Tag Archives: Civil harassment

California Stalking Laws


In California, you can be convicted of stalking even if you have never engaged in actively pursuing a victim as they went about their daily activities. It’s even possible to be found guilty of California’s stalking laws if you’ve never had a face-to-face encounter with the victim. The reason for this is because California lawmakers […]

California Restraining Orders

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Everyone just wants to feel safe. Unfortunately, some people meet someone that does not let them feel safe when they are near. In some cases, just putting some distance between that other person is enough to get them to leave the other alone. Unfortunately, not everyone can take the hint. Sometimes the person continues to […]

Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

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Certain things in life are cute, like baby animals. Giving someone a sentimental, thinking of you, gift or complimenting someone’s outfit or attitude is cute. You know what isn’t cute? Abuse, threats and stalking. These acts are harassment. To be more precise, those actions fall under civil harassment. Civil harassment goes beyond just being rude […]