Category Archives: Long Beach Fianzas

What Happens If I Cannot Pay for Bail?

Inglewood Bail Bonds

If you are arrested and granted bail, it means you have the chance to be released from jail as long as you pay a certain amount of money. We are not going to lie, this bail is more than likely going to be very expensive. However, if you do not pay it, you will remain […]

Cannot Decide If You Can Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail?

Glendale Bail Bonds

Your loved one has been arrested and needs your help to meet bail. You have a lot of things to consider, so you question whether or not you should help your loved one out. Well, it should be no question, you should bail your loved one out. Wouldn’t he or she do the same for […]

How Can I Reduce My Bail?

Gardena Bail Bonds

Simply put, there really is no way you can reduce your bail once the judge has declared it. You can ask that the judge to reconsider, but in all likelihood, that bail amount will remain the same. The judge had already taken these facts into consideration: The crime that was committed Whether or not you […]

Absolute Bail Bonds Will Help You and Your Family in a Crisis

Absolute Bail Bonds

If you are have a family emergency because someone got arrested, do not let it bring you down. With the right help, your loved one can be out of jail quickly and easily. If that is the kind of help that you are looking for, than you need to talk to a bail agent from […]

The Help You Have Been Searching for All Along

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

In the business where the police and court officials are involved, people are always in a desperate search for a professional who can help their arrest case, but who is also genuinely kind about it. The police are intimidating and stern. Court officials are the same way. They are hardly approachable and welcoming. Your friends […]

If Jail Is the Problem, Then Los Angeles Bail Bonds Is the Solution

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Committing a crime was the problem, so jail was the answer. However, jail is also a problem, so bail bonds are the answer. Jails are consequences for those who commit crimes. However, there are so many issues with jails that we cannot fix. They are far from pleasant, and are overcrowded. They are not where […]

Violent Crime Increase in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

The LAPD recently released its mid-year crime statistics report and unfortunately, it shows that violent crime in Los Angeles have increased by 16 percent between January 1 and July 16 of 2016. This is compared to the same time period in 2015. Keep in mind, this statistic relates only to violent crimes, which are crimes […]

Great News! From Los Angeles Bail Bonds You May Not Need Collateral For Our Affordable Bail Bonds Call Today

At Los Angeles Bail Bonds, we will work with you to come up with a personalized payment plan designed just for you. This way, bailing your friend out of jail will be much more affordable. The large cost of the bail bond can be broken up into smaller, more manageable monthly payments. This is just […]

Bail Bonds Balance the Justice System

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

The justice system needs balancing, and bail is a part of this balancing system. Bail is what allows a recently arrested individual to be released from jail. Keep in mind that bail is only available for defendants who have yet to finish their trial; People who have yet to be found guilty or innocent of […]

Los Angeles Bail Bonds Will Help Protect Your Family

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Police station holding cells and jails are scary, intimidating places, no matter who you are. We all know what happens in these places and what the people at these places deal with. Some of it is good, but our minds always think bad first. Friends and families are torn apart when there is a situation […]