The fewer cars you encounter on your drive, the more relaxed you’ll be.

Let things go while you’re driving. There will be days when things happen that irritate you. Rather than letting them get under your skin and prompt you into doing something you’ll regret. Take lots of deep breaths, practice defensive driving techniques, and focus on all the good things that are happening around you.

When you encounter an angry driver, don’t engage with them. Stay defensive and let them go ahead of you. Don’t match their aggressive behavior with aggressive moves of your own.


Providing False Credit Card Information

There are times when we could all use a little extra money. Adding an additional line of credit to our lives seems like a good way to get it. The problem is that if you’re already overstretched, the credit card companies will likely reject your application. This can prompt some of us to consider providing false credit card information.

Before you start to provide someone with false credit card information you should know about Penal Code 484f PC. This is the law that outlines the consequences of providing false credit card information in California.

The law states: “(a) Every person who, with the intent to defraud, designs, makes, alters, or embosses a counterfeit access card or utters or otherwise attempts to use a counterfeit access card is guilty of forgery.

(b) A person other than the cardholder or a person authorized by him or her who, with the intent to defraud, signs the name of another or of a fictitious person to an access card, sales slip, sales draft, or instrument for the payment of money which evidences an access card transaction, is guilty of forgery.”

If you think providing false credit card information is something that only happens when people lie on credit card applications, you’re wrong. While there are lots of people who do lie when they apply for credit cards, there are many different ways a person can violate the law.

Examples of providing false credit card information include:

  • Creating fake debit/credit cards
  • Using a friend/family member’s credit card without first getting their permission
  • Providing a store with a fake credit card number
  • Doing something to alter the numbers on a credit/debit card

Providing false credit card information is a wobbler offense. The circumstances surrounding the incident and the amount of money involved are used to determine if you’ll be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. If you’re convicted of misdemeanor falsifying credit card information, the maximum sentence is one year in jail and restitution. In felony cases, the maximum sentence is three years in prison.

In most cases, providing false credit card information is just one of the charges you’ll have hanging over your head. Additional charges usually connected to this type of crime usually include forgery, petty theft, stealing a credit card, etc.


Several Reasons Kids are Left in Hot Cars

It’s that time of year when we are constantly getting bombarded by messages reminding us to not leave kids and pets in hot cars. If you’re one of those people who roll their eyes and question how anyone could forget their child in a hot car you’re not alone. Most people feel the same way, right up to the moment they realize that they left their child in a hot car that is quickly turning into an oven.

According to a CNN report, an average of 38 kids die each year because they were left in a hot car. The majority of these deaths occurred during July.

The best way to make sure you never leave your own child in a hot car is to learn the main reasons this tragic and scary thing happens.

The Normal Routine Shifts

One of the biggest reasons kids are forgotten in hot cars is because something happens to change the parents’ routine. This doesn’t have to be a big change, just a small interruption in their routine such as a shoelace getting untied or getting a phone call. It’s just enough to break the parent’s thought pattern and make them temporarily forget about the child strapped to the back seat car seat.

Kids Get Into the Car

There have been a few instances where the child actually locked themselves into a hot car. This usually happens when the kids are playing and start to explore. They find that the car is unlocked so they crawl inside and engage the child locks. Soon they are overheating but are unable to remember how to get out of the car.

It’s Someone Who Doesn’t Usually Transport Kids

Some kids are left in cars because they’re being transported by someone who rarely drives with children, such as an aunt, grandparent, or neighbor. Usually, this person is doing the child’s parents a favor and simply forgets that they have a child in the vehicle who is unable to get out on their own.

The Parent Is Only Going to be Gone a Second

Some parents feel that since they are only going to be gone for a moment, it’s easier to leave their child in the car rather than bundling the in and out for an errand that’s only going to take a minute. The problem is that the errand sometimes takes longer and the interior of a parked car gets deathly hot extremely quickly.

The Child is Left on Purpose

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes a parent deliberately leaves their child in a hot car. These incidents usually happen because the parent is upset with the child’s other parent, the parent is suffering from a mental illness, or the parent has decided they don’t like being a parent.

Hot cars are deadly to young kids. There are ways to prevent yourself from accidentally leaving a child in a hot car. Stick reminder notes on your steering wheel. Place your cell phone next to the car seat. Arrange for someone to call you when you’re scheduled to arrive at your destination and remind you about your child. All of these are simple steps you can take to make sure your child doesn’t become a summer car story.


5 Things You Can Do to Save Gas While Driving

Gas prices have hit historical highs and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get much relief this summer. While there isn’t anything you can do that will lower the cost per gallon, you can alter your driving habits so that you get the maximum amount of mileage from each gallon you put into your vehicle.

Slow Down

Driving slow isn’t as much fun as zipping along, but it will significantly improve your vehicle’s fuel economy. The slower you go, the less drag your vehicle encounters, and the more miles you get per gallon.

Brake Smoothly

There are times when you can’t avoid slamming on your brakes, but whenever you have the chance, try to brake as smoothly as possible. Also, try letting the weight of your vehicle aid with its slowing down rather than riding your brakes. In addition to improving your fuel economy, the smoother braking style will also lengthen the lifespan of your brakes.

Let Your Cruise Control Handle your Acceleration

We’ve gotten into the habit of mashing the accelerator all the way to the floorboards when we accelerate. Now is a good time to stop this practice. The first thing you need to do is carefully chose the times you pull into traffic and wait for a break that allows you to gradually accelerate. You should also allow your cruise control to handle the acceleration since it will handle it far more smoothly, which ultimately reduces your gas usage.

Stop Idling

Instead of letting your car idle while you wait for your kids to get out of school or as you run back into your home for some forgotten item, shut your engine off. The longer your car idles, the more fuel it burns while doing absolutely nothing.

Pre-plan Your Stops

Before leaving home for the day, stop and think about the various errands you’re going to run. Rather than driving to every single location, look for ways you can park your car and leave it. You won’t believe how much fuel you save when you stop driving to every single store. If the distance between two stops is further than you want to walk, consider using public transportation, a bike, or renting an electric scooter. Leaving your car parked in one location while you run errands in multiple places may take longer, but it will also save you a significant amount of money.

What methods are you using to reduce your overall fuel usage?
