What You Should Know When you Need to Make Bail Bonds
When you sign a contract with Absolute Bail Bonds you’re entering into a written agreement with us that states in exchange for us posting your bail and helping secure your release from jail, you agree to appear at all of your scheduled court appearances and follow any other rules the court has attached to your bail.
For many people, a bail bond is the only way they will be released since they simply can’t come up with the money on their own.
If you find that you need to make a California bail bond, here is what you need to know.
Make sure the bail bonds company you’re about to work with is genuinely allowed to write a bail bond for you. There are some scam artists in the bail bond industry who are perfectly content to collect a 10% fee from you and disappear with your money, leaving you sitting in a cell and now in even more desperate financial straits than you were before contacting the felonious bail bonds agency.
Absolute Bail Bonds in San Bernardino has a history that spans several decades. We’re a fully licensed and insured bail bonds industry that already has a relationship with the court and jail system you’re currently dealing with.
Plan on talking to us. When you contact us, you should be prepared for a kind of two-way mini-interview process. We want to make sure that you’re comfortable with our process and we want to make sure that you’re a good risk. We have made this process easy by creating both phone and online consultations. Each of these consultations is completely free. Not only won’t we charge you for the consultation, but we also won’t pressure you into making an immediate decision. You can contact us 24/7.
Be prepared to read through the California bail bonds contract. This is yet another opportunity to ask us questions and make sure that you feel good about making a bail bond. You will have to present a valid ID when signing the contract. If necessary we can ask the booking officer to retrieve the ID from your personal belongings long enough for us to confirm that you are who you say are.
While there are sometimes things that slow down the process, we can usually have you released from jail in practically no time at all. It normally takes less than four hours. Make sure you have arranged for a ride home.
While we don’t require that each of our clients touches base with us every couple of days, we want you to feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We would far rather have you touch base with us than have you accidentally do something that will get you arrested for a bail violation.
For additional information, feel free to call 1-800-793-2245.

When Minors Use a Fake ID
Having a fake id is almost considered a right of passage. There are movies, books, and even songs that feature all sorts of adventures a young man or woman can get into once they’ve managed to acquire a fake id. Most of these adventures involve illegally purchasing alcohol or cigarettes.
Most of these stories don’t show the ugly truth about what would have happened if the main character had been caught using their fake id. The reality is that if you are using a fake id and the police find out about it, there will be some very real, very scary legal consequences.
Business and Professions Code 25661 BPC is the law that covers what happens to minors who possess a fake id. The law clearly states that in California, using an ID that isn’t their own for the purchase of items such as cigarettes, vapes, and alcohol is a legal offense.
While having a fake ID is against the law, minors who are caught using a fake id to purchase items that they aren’t legally old enough to use won’t face felony charges. Presenting a false ID is a misdemeanor in California.
If you’re a minor, don’t assume that just because using a fake ID is a misdemeanor that getting caught with one isn’t a big deal. You will still go through the trauma and embarrassment of being arrested. You will still have a criminal record. You will still face some pretty serious legal consequences.
The first time a minor is convicted of using a fake ID, the maximum sentence they will face is a fine that’s no larger than $250 and up to 32 hours of community service. If the same minor is caught and convicted a second time, the maximum sentence is a $500 fine and up to 48 hours of community service.
In most cases, using a fake ID is just one of the charges young adult faces after they’ve been caught. Most of these cases usually involve additional charges such as minor in possession of alcohol/tobacco and DUI. It’s even possible that the owner of the store where the minor attempted to use a fake ID will decide to pursue a civil case against the minor.
When all is said and done, it’s in everyone’s best interest to obey the letter of the law and not purchase alcohol and tobacco until you’re legally able to do so.

