Category Archives: Long Beach Fianzas

How California Responds When Your Dog Bites Someone

How California Responds When Your Dog Bites Someone

Owning a dog is wonderful, but as a California resident, you need to understand that you are responsible for your dog’s actions, especially if your dog bites someone hard enough to cause an injury. California’s Strict Liability Laws Regarding Dog Bites The State of California is one of the few states that enforce “strict liability” […]

Citizens Push for Tougher Hit and Run Laws

Can I report a drunk-driving friend after he gets home

A recent string of hit and run accidents has shaken the Los Angeles community to its core. In April there were four fatal hit and run accidents that are particularly troubling. These accidents took place on the 110 Freeway and were within a three-mile section. The hit and run accidents involved the deaths of one […]

Did You Know Driving too Slow Is Against the Law?

Did You Know Driving too Slow Is Against the Law?

Nothing is worse than someone in a hurry tailgating you. You try to let them pass, but they seem adamant about following directly behind you. You get mad, and then think to yourself you’ll just slow down a little by more. Maybe then they’ll pass you and you can continue on your drive. The next […]

Understanding Mitigated vs. Aggravated DUI Charges in California

Understanding Mitigated vs. Aggravated DUI Charges in California

It’s no secret that California takes drinking and driving seriously. If your blood alcohol content is 0.08%or higher, you’re considered legally intoxicated. If you get pulled over, you will be hauled to the nearest county or city jail and you will have to appear in court. What many California drivers don’t know, is that each […]

As a Tenant, Can You Legally Withhold Rent

Absolute Bail Bonds in Gardena

The relationship between tenants and their landlords can be complicated. Often what one person in the relationship thinks of as fair, the other considers the short end of the stick. It’s not unusual for tenants to get so fed up with a landlord, that they decide to force the landlord into taking action by withholding […]

The Letter of the Law Regarding Tenants’ Personal Property

The Letter of the Law Regarding Tenants’ Personal Property

Having an occupied rental property is often a fantastic source of income, particularly in California where the demand for rentals has driven the value of rental properties to never before seen heights. However, having tenants isn’t a stress-free source of revenue generation. Too often, landlords run into tenants who refuse to follow the rules, who […]

California’s Views on Child Custody

California’s Views on Child Custody

California family court doesn’t care if whether you married the person you share a child (or children) with, the court’s first concern is setting up a formal situation that allows the child to spend time with both parents. Ideally you and your co-parent are still on good enough terms that you’re able to sit down […]

Communicating in an Argument

Communicating in an Argument

Communicating with people in general is difficult. If you think it’s easy, you might just be one of the few people who are naturally gifted at it. Even if that is the case, communication is more complex than one might think. It involves non-verbal cues, interpersonal, intrapersonal, cultural influences, and a lot of research. Communication […]

Leaving Your Dog at Home Means You Won’t Face Jail Time


Summer is fast approaching and that means the temperatures will soar. That means it’s time to start rethinking your habit of taking your dog every where you go, or if you do decide to take your dog while you’re running errands, you better have a plan for what you’re going to do with them, and […]

California’s Opinion of Tinted Car Windows

California’s Opinion of Tinted Car Windows

Having tinted windows on your car while driving might reduce some of the glare you experience, tinted windows look cool, and they can help keep the interior of your car cooler. However, if you’re driving in California, you should know that the tinted windows you love so much are illegal. If you’re spotted by a […]