Tag Archives: witness a crime

Moral Obligation vs. Legal Obligation to Report a Crime

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Some people believe that if they witness a crime, they must report it to the police; if they do not, they themselves are committing a crime. Actually though, in most cases, this is not true. A person may feel the moral obligation to report the crime, but they do not have a legal obligation to […]

Reporting Crimes: Required or Moral Obligation?

Reporting Crimes: Required or Moral Obligation? Did you know that if you witness a crime, you are not legally required to report it to authorities or intervene? Of course, morally, it’s the right thing to do, but you wouldn’t legally be punished if you didn’t. These are circumstantial and there are cases and instances where […]

Can I Get In Trouble For Not Reporting Crimes I Witnessed?

Can I Get In Trouble For Not Reporting Crimes I Witnessed?

When a crime occurs and you’re around to witness it, do you have to report it to the police? Is it a moral obligation or a legal one? Most people don’t really know where the line is drawn. Sometimes no, you don’t legally have to report it, but other times, yes you do. If you […]