Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Downtown Los Angeles

How to Clear your Criminal Record in California


Having a criminal record adversely impacts your life. Depending on the severity of the convictions, your criminal record can make it difficult for you to find housing, establish relationships, and secure some jobs. The fact that you’re living in the technological age where anyone with internet access has the ability to locate your criminal history […]

Tips for Earning a Little Extra Money This Holiday Season


Times are tough right now. We could all use a little extra income, especially with the holidays right around the corner. The good news is that now is a great time to explore the possibility of a side hustle that will put some extra money in your pocket. Consider Drive Share Programs If you like […]

Money Saving Tips for the Holidays


All the signs point to us being poised on the brink of a recession. Between inflation and the outrageously high price of fuel, most of us are looking at the holidays and wondering if there is any way we can save a little money yet still enjoy the holiday season. The good news is that […]

What to Do When You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

Do I Have to Report a Traffic Accident?

Car accidents happen, and even when you do everything in your power to drive defensively and avoid a collision, there could be a time when despite your best efforts you find yourself involved in an accident which is why now is the best time to learn the proper way to respond. Secure Your Car The […]

Consequences of Shoplifting in California


A surprising number of people have shoplifted during their lifetime. It’s especially common with young children who will often take something from candy racks. Teenagers will also sometimes shoplift because they were dared by their friends or because they are simply looking for a way to rebel. The problem with shoplifting is that it is […]

What is Catfishing?


What we currently refer to as catfishing, which is pretending to be someone else for the specific purpose of deceiving another, isn’t a new concept. It has been happening since the beginning of time. The difference between now and all the historic cases of catfishing is that social media has made deceit and connecting with […]

5 Things You Should Know About Your Rights


At Absolute Bail Bonds, we serve to protect the rights of those who have been arrested, whether that person is truly guilty of the crime or not. That’s why we offer an unmatched bail bond service. We are the most reliable, affordable, and helpful bail bonds in California. If you are arrested, it is first […]

Proposition 57


Traditionally, whenever a law/proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws/penalties. This is especially true when it comes to violent crimes and repeat offenders. In many cases, when you research the reasoning behind the proposal, you’ll discover that crime rates have been steadily increasing and the voting population is […]

What to Expect if You are Charged with Larceny in California


Larceny is one of the most frequently seen charges in the California court system. The term larceny is a blanket word that’s used for a variety of different thefts. Larceny is used for: Robberies Carjacking Embezzlement Burglaries Fraud Identity theft Muggings Pickpocketing Most larceny cases are commonly referred to as grand theft or petty theft. […]

Drivers License Suspension After DUI


One of the consequences of a California DUI conviction is that you’ll lose your driving privileges. The county courthouse where you were convicted usually doesn’t waste any time when it comes to contacting the DMV and letting them know that your license has been suspended. For many of us, the loss of our driver’s license […]