Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Salinas

Bail Bonds Tips from Absolute Bail Bonds

Bail Bonds Tips from Absolute Bail Bonds Bail is usually set by the court as a monetary figure that must be paid by you, the defendant, in order for you to be released until the next court proceeding. If you appear as required, the bail money is released when your case concludes. If you fail […]

Protect Your Family With Salinas Absolute Bail Bonds

Protect Your Family With Salinas Absolute Bail Bonds & Bail Bondsman No one ever wants to go to jail, and with good reason. The biggest reason is that the defendant does not feel safe inside the prison with a number of convicted criminals, some of whom have committed dangerous crimes to get themselves locked up. […]

How Much Does Bail Cost?

Bail is set by the county in which a person is arrested. You have a 3 choices when arrested: Put up a cash bail for the full bail amount (e.g. if the bail is set at $20,000, you would pay $20,000 in cash).  A cash bail is refundable after the final court date. Hire a […]