California’s Stance on the Theft of Intellectual Property
These days, both large and small businesses rely heavily on intellectual property.
Cornell Law School defines intellectual property as, “any product of the human intellect that the law protects from unauthorized use by others.”
Investopedia elaborates on that definition and describes intellectual property as “a broad categorical description for the set of intangible assets owned and legally protected by a company from outside use or implementation without consent. An intangible asset is a non-physical asset that a company owns.”
Quick examples of intellectual property include:
- Website content
- Logos
- Slogans
- Sound recordings
- Videos
- Trademarks
- Copyrights
- Trade secrets
- Photos
- Blog posts
- Social media posts
While there may be some confusion about the exact definition of intellectual property, the one thing everyone agrees on is that intellectual property is a major business asset. Every single year millions of dollars get invested in the creation of new and fresh intellectual property.
Like all things of value, intellectual property is highly sought after by thieves.
The problem with intellectual property theft is that many of the people who steal the intellectual property don’t realize that they are doing anything wrong. Many assume that because a slogan, logo, or even pages of website content can be found online that it’s okay to use that content for their own purposes. They don’t realize that copying that entire blog post or using another’s company’s logo and passing it off on their own is just as wrong as stealing a pack of gum from a gas station.
One of the biggest differences between shoplifting from a local store and passing off someone else’s intellectual property as your own is that when you steal from a store, the case will likely only involve the local police. When it comes to the theft of intellectual property, the FBI sometimes gets involved. That’s because in many situations the theft of intellectual property is a federal offense.
While intellectual property theft is a federal offense, according to the FBI, most of the cases they look into involve extreme examples of copyright theft (remember all of the warnings that play at the start of movies,) patent theft, and trade secrets.
Don’t assume that because you took a few pages of content from a competitor’s website and are currently passing it off as your own, that you won’t get into trouble for the theft of intellectual property. The value of the intellectual property has inspired many companies to take matters into their own hands. An increasing number of businesspeople have started talking to lawyers about pursuing both criminal and civil cases against people who blatantly steal intellectual property.
California has the Uniform Trade Secrets Act which officially labels the theft of intellectual property as misappropriation. While this was originally created to protect trade secrets, such as pending patent projects, some businesses feel that it can also be used to protect other forms of intellectual property. If they are unable to use the Uniform Trade Secretes Act to launch a case against you, they could decide to file theft or fraud charges against you.
In addition to facing potential criminal charges for the theft of intellectual property in California, if you’ve used someone’s intellectual property without their permission, the business owner could name you as the defendant in a civil case where they try to recoup any financial losses they sustained as a result of your theft.
Cases of intellectual property theft are on the rise, the best way to make sure no one files charges against you is to make sure that everything you post to the internet or use to promote either yourself or your business is your original work.

Is it Ok for a Parent to Ask for a Parenting Help?
If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable of to provide, do not hesitate to call for third party help, be it from another family member, a friend, or a professional. You want the best for your child, and you want to help them in every way possible, but sometimes, it’s just not enough to come solely from you. Don’t be ashamed and don’t think you are not a suitable parent.
It would be worse to see your child end up in serious danger and trouble than to call in another person to help educate and “rehabilitate” them, wouldn’t it? Your child needs to be as responsive and receptive to positive influence and change in order for him or her to develop a goal-oriented, successful future.
Your concern for your child is natural – it’s loving, and it shows you genuinely care. And that you made the extra effort to reach out to another person to help you, well, one day your child will truly thank you for that. You will not regret it and just know that other people are happy and willing to help.
If the kind of help you need is in the form of bail and bail bonds, you can certainly count on Absolute Bail Bonds. Give us a call at (800)793-2245 if you need to talk about the bail process and what we can do to make this less stressful and more affordable for you. We are happy to get you and your child through this together!

The Benefits Connected to Using Absolute Bail Bonds
Many people think bail is only a few thousand dollars. The truth is that the median bail is about $50,000, far more than the average person can afford. That’s where we come into the picture. In exchange for a ten percent fee, we’ll cover the entire price of your bail. That means that if your bail is set at $50,000, all you have to do is come up with $5,000.
Not having to pay the full $50,000 is just one of the benefits you’ll enjoy when you decide to use Absolute Bail Bonds in Burbank rather than posting the bail yourself.
Experience Helps
One of the things many people find is that posting bail, even a small amount of bail, is often overwhelming. The more bail you owe, the more overwhelming the experience becomes. We have over thirty years of experience. We use that experience to get you out of jail as quickly as possible. Letting use worry about your bail, allows you to focus on how you want to handle your case.
We Can Quickly Get You Released From Jail
One of the things that surprises many people is how much faster the process of being released goes when you choose us rather than trying to handle bail on your own. Once you’ve signed a bail bond contract, we leap into action and start the process of having you released. The process is usually completed in just a few hours, though there is sometimes a delay on the court/jail side of thing.
No Worry About Mistakes
One of the biggest problems many people encounter when they try handling bail by themselves are mistakes with the paperwork. Filling out the wrong form, forgetting to include some crucial piece of information, or failing to sign things correctly can significantly delay the release process.
The sooner you contact us about posting a bail bond for you, the sooner you’ll be reunited with your family and able to start preparing your defense.
Reasons so many people who are in your exact situation turn to Absolute Bail Bonds include:
- Simple contracts
- 24/7 service
- Phone consultations
- Online consultations
- No hidden fees
- Fast service
- Discretion
Feel free to call (800)793-2245 or click the Chat With Us now link for a free consultation.

