Los Feliz Bail Bonds is Always Here for You

Los Feliz Bail Bonds

Los Feliz Bail Bonds

No one is perfect. Some people struggle more than others. Some people have more bad luck than others. If you, or a loved one, are one of those people, and you find that this is not the first time you are in need of a bail bond, do not be ashamed to reach out to Los Feliz Bail Bonds. Even if you used us to post bail before, we are not going to turn you away. Like we do with every other client and the first time with you, we promise to work hard and fast to get your loved one out of jail, at a cost and schedule that works for you.

Our company, Los Feliz Bail Bonds, has been reuniting loved ones for 30 years. We know the bail bond industry inside out. We do not do our jobs just because it pays our bills. We do this because we genuinely want to help people in need. We have a passion for relieving people’s stress and putting smiles back on their faces.

If you need our bail bond services, you can expect a free consultation, right off the bat, no tricks. When everything looks good to you we can proceed with paperwork and getting the jail to process it as quickly as possible so your loved one can be freed. We will set you up on a payment plan that works with your financial situation so that you do not have to struggle to make each payment. Remember that the total of the payments will equal 10% of the bail.

Once your loved one is bailed out, just remember that they need to show up for their court dates. Overall, it will be the same process you experienced the last time you were in this situation. Nonetheless, as mentioned, we will continue to be with you each step of the way. You may now be more familiar with the whole process, but we will not leave it up to you to remember everything.

You have our team, Los Feliz Bail Bonds, to rely on. So, give us a call at 800-793-2245 or chat with us online anytime you need us!