Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Mojave

Think Before Posting those Vacation Photos


One of the best things about social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter is the ability to quickly post all of your photos so that your friends and family can admire them. Those same pictures can also make you an easy and attractive target to anyone who is looking for a home to […]

You’ve Been Arrested for DUI… Again


Getting arrested and charged for DUI once in California is terrifying and life-altering. The second time you’re arrested for the same thing is even worse. Like many states, California lawmakers have decided that to take a hard stance on drunk drivers. One of the ways they’ve done this is by creating laws that make a […]

California Laws Ride Share Drivers Need to Understand


Rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft are a great way for some people to supplement their income. The programs are designed so that you get to choose your hours. In some cities, people have found that they were able to live a respectful living as a rideshare driver. The problem some people encounter is that […]

The Truth About Carpool Cheating

Carpool cheating

The rules seem simple enough. If you are the only person in your vehicle, you must stick to a certain lane of traffic. If you’re carrying multiple people in your car, you’re free to use the carpool lane which typically travels at a significantly faster speed. The system is designed to encourage people to carpool […]

Texting and Driving in California

texting and driving laws

It doesn’t matter how many images of horrific wrecks insurance companies and auto agencies put out to warn drivers of the dangers of texting and driving, we still do it. Each of us has this weird impression that surely sending a quick response to the most recent incoming text won’t do anything wrong. Since the […]

What Happens If I Make A Fake or Prank 911 Call

fast bail bonds in los angeles

Making a fake or prank phone call to 911 might seem like good fun but it’s not something you want to follow through with. Neither law enforcement offices nor court officials have a sense of humor. To put it simply, making fake or prank 911 calls is illegal. In some situations, that single phone call […]

Understanding Assault with a Deadly Weapon

What counts as looting in california

Assault with a deadly weapon is basically what it sounds like. It means you are accused of assaulting someone and at the time you had something that could have been considered a deadly weapon. Like most legal issues, assault with a deadly weapon isn’t as simple as we would like it to be. What is […]

When Does a Prank Go too Far?

Most of us have been involved in pranks, both as the person pulling the prank on another and as someone who has been pranked. In most cases, the pranks are fun and no one is emotionally or physically hurt, but there is always an exception. The best indicator that a prank has gone too far […]

Tips to Help you Get Ready to File your 2020 Tax Return

Los angeles bail bonds

Yes, it’s only January and your 2020 tax return isn’t due until mid-April, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore that tax season is officially here. The last thing you want to do is wait until a few days before the deadline to file. Turning your thoughts to your tax return now and creating a […]

Don’t Let a Thing Like State Lines Deter Your From Bailing Out a Loved One

palmdale bail bonds

When you get a late-night phone call from a loved one where they ask you to help out with bail, it’s natural to want to agree. Most friends and family members do. However, some people don’t find out until they’ve offered to help that the loved one was arrested in an entirely different state, making […]