Tag Archives: affordable bail bonds in los angeles

The Legality of Recording and Posting Crimes Online

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

It is one thing for a bystander to record an incident where a police officer is interacting, physically or peacefully, with another civilian, but it is another thing when a bystander records an incident where one or more other civilians are getting physical with another victim, and there are no authority figures in sight. In […]

You Will Not Believe These are Actually California Laws

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

It can be hard to believe statements like “men who have mustaches are forbidden from kissing women” and “no driver-less vehicle may exceed 60 miles per hour” are laws in California. They leave you wondering why it is even a law, as absurd as it sounds but believe it. They are written in the law […]

Is it a Crime to Witness One, and Not Report it?

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

It is a crime to file a false police report, but it is not a crime to witness one, and not report it happen. It might come as a surprise for some people to know that someone is not obligated to report a crime to the police if they have witnessed one or know about […]

We Offer Affordable Bail Bonds

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Bailing someone out of jail can be expensive, which is why Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds offers discounts to make it more affordable. Qualified clients can get a 20% discount on their bail bond. To qualify for this discount, one of the co-signers for the bail bond needs to be a member of the military, […]

Save a Dog from a Hot Vehicle

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

In California, it is legal to break into a stranger’s car in order to save a dog that is trapped and suffering, but it is still illegal to do so to save a child. Last year, California implemented a law that protects the individual from civil damages if they save a dog. However, California has […]

Money-Saving Tips

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Saving money is always a good idea, no matter what you are planning to spend it on. You could be saving for a vacation, a new car, a wedding, or even the future. It never hurts to be prepared. This way, you will not be caught off guard by an ill-timed emergency such as needing […]

Crime Rates Could Rise In California

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

At the start of 2017, the state of New Jersey implemented a new bail reform policy. The policy is very similar to one California lawmakers are trying to implement with SB10. The stated goal is to reduce the number of inmates being held in prison. The proposed law accomplishes this by releasing arrested individuals without […]

What Is My Monthly Payment?

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Once people figure out what the initial cost of their loved one’s bail bond will be, they want to know how much the monthly payments will cost. Unfortunately, much like figuring out the initial cost of the bail bond, figuring out monthly payments requires a lot of information. This makes it hard to give people […]

How to Handle a Warrant

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

If you are like most people, then you have probably never needed to deal with a warrant. Unfortunately, there may come a time when you have to do just that. As much as many people would prefer to never think of something like this happening to them, they should. It helps to be prepared after […]

When Should the Party End?

What to Expect at DUI Checkpoints This New Year’s Eve

Have you heard of the proposed bill by Senator Scott Weiner from San Francisco that would allow bars to stay open later? State Bill 384, which is referred to as “Let Our Communities Adjust Late Night” or LOCAL Act for short, will allow communities to adjust how late restaurants and bars can serve alcohol. Under […]