Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in San Luis Obispo

Our bail agents at Long Beach Bail Bonds Service Will Help You Through This Difficult Time

Our bail agents at Long Beach Bail Bonds Service Will Help You Through This Difficult Time There are hundreds of bail bonds companies out there, and each one has a different, complicated way of bailing out your friend or family member. They may need to talk to you in person to get the bail started […]

What Is A Bail Bond? | How To Bail Someone

What Is A Bail Bond? | How To Bail Someone A bail bond is what gets someone out of jail. This someone is a person who has yet to appear for trial. So, bail bonds are only utilized on people who were just recently arrested. Most arrestees will be eligible for bail, unless court rules […]

If Help Comes To You, Take It

If Help Comes To You, Take It If a good friend of yours asks you to let them help you, let them. Sometimes a friend will realize you are in trouble and need help before you even realize it yourself. You probably don’t want to admit it to a friend or yourself that you even […]

The Scariest Things About Jail And How You Can Avoid It

The Scariest Things About Jail And How You Can Avoid It The best thing you might ever invest in is bail for your loved one. Yes it might be very expensive, but the direct effects of your helping bail out is much greater than you can get from anything else. By bailing your loved one […]

The Difference Between Infractions, Misdemeanors, And Felonies

The Difference Between Infractions, Misdemeanors, And Felonies Crimes are categorized into infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies, scanning least problematic and serious to most. Here, we break down how each category is classified: Infractions (violations) Petty offenses Punishable by fines, but not jail time or probation No trial by jury The charged may hire an attorney if […]

What Is The Three Strikes Law In California?

What Is The Three Strikes Law In California? In California, it used to be that any convict who committed any third felony would automatically be sentenced to 25 years+ prison time. This is the Three Strikes Law. However it was so disproportional in how it punished people for various non-violent to violent felonies. For example, […]

California’s Most Wacky Laws – You Won’t Believe Some Of These!

California’s Most Wacky Laws – You Won’t Believe Some Of These! Sorry ladies of San Diego, if you were hoping to meet your Prince Charming by kissing a frog, you better search elsewhere. It’s against the law to kiss and lick frogs in LA. Yes, this is a real law. This law is as real […]

Your Parents Will Always Help You Out And When You Become One Yourself, You’ll Understand Why

Your Parents Will Always Help You Out And When You Become One Yourself, You’ll Understand Why What happens if you get arrested and need help to bail out of jail? You don’t have the funds to meet the requirements by yourself and you need someone to loan you money. But, you’re too embarrassed to call […]

Don’t Be Ashamed To Get Bail Help

Don’t Be Ashamed To Get Bail Help Don’t be ashamed to call us at Absolute Bail Bonds in San Diego seeking help to get out of jail. You should, in fact, be eager to call us, so you can get out of jail and contemplate on the ordeal that you just experienced, and plan for […]

You Can Legally Drink Alcohol At These Southern California Beaches

You Can Legally Drink Alcohol At These Southern California Beaches Don’t you wish that it was legal to drink on the beach? Well, luckily, there are a handful of beaches in Southern California where you can do just that and not get in trouble for it (unless you start causing problems). Doheny State Beach, Paradise […]