What to Do if Your Neighbor’s Christmas Decorations are Over the Top
The holiday season is here. For many of us, that means breaking up the average, boring scenery with decorations that depict your favorite part of the holiday. Most of us love seeing how creative our neighbors are and will even sometimes engage in holiday decoration contests where you try to see who can upstage whom.
For the most part, holiday decorations are fun and everyone enjoys them but there are always exceptions. Sometimes a neighbor will go too far and instead of being a source of joy, the holiday decorations are actually an annoyance.
It’s important to know how to respond when your neighbor’s holiday decorating goes too far.
The first thing you should do is remind yourself that the holiday season is relatively short. The odds are good that the decorations will only be up for a few weeks. Try to decide if this is something that you really can’t live with for the short term.
If the decorations are really driving you crazy, have a friendly chat with your neighbor to discuss the situation. Explain exactly what the problem is and ask if they think there is a way you can compromise. If it’s a case of the flashing lights or sound effects keeping you up at night, maybe they will agree to turn off the problem decorations at an earlier time in the evening.
If they have decorations you simply find offensive, maybe you can convince your neighbor to move that particular item to a different part of their property where you don’t have to see it.
When meeting with your neighbors about their decorating, you must be prepared to compromise. It took a great deal of time to plan and set up the decorations which they obviously love. They won’t be willing to undo all of that hard work. When you’re willing to compromise, rather than simply making demands, your neighbor will be more willing to consider your side of things.
If the issue isn’t the decorations themselves, but rather the sheer amount of traffic the elaborate display is attracting, you can contact the police and ask them to patrol the area which will encourage traffic to continue moving.
Good luck and enjoy the holiday season!

Avoid a DUI This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This is a time for family stories, friends, and great food. Many of us use the few days at home to catch up with loved ones that we rarely get to see.
Thanksgiving should be spent with friends and family. You shouldn’t spend it in jail facing DUI charges, yet that’s exactly what happens to many people.
There is something about the Thanksgiving holiday that inspires people to drink. This is particularly true the night before the actual holiday. Each year an astounding number of people are charged with DUI during the holiday weekend. In addition to not drinking and getting behind the wheel, make sure you’re buckled up.
Getting charged with a DUI will do more than ruin your Thanksgiving, it will ruin your immediate future.
If this is your first DUI offense, you can:
- Be fined $390-1,000 (plus penalty assessments can be added, driving the total even higher)
- Be sentenced to between 48 hours and six months in jail
- 3-5 years of probation
- Lose your driver’s license for at least six months.
The consequences of a Thanksgiving DUI go far beyond ruining the holiday, they can have a huge impact on the quality of your life the entire following year. Even once you’ve completed all the requirements connected to the legal system, you’ll likely have to deal with significantly higher insurance rates and the fact that you now have a criminal record.
When it comes to drinking and driving this Thanksgiving, it’s in everyone’s best interest to and error on the side of caution. If there is even the slightest chance that you could drink while you’re hanging with friends and family, take precautions and find a place to either crash or a way to get home safely. You should expect that the police will be out in force with their eyes peeled for drunk drivers.
Stay safe and have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Be A Good Role Model For Your Family
For any of you out there who have children, you know how crucial it is to be a solid role model for them. That means being honest, honorable, and a well-rounded family-person. Parents can’t afford to go out and drink every night, do drugs, avoid traffic violation tickets, get into arguments (that could lead to altercations), etc.
Having a child means the consequences of such actions are more heartbreaking:
- Your child could grow up without you in his or her life.
- Your child, old enough to know what you had been up to, could make the serious decision to cut you out of their life.
- Your child could also begin to start trouble and end up in jail, just like you.
- Your family is no longer a family, and your home is no longer a home.
You can avoid all of this simply by looking and evaluating how you are as a parent. Mistakes happen and people do forgive, but it’s best to try and just avoid that mistake altogether!
If you need parenting help, concerned for yourself and your family, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s not something to be ashamed of; rather, you should be proud of yourself for asking for help and wanting to be a better parent for your child. If asking for help begins before any legal trouble, that’s excellent. But if asking for help begins from inside your jail cell, that’s okay too.
Absolute Bail Bonds in Alameda County is the best bail bond company in California to help you and your family get back together. Our bail bonds are affordable, and our licensed agents are quick to work. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-793-2245 and we will be more than happy to give you the help you want!

