Tag Archives: winter driving tips

Winter Weather Driving Tips

absolute bail bonds winter weather driving tips

  Winter weather has arrived in California and that makes for some treacherous driving. This becomes even more problematic when combined with the fact that so many people will be traveling for the holidays. Due to this fact, it is very important for all drivers to be prepared to handle inclement weather while on the […]

Winter Driving Conditions Have Arrived in California

Winter Driving Conditions Have Arrived in California

  While it may not feel like it in some areas of the state, winter has just about arrived. There is no denying that there is a definite chill in the air that wasn’t there a few weeks ago. As the days grow shorter, and more inclement weather begins to appear, driving becomes a little […]

Staying Safe on Winter Roads

Staying Safe on Winter Roads

As a kid, winter is a lot of fun. Winter brings storms, which in turn bring snow which can lead to extra days off from school, and all the while, the thought of Christmas is hanging in the air. While this is all great as a kid, as an adult things prove to be a […]