Category Archives: Victorville Bail Bonds

Skip the Zoot Suit While in Los Angeles

Skip the Zoot Suit While in Los Angeles

Zoot suits first became popular when they were donned by some of the biggest jazz musicians in the 1940s. Once the performers started taking the stage in the bilious suits, people all over the country, including those that lived in Los Angeles, started looking for one of their very own. There was a brief period […]

San Clemente Battles the Toll Roads

San Clemente Battles the Toll Roads

The city of San Clemente isn’t happy with the company that’s been placed in charge of handling the local toll road, The Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA.) While the city understands that the toll road is good for California’s financial situation, they feel that the way the agency is currently managing the project is in clear […]

Evading Toll Road Fees

Evading Toll Road Fees

The topic of toll roads has been a hot one California. San Clemente and several residents have filed lawsuits against the company that’s in charge of planning the toll roads that are supposed to make travel faster while also generating revenue for the state. There is another issue with toll roads that few are talking […]

Park Here, Not There

Park Here, Not There

The summer season is upon us, which can only mean one thing – an influx of traffic stemming from tourists, family vacations, and gorgeous weather. As you and your family embark on summertime adventures, we want to help ensure your trips are memorable for all the right reasons, and not because of parking violations that […]

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

The California Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV) has answered our cries and are finally tossing us a bone. They’re providing relief from being stuck at work all day then being stuck in line at the DMV. We no longer have to rush over to the DMV before it closes during the week. The California DMV […]

Keeping Cool in the Peak of Summer

Keeping Cool in the Peak of Summer

As the summer heat begins to grip the state of California, keeping cool is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. We all want to get out of the sun and find a nice, air conditioned place to hide out. Luckily, California has plenty of options when it comes to keeping cool, you