Category Archives: Long Beach Fianzas

Make Your Family Whole Again

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Your child has been begging you to take them outside so they can catch Pokémon, but you just do not have the time to even though you really want to. Your partner is in jail and you are frantically trying to figure out what to do next in regards to that situation, while also preparing […]

Keep Pokémon Go Fun! Avoid Jail and the Potential Need for Bail

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Answering phone calls, texting, checking traffic and finding alternate routes, replying to emails, there are plenty of distractions on mobile phones. Now, there is a new app that is taking over our lives: Pokémon Go. This falls under the games category, but this game is unlike any other. This one is addicting and far surpassed […]

Your Child Needs You, Now More Than Ever

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

When your son or daughter is arrested, they are arguably the most worried person, not you. Even though you have got your maternal and paternal instincts, you need to put on a strong face for them, as you always have. They are going to look to you for support and answers, as they always have. […]

Remember When Pokémon Go Took Over?

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

As if we all did not spend enough time on our phones already. If you are not playing the game, then you had to have at least heard of the latest craze taking over our mobile phones, aka our lives: Pokémon Go. This mobile game has not even been out for two weeks yet there […]

You Need To Change Your Netflix Password Now

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

If you want to continue using Netflix from here on out, we highly recommend you change your password. Why? It is now considered a federal crime to share your password with others, seriously. If you really think about it, it makes sense. If you share your Netflix password with other people, you are allowing them […]

Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

If you are worried your child is going to grow up with his father or mother missing a good chunk his or her life, or that he or she is going to grow up embarrassed that a parent was ever in jail in the first place, please think again. While there is no concrete method […]

You Are Greater Than Your Arrest

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Arrests, and resulting convictions, may go on permanent records, but that permanent record can almost be artificial. It will be on your legal records, but it will not stop you from being offered jobs, buying houses, enrolling in education, or being granted bank loans. What is really going to matter most, and allow you to […]

Successfully Overcoming Your Arrest

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

If a loved one of yours has been arrested, Los Angeles Bail Bonds is going to be one of the first to tell you not to panic and that there is so much to gain from the situation. We are going to reduce your stress levels by helping you bail that person out of jail […]

Bail Bonds Are More Reasonable Than Cash Bail

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Paying for cash bail is more often than not, a financial struggle. It requires paying the entire bail amount, thousands of dollars, before being physically released from jail. That is an unimaginable solution to many people. Paying for a bail bond is much more reasonable to the majority of people who are arrested, and their […]