Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Pasadena

How Legal Are DUI Checkpoints? The Answer Just Might Surprise You

How Legal Are DUI Checkpoints? The Answer Just Might Surprise You

Nobody likes being interrupted when they are running late. An interruption like that will just slow you down more, which is something you don’t want. You’re late enough on your own. You do not need help in that department today. Unfortunately, you’ve stumbled upon some traffic, and it was all caused by a DUI checkpoint. […]

Hiking Safety Tips

Hiking safety tips

Spring has barely arrived and already parts of California are starting to see warmer weather. As the temperatures begin to rise, more and more people begin to venture outside. Whether it is just to their yard, or to something more adventurous like a natural forest, the outdoors are calling people. One of the best ways […]

Tips for Dealing with Door to Door Scams

absolute bail bonds door to door scams

For most people, the safest and most relaxing place to be is within the walls of their own home. There, they are isolated from the rest of the world in safety. They can rest easy and recharge before having to venture outside once again. When someone intrudes on the space it can be a bit […]

Fentanyl Crisis In California | What You Should Know


It seems like every few years, one drug falls out of favor, and another takes it’s place. In the past, serious concerns have been raised about LSD, heroin, cocaine, meth, and more. The current drug of concern is fentanyl. Technically speaking, fentanyl is a legal drug. It’s a synthetic opioid that’s used to treat pain. […]

What is Great Bodily Harm in California?


One of the charges that is quite serious but is seldom mentioned is great bodily harm. This is a charge that will usually be paired with an assault charge. Great bodily harm in California is a sentence enhancement charge. It is attached to other charges to give the judge the option of extending the maximum […]

What is Child Endangerment and What Are the Consequences?

What is Child Endangerment and What Are the Consequences?

Everyone wants to provide their child with a good and safe life, but sometimes things go sideways and you find yourself facing child endangerment charges. Being charged with child endangerment in California means that the police suspect you’ve violated Penal Code 273a PC. This code is what lawmakers put together as a legal reference for […]

Crosswalk Safety in California


Walking to work means you don’t have to worry about getting caught in a traffic jam. It’s a great way to build some stamina while also burning a few calories. It also provides you with the means to start slowing down and develop a connection with the world you live in. Just don’t think that […]

3 Signs That Your Child is being Victimized by a Bully


Many of the kids who are returning to school this fall haven’t attended an actual school since March 2020. While this return is good in terms of reconnecting on a social level and regaining some normalcy, it also means that once again, parents are worried about bullies. A single bully can do an enormous amount […]

Safety Tips for College Students


It’s the time of year when many young adults are preparing for their first semester of college. In most cases, this is the first time they have lived without the supervision and guidance of their parents. One of the things collegebound students should already be reviewing is how they can make sure that they have […]

Domestic Violence in California


Domestic violence is a complex crime so it shouldn’t come as surprise to learn that the laws dealing with domestic violence are equally complicated. The first step in unraveling this complex system is knowing exactly what domestic violence is. California defines domestic violence as actions that either harm or threaten to harm an intimate partner. […]