Your New Year’s Resolution: Be The Reason Someone Smiles

Your New Year’s Resolution: Be The Reason Someone Smiles

Your New Year’s Resolution: Be The Reason Someone Smiles

No New Year’s resolutions list can be too long and too unrealistic, right? For 2016, we have one challenge, one resolution for you – get your loved one the serious help she or he needs. Whether it’s getting their parents, a rehab center, a counselor, even the police involved, set your loved one straight. Do all you can to help and support them so they can rebuild and refocus their life and priorities. The last thing you want is for your loved one to end up in jail, the hospital, or dead.

If none of your loved ones are on such a destructive path, volunteer some of your time by helping those in need, like youth or the homeless. Groups of people like these fall all too easily into trouble, debt, legal issues, substance abuse, etc. because they do not have resources and support like you do, like we do. We are fortunate where we are able (and should) do what we can to improve another life.

You can be the reason another person smiles, you can be the reason your loved one finally gets a job, etc. Make this your New Year’s resolution, and we will too. It is always our goal to make families and friends joyful as the re-embrace one another.

We hope we do not have to get involved in your endeavors but if you ever need a bail bond agent, we promise we will be there to answer you.

You can visit West Los Angeles Bail Bonds at or call 800-793-2245.