How to Release Someone from Jail
When you learn of a loved one’s arrest, the first thing you want to do is figure out how to get him or her released from jail. However, looking up jail release information for the first time can be confusing. After all, most people don’t deal with jails and bail on a daily basis.
When looking to get someone out of jail, you want to post bail. Bail is a certain amount of money that the court requires to be paid in order for them to release your loved one from jail. While this sounds simple enough, bail in California typically costs several thousands of dollars. To make matters worse, the whole bail amount has to be paid in full before the jail will release your loved one.
This is where Absolute Bail Bonds comes in to help you out. We will pay the bail amount for you, and only ask for a percentage of the bail be paid for our services. For instance, if your loved one’s bail is set at $20,000, we will pay that and ask for only $2,000 for doing so. That’s only 10% of the full bail price, meaning you save 90%!
To make things even better, unlike the court, we allow our clients to pay for the bail bond with a payment plan. This gives you the time you need to collect the money for the bail, while still getting your loved one released from jail today. We only need a down payment before we talk to the jail about releasing your loved one.
Some of the other services we provide for our clients include:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
We know the act of getting your loved one released from jail for the first time can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. With Absolute Bail Bonds helping you, rescuing your loved one will be a piece of cake. We will guide you through the whole process and make it affordable for you.
If you want to know more about getting a jail to release someone, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

What Documentation Is Required?
People have a lot of questions when it comes to posting bail with a bail bond for the first time. Most people have never posted bail before and would like to get through the whole process as quickly as possible. They want this not just for their sake, but for the sake of their incarcerated loved one as well. After all, nobody wants a loved one to be stuck in jail.
A person can help speed up the bail bond process by having certain documents ready to go. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we need the following documentation to setup a bail bond:
- A recent paycheck or pay stub.
- A piece of mail with home address for proof of California residency.
- A valid California ID.
If you have this information ready to go when you meet with a bail agent, it can help speed up the process of bailing out your loved one. That is all anybody wants.
Another way to help speed up the bail process is to have some co-signers ready to go before calling. Co-signers are important because they help share the responsibility of the bail bond. With multiple co-signers taking care of the bail bond, it reduces the pressure of paying for the bail bond.
Bail may be new to you, but with help from the professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds you have nothing to worry about. Don’t panic if you don’t have all of this ready to go right away. Our bail agents will be more than happy to help you out and answer your questions about bail. You will not have to face this alone.
You can talk to a bail agent for free at any time by calling 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

How Long Do You Have to Post Bail?
The need for bail can arise without warning. As such, most people are not prepared to post their loved one’s bail. They need time to get enough money for the bail bond, but they are afraid they will miss the window to post bail entirely. Luckily for them, the time limit for posting bail is very forgiving.
While there is a time limit to posting bail, that limit is dependent on the length of the person’s trial period. You have until the court reaches a verdict on your loved one. After that point, a person can’t be bailed out. Once the court has decided whether your loved one is guilty or innocent, they either no longer need the bail or can no longer be bailed out because they are serving their sentence.
The one problem with waiting to post bail, is that the bail amount can change. Sometimes judges will alter the bail amount after they have reviewed the case. They may decide that the bail is too high and lower it. However, they are also just as likely to raise the bail amount, meaning it will cost more to bail out your loved one.
Most people prefer to get their loved ones out of jail quickly and reduce the amount of time they spend behind bars. Absolute Bail Bonds helps with this. We provide personalized payment plans for all of our clients. This breaks up the cost of the bail bond and spreads it out over several months, making it more affordable from the get go.
Some of the other things we do to help our clients include:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
Needing to post bail may come without warning, but it doesn’t have to be impossible to deal with. With help from Absolute Bail Bonds, bailing someone out can be a quick and easy process. We will always be there to help you whenever you decide to bail out your loved one.
When you’re ready to post bail, call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now

Why Does a Person’s Bail Sometimes Change?
Most people don’t deal with bail on a daily basis so it is often a foreign experience for them. Trying to rescue a loved one from jail can be intimidating and frustrating. What can make the whole thing more frustrating is when the price of a loved one’s bail suddenly changes. You were expecting to pay one price, and then suddenly the bail gets raised.
While this doesn’t happen all of the time, it can happen. Sometimes the bail amount goes down, though it can also go up. If the price goes down, you can breathe a sigh of relief. If it does increase, it can be very frustrating indeed.
Bail amounts can change after a person has gone to their first court hearing. This is due to the fact that the judge takes a closer look at the case and determines if the pre-assigned bail is accurate and acceptable for the crime. If the judges agrees with it, then there will be no change. However, the judge may determine that the bail should be raised or lowered.
When the bail price gets altered, the price of the bail bond will reflect that change. This is due to the fact that our bail bonds here at Absolute Bail Bonds cost 10% of the bail they are for. We know this can be frustrating, especially if the price change occurs while we’re setting up the bail bond. This is why you have to act fast when bailing someone out of jail.
We do everything that we can to make posting bail easier for our clients, including:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
If you want to get your loved one out of jail at a cheap price, contact Absolute Bail Bonds right away. Our agents will work with you to get your loved out of jail as quickly as possible. This way we can avoid any unexpected bail changes and the headaches that come with them.
What are you waiting for? You can get started for free by calling 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