Drug Trafficking in California
Drug trafficking is a concern throughout the United States. It’s particularly concerning to California lawmakers who are aware that the state’s relatively close location to both Canada and Mexico, as well as the massive number of ports the state has made it a popular choice for drug traffickers who want to either import or export drugs.
The issue of drug trafficking is discussed in California’s Health and Safety Code 11352. It states that:
“Except as otherwise provided in this division, every person who transports, imports into this state, sells, furnishes, administers, or gives away, or offers to transport, import into this state, sell, furnish, administer, or give away, or attempts to import into this state or transport (1) any controlled substance specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in paragraph (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section 11054, or specified in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11055, or specified in subdivision (h) of Section 11056, or (2) any controlled substance classified in Schedule III, IV, or V which is a narcotic drug, unless upon the written prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian licensed to practice in this state, shall be punished.”
If you’re charged with drug trafficking the potential consequences connected to a conviction are frightening. The judge has the option of sentencing you to 3-9 years for your first offense. You could also be hit with a $20,000 fine and be ordered to serve felony probation.
It’s important to note that you could be charged with drug trafficking even if you never make a single penny off the deal. Simply moving the drugs or giving them a friend can result in legal action.
The list of drugs you’re not legally allowed to transport in California includes, but isn’t limited to:
- Cocaine
- Peyote
- Opiates
- Heroin
- Multiple types of prescription drugs
Most people who are hit with drug trafficking charges also find that they are charged with other crimes. Crimes commonly connected to drug trafficking include drug dealing, selling controlled substances to minors, having drugs near a controlled facility or government building, illegal distribution, prescription fraud, and more.
There are very few legal defenses that can be successfully used in drug trafficking cases. The only thing the prosecution has to prove is that not only were you moving the controlled substances from one location to another but that you were also aware that the drugs were controlled substances.

Take Advantage of our Free Bail Bond Consultation Service
You might not know this, but when it comes to getting a bail bond you don’t have to jump into the situation blind. It’s in your best interest to take your time and educate yourself about your options. The good news is that gaining this education isn’t difficult or even time-consuming.
We’ve made it easy to educate yourself by creating free consultations. Every single person who contacts us is entitled to a free bail bonds consultation. When you seek out one of our consultations, you’ll instantly be put in touch with one of our bail bonds experts. We urge you to ask them any questions that crosses your mind regarding bail. You won’t believe how much information you can get during the free consultation.
Questions we frequently answer during a bail bond consultation include:
- How does our payment system work
- What type of collateral is needed
- How co-signers work
- How long it will take before you’re released from jail
Best of all, the consultation is completely free. Not only do we not charge you for the time, but we also won’t put any pressure on you to sign a contract with us. We understand that you have a lot on your plate right now. If you want to sign a contract right away, great! If you want to talk to a few other bail bond agencies and consider all your options, we completely understand.
Don’t worry that it is too late, too early, or just too inconvenient a time for you to talk to us. We are ready and available to talk about bail whenever you are. We’re open 24/7, which includes all holidays.
When you chose Absolute Bail Bonds, you’ll enjoy:
- Flexible payment plans
- Simple contracts
- 24/7 service
- Phone consultations
- Online consultations
- Zero worry about hidden fees
- Fast service
- Discretion
We want you to be released from jail and reunited with your loved ones as quickly as possible. The best way to do that is by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking the Chat With Us now link. Both phone and internet consultations are 100% free