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Monthly Archive February 9, 2022


You Can Still Get Your Drinks To-Go

For as long as most of us can remember if you wanted to go out for a drink, you had to stay at the bar until you were finished. You weren’t allowed to order a drink to go.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, things changed. Bar and restaurant owners struggled to keep their businesses afloat while their regular patrons worked hard to obey social distancing and self-quarantining laws and stayed home.

The problem prompted lawmakers to take an unexpected step. As the pandemic continued to drag on, they passed a law that made it legal to order a drink to go. The catch was that this was a temporary law, designed to get people through the pandemic.

If you loved ordering your favorite drink from a bar and then taking it home so you could enjoy it in your own home, you’ll be delighted to know you can still do this. The recent passing of Senate Bill 389 allows some bars and restaurants to send customers home with wine and cocktails. Best of all, this law will remain in effect for the next five years. It’s likely that in five years, lawmakers will evaluate the situation and if it’s going well, they could decide to allow to-go adult beverages to continue.

Just because you can order your favorite wine and cocktail to-go, you’re free to do whatever you want with the drink. You still aren’t allowed to drive while intoxicated. Nor are you allowed to drink while you’re driving. Getting caught for either of these things will result in you getting into legal trouble.

You already know about California’s drunk driving laws, but you’re probably less aware of the state’s open container laws. In California, you aren’t allowed to consume alcohol or marijuana while you’re in a car. It doesn’t matter if you’re a driver or a passenger, you can’t have an open container in the vehicle.

If you are caught with an open container in your car, you will be hit with an infraction. The fine ranges from $100 to $250. If the drivers or passengers are underage, the repercussions of the open container is could result in six months in jail or a $1,000 fine.

Do you think that continuing the adult beverage to-go option is a good deal? Do you think that in five years lawmakers will choose to extend the law?


We’re Quick, Right To The Point

We don’t want to waste your time (we know it’s precious and there’s no time to waste) so we’re going to get right to the point.

Here at Absolute Bail Bonds in Los Angeles, we offer:


How to Report a Crime in California

It doesn’t matter if you’re the victim of a crime or if you have seen a crime take place. You should always report the situation to the police. Here’s how to go about doing just that.

Don’t try to take matters into your own hands. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is attempting to stop a crime that’s in progress. While it’s commendable that you want to do something about the situation, the odds of you getting hurt are extremely high. Stopping a crime that’s in progress isn’t worth jeopardizing your safety. When you witness a crime taking place that isn’t jeopardizing anyone’s actual health safety, don’t get involved. Simply report the situation to the police and let them handle it.

When you see a crime taking place, the first thing you need to do is get yourself to a safe place. Once you’ve addressed your personal safety, pull out your cell phone and contact 911. Explain what is happening. The 911 operator will advise you on the best way to protect yourself and also put you into contact with the police.

When the police reach out to you, give them as much information as you can. The more accurate you are about times and locations, the better the chances are that the prosecution will put together a successful case that will end with the criminal getting convicted.

Follow the police’s advice to the letter. If they want to speak to you in person right away, they will advise you on where to wait for them. If they want you to come to the police station and file a report, they will tell you which station to go to and whom to speak with.

It’s important that your memory of the incident remains clear. It doesn’t take much time for a memory to shift or fade, so it’s not a bad idea to grab a piece of paper and write down everything you remember about what you’ve witnessed. This includes a detailed description of the person/people who committed the crime.

If an arrest is made and the case goes to court, you’ll be called on to testify. The prosecutor that’s handling the case will provide you with the information you need to be a reliable witness while on the stand.


Valentine’s First Date Safety Tips

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Those of us who are single often feel that the holiday is the perfect day to arrange a first date and hopefully strike up a romance. The problem is that some of us are so fixated on connecting romantically, that we sometimes overlook basic first-date safety measures and will find ourselves in a dangerous situation.

Drive Separately

These days, most of us go on first dates with people we don’t actually know. In many cases, it’s an internet connection that sounds interesting. No matter how nice and trustworthy that person might sound during your virtual conversations, you need to remember that you don’t fully know them. One of the best ways you can keep yourself safe is making sure that each of you drives separately to your Valentine’s Day date location.

Driving does more than simply prevent you from being located in a small space where you have very little control over things with a person you don’t know well. It also provides you with an easy and accessible means of escape if the date doesn’t go well.

If you don’t have your own car, use an Uber/cab/bus to get to the location.

Tell Your Friends About Your Plans

Secret first dates sound fun and exciting, especially on Valentine’s Day. The other nice thing about secret first dates is that you don’t have to fill your friends and family members in on all of the details if the date turns out to be a dud.

The problem with secret Valentine’s Day dates is that if no one knows where you are or what you’re doing, they won’t know that you could be in trouble. Let at least one trusted person know where you’re going and who your Valentine’s Day date is. They will provide this information to the police if something goes wrong.

Meet in Public

Your Valentine’s Day date doesn’t have to be in a noisy club or even a secluded forest glen. It should be in a public place where people can step in if things don’t go the way you like. If you start to feel uncomfortable during the date, alert someone who is nearby and they can help extract you from the situation.

Never Leave a Drink Unattended

Always keep an eye on your drink. You don’t want your date or anyone else who is nearby, to slip anything into it. If you have to leave your drink, order a new one. Don’t finish the one that was left by itself.

Let Someone Know When You Make it Home Safely

Let the friend/family member you told about the date know that you’ve made it home and are safe. This is a great opportunity to discuss your Valentine’s Day date and decide if this is a person you’re interested in seeing again.

What are your plans for this Valentine’s Day?