Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Beverlywood

What happens to the passengers of a suspected DUI driver?

absolute bail bonds halloween and dui

The law is clear. If your blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher and you’re pulled over, you’ll be charged with a DUI. What isn’t clear is what happens if you’re the drunk passenger in a vehicle that’s being operated by a drunk driver. The good news is that you can’t be charged with a […]

What Are the Laws on Marijuana in California?

Marijuana laws

It seems like just yesterday that the usage of marijuana was illegal here in California. However, Californians voted to make marijuana usage legal in the state back in 2016, and the recreational use of marijuana became legal January 1st, 2018. This change allowed a whole lot of people to use marijuana without having to worry […]

Does Fleeing Police Come with Tough Enough Penalties?


  Police chases sound exciting. So much so, that in Southern California, they actually became a form of entertainment. Whenever the police started chasing a criminal, people dropped everything and raced to the nearest television to watch the action. While police chases look exciting, the reality is that they create a dangerous situation that has […]

Protected: Driving Drunk with Children in the Car

Liability for Allowing Drunk Driving

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Protected: Should Teachers Carry Guns in Classrooms?

Should Teachers Carry Guns in Classrooms

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In the Aftermath of a School Shooting

In the Aftermath of A School Shooting

How to help your kids feel safe when their world feels out of control Like mass shootings in general, school shootings have gone from being a rare tragedy to a tragic reality. Already in 2018, there have been at least 17 instances of gun violence in U.S. schools, including the shooting Wednesday at a high […]

Should Parents Spy On Their Kids?

Should Parents Spy On Their Kids

Do You Have the Rights to Spy on Your Kids? Some parents believe they have the absolute right to go through their children’s belongings, check social media accounts, etc. Other parents say we shouldn’t invade our children’s privacy, but should trust them unless they give us a reason not to. At the center of this […]

Are Parents Legally Responsible if Their Kid Is a Bully?


Holding Parents Responsible for Their Child’s Bullying Without a doubt, parents have a duty to do their part to ensure that their kids do not bully others. They need to regularly remind their kids about the importance of treating others the way they would want to be treated. They should talk about how some things […]

Prep Your Car for Winter

Prep Your Car for Winter

Winter is almost upon us, officially at least, and with that cold weather breathing down our necks, it is important to get things ready for the season. A person should always winterize the various aspects of their property, this includes their car. While it may not seem like it, your vehicle needs to be prepared […]

How Helpful Are Reviews

How Helpful Are Reviews

In today’s modern age, we are able to research anything thanks to the internet. We can even research a company before we give them our business. This have given consumers a better way to learn about a company, and hopefully prevent them from being scammed by said company. However, even with all of this knowledge […]