Category Archives: Long Beach Fianzas

Marijuana Laws and the State of California

Marijuana Laws and the State of California

Prop 64 was passed last year and will legalize marijuana usage for adults who are at least 21 years of age. California has until January 1, 2018 to get their regulations in order because that is when businesses can begin applying for licenses so they can legally grow and sell marijuana. It has been over […]

There is No Minimum Age to Get Married in California

Absolute Bail Bonds in Downtown Los Angeles

Most people get married when they are adults and are more financially stable. However, there are some people who get married at a younger age, like when they are in college or in their mid-twenties. There are even people who choose to get married when they are in high school, or younger! As shocking as […]

It is Cheaper to Attend Harvard than it is to Pay for a Prisoner’s Housing

Absolute Bail Bonds in Compton

No one likes having to pay taxes. That is money we wish we could keep. We are told our taxes are put to good use, but who really knows exactly where all of our tax money is going? For example, did you know your tax money is being used to keep criminals fed, housed, and […]

When a Search Warrant is and is not Needed

Palmdale Bail Bonds

There are many times the police would need a search warrant to go through a person’s belongings or property, but there are also times where a search and seizure warrant is not needed. This includes: The individual voluntarily consents to a search. Inspection searches, like border patrol. Illegal and incriminating items and contraband are in […]

Your Tax Return is Your Money – You can Use it Toward Bail

Palmdale Bail Bonds

When a person is arrested and eligible to post bail, they can do so by paying 100% cash directly to the court, or they can hire Palmdale Bail Bonds and use a bail bond that costs only 10% of the full bail amount. Paying 90% less is an incredibly attractive offer, but there is more […]

Mini Celebrations: Relief for an Arrest Situation

Downtown Bail Bonds

Breaking up a long, stressful situation with small celebrations can be very helpful in alleviating pain and the stress, but the celebrations should only go so far. Say your loved one has been arrested, just think about how long it is going to be until this whole thing blows over. Think about the stress and […]

Downtown Bail Bonds Can Check If You Are a Wanted Criminal

Downtown Bail Bonds

Did you know that besides issuing bail bonds to defendants who are already in jail, Downtown Bail Bonds can also conduct free, anonymous warrant searches for individuals who are not under arrest? If you are wondering if there is a warrant out for your arrest, or for a loved one of yours, you can ask […]

Can You Afford To Bail Out Your Loved One?

Madera Bail Bonds

You Might Be Surprised To Find Out That You Can Bail can cost a lot of money, and many people do not have the money necessary for the task. That is why so many arrested individuals wind up staying in jail for the entirety of their trial. These people do not realize that there is […]

The Safe Way to New Year’s

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

You have probably got New Year’s Eve plans and you were probably invited to multiple parties. Whether you are going to one, or many, parties, we kindly urge you to not drive yourself. New Year’s Eve is perhaps one of the top 3 days where alcohol is consumed. We want to make sure you have […]

Do You Know What the Hardest Part of Bail Is?

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Often times, the hardest part of getting a bail bond for people is making the down payment. While bail bonds are 90% cheaper than paying for the bail itself, getting that first payment together can be difficult. In most cases, a couple hundred dollars is still a lot of money for some people. In order […]