Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Huntington Park

Littering Consequences in California


You already know that you’re not supposed to litter. It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t throw things out your car windows, leave trash scattered around a campsite, or drop food wrappers while you’re walking. What you might not know is exactly what happens if you fail to do the right thing and clean up after […]

California Stalking Laws


In California, you can be convicted of stalking even if you have never engaged in actively pursuing a victim as they went about their daily activities. It’s even possible to be found guilty of California’s stalking laws if you’ve never had a face-to-face encounter with the victim. The reason for this is because California lawmakers […]

Leaving Kids in Hot Cars in California


Kids and hot cars are never a good combination. Everyone knows that, yet there is still an average of 38 children who die each year after they’re locked into a hot car. In all fairness, nearly all of these cases are an accident. The child is strapped into their car seat in the back of […]

Documenting a Car Accident


If you haven’t been in a car accident yet, you should consider yourself lucky. Considering how much time we spend behind the wheel, the odds are good that sooner or later you’ll be involved in one. Because of the likelihood of getting into a car accident, it’s important to know what the proper protocol is […]

Understanding Battery in California


Assault charges can be confusing, mostly because the law has so many nuances and different stages of things. The simplest way to look at things is to understand that any assault and battery charge involves someone getting into an altercation with another person. California’s Penal Code sections 240 and 242 deals with assault and battery. […]

Oops, I Opened my Neighbor’s Mail!!


The postal service isn’t infallible. They’re prone to making human mistakes. One of the most common mistakes the postal service does is occasionally putting your neighbor’s mail in your mailbox. Most of us don’t really look at the mail before we open it. Since it’s in our mailbox, we automatically assume it’s for us. As […]

Child Endangerment in California

Child endangerment

California’s lawmakers believe that adults have a moral and legal responsibility to protect children. Failing to do so can put you on the wrong side of the law. The California Penal Code 273a PC deals with the issue of child endangerment. The interesting thing about Penal Code 273a PC is that while it deals with […]

Smoking and Driving

Smoking in a vehicle

Somewhere along the way, a rumor started to spread. The rumor was that you couldn’t legally smoke and drive a car. This has alarmed many drivers who find that smoking helps them relax and pass the time while they’re stuck in traffic. It’s also likely resulted in the police fielding many calls from concerned motorists […]

Stay Out of Jail This Saint Patrick’s Day

Stay out of jail this saint patricks day

Saint Patrick’s Day is a great holiday. It’s one of those fun holidays where you’re encouraged to cut loose and have a good time. The problem with Saint Patrick’s Day is that it’s also a time when many people get a little too relaxed and end up in jail. Happily, there are things you can […]

Planning a Flight? Make Sure You’re on Your Best Behavior!

absolute bail bonds booking process

Most of us have been on a flight where at least one passenger seemed to go out of their way to be difficult. They were loud, overly active, got sassy with the flight attendants, etc. In some cases, the passenger’s bad behavior was amusing. In other situations, it was irritating. Sometimes it even becomes concerning. […]