What If You Miss a Payment?
While payment plans are nice for reducing the upfront cost of something and spreading it out over a long stretch of time, they can also be a bit stressful. Even when the payments are a manageable size, there is always that worry that you might miss a payment somehow. Maybe you’ll simply forget the day a payment is due, or something else will come up and require the money you set aside.
Basically, life happens and can take a simple payment plan and make it difficult. Luckily for you, here at Absolute Bail Bonds we are aware of this fact. We know that sometimes life changes things, and that sometimes payments will be missed. A missed payment doesn’t have to be the end of the world.
When a client knows in advanced that they are going to miss a payment, they should always let us know. As long as it doesn’t become a regular occurrence, we are more than happy to work with our clients. In some cases, we can even rework the payment plan to better fit into the client’s new monthly budget.
If a payment is unexpectedly missed, contact us right away. If you do not talk to us, we will begin looking for your loved one to bring them back into custody. Nobody wants that to happen, not even us. That is why it is very important to talk to your bail agent the minute you realize you missed a payment.
At Absolute Bail Bonds, we are all about making the bail bond process easier for our clients. A part of that means making the payment plans as easy to work with as possible. We know that life can get messy at times, and making a payment may be a little more difficult one month than it usually is. If that happens, talk to one of our agents. We will be more than happy to help you.
Some of the other services that we provide include:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
Need to talk to a bail agent? You can do so for free at any time by calling 1-800-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us now.

Can I Have a Payment Plan?
When people need to make big expenses, they want to make sure they can truly afford the expense. This is especially important when it comes to rescuing a loved one from jail. You want to be able to afford the bail. Sadly bail, costs several thousands of dollars here in California. Luckily, Absolute Bail Bonds is here to make things more affordable.
One of the easiest ways we do that is by providing payment plans for our clients. With a payment plan, the cost of the bail bond, which is already 90% cheaper than the bail itself, becomes more manageable. The payment plan takes the bail bond and breaks it into smaller pieces that a person can actually afford.
Things get even better when you take into account the fact that we personalize all of our payment plans. Here at Absolute Bail Bonds, we understand that everyone is different and has their own, unique budget. That is why we make sure that the monthly payments work with each client’s budget.
If, for some reason, a client knows that they are going to be late with one of their payments, they can talk to their agent beforehand. We understand that things change and what might have been affordable a few months ago can be unaffordable this month. As long as our clients talk with us in advance, we are more than happy to work with them to make sure the bail bond remains affordable.
Aside from providing payment plans for our clients, we also provide all of the following:
- 24/7 Bail bond service
- 20% Discount
- Phone approvals
- 0% Interest payment plans
- No hidden fees
- No collateral with working signer
- Se habla Español
If you need to bail someone out of jail and want to make sure that you can afford to, contact Absolute Bail Bonds. We will provide you with a personalized payment plan that breaks down the cost of the bail bond and spreads it out over several months. With our help, you will be able to afford to rescue your loved one from jail.
Don’t worry about anything, just call 1-800-793-2245 or click Chat With Us now.

Who Can Bail Someone Out?
People have a lot of questions when it comes to bailing someone out of jail. Most people don’t use bail on a day to day basis, so this confusion is understandable. Luckily, the professionals working at Absolute Bail Bonds are more than capable of helping provide answers for those questions. Here are just a few examples of the questions our agents answer all the time.
- What is a co-signer? A co-signer is a person who is willing to take responsibility for the bail bond and sign the paperwork. They are in charge of making sure that payments are made on time and that their friend or family member goes to all of their court dates. There can be multiple co-signers for a bail bond.
- Who can bail someone out? Unlike what some people may think, a person doesn’t have to be related to someone in order to post their bail. You just need to know enough about the person in order to fill out the paperwork for the bail bond.
- If I cannot bail somebody out immediately, up to how many days do I have to be able to bail them out of jail? In most cases, the only time limit to bailing someone out of jail is their trial period. Once the trial is over, the person is no longer bailable. So you have until then to get the person out of jail.
- What happens if I do not post bail? Your loved one stays in jail for the remainder of their trial.
- Can you bail someone out of jail in Nevada? No, we cannot. Absolute Bail Bonds is only licensed to provide bail bonds within the state of California. If you are looking to bail someone out in another state, you will need to contact a bail agent in that state.
- Can you tell me what my friend was arrested for? Yes, but in order to do that we will first need to locate your friend in the jail system. We will need, at the very least, his or her name, birthday, and county of arrest.
This is just a small sample of the questions our agents are asked on a daily basis. Hopefully this helps answer some of your questions. If not, you can always talk to one of our agents. Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and consultations are always free.