Category Archives: Bail Bonds News

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

The California Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV) has answered our cries and are finally tossing us a bone. They’re providing relief from being stuck at work all day then being stuck in line at the DMV. We no longer have to rush over to the DMV before it closes during the week. The California DMV […]

Are You Tired of Losing Sleep Every Spring and Fall?

Are You Tired of Losing Sleep Every Spring and Fall?

Every spring and fall, all Californians have to deal with changing to or from daylight-saving time. In the spring, the clocks jump forward and we all lose an hour of sleep, which we then get back in the fall. For the next week after the time change, everyone is tired and grumpy as their body […]

Don’t Be a Victim of the Sun

Don’t Be a Victim of the Sun

As temperatures rise, we often forget simple things. It must be the heat that absorbs our common sense sometimes. It happens to everyone. It’s almost like the hotter it gets, the more forgetful we can be. The warm temperatures can be distracting, and make us rush through things to get out of the heat as […]

Annoying Neighbors Getting to You?

Annoying Neighbors Getting to You?

When you move into your first house or apartment, you’re faced with new problems that you previously never considered before. Things like what kind of paper towels to buy, where to do laundry, how to do laundry, and many other adult tasks. When you decide on a first home, you mainly are focused on appearances. […]

DUI Checkpoints and Independence Day

DUI Checkpoints and Independence Day

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that you will start to see more DUI checkpoints. This is due to the fact that more people drink alcohol around these holidays, and then proceed to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Police officers know this, and do everything in their power to curb this […]

What Happens If a Minor Breaks a Law?

What Happens If a Minor Breaks a Law?

Getting arrested is not a great experience. Everyone knows that. However, it is not something that adults can’t handle. As an adult, a person knows that it will be rough, but eventually they will get out of jail again. Kids don’t understand that. Several things are so much worse as a kid than they are […]

Why You Need to Talk with Your Kids

Why You Need to Talk with Your Kids

When you fell in love with your partner and decided to have kids, you probably didn’t know what you were getting yourself into. You probably had baby fever, and saw some cute little socks that spoke to you. Then before you know it, you have a baby that cries a lot. You figure out a […]

Things That Can Get You Kicked Off a Plane

How to Get Removed from an Airplane

Every once in a while, the media gets hold of a story about someone getting kicked off an airplane. One of the most famous of these cases involved Alec Baldwin who got into an altercation with a flight attendant while he was playing a game on his tablet. While these stories often seem funny when […]

How to Fight Back Against Cyberbullying

How to Fight Back Against Cyberbullying

These days, it seems like you can’t turn on the television, radio, or computer without hearing another story about cyberbullying. While it’s a problem for adults, businesses, and even non-profit organizations, the demographic that gets the most attention is the teenage population. While bullying has always been a problem for teenagers, now that most have […]

Do Seatbelt Laws Save Lives?

Do Seatbelt Laws Save Lives?

It seems like every time we turn around, a new law that takes away another one of our personal choices is in place. A perfect example of this is seatbelt laws. At this point, with the exception of New Hampshire, every single state has laws in place that force passengers in the front seats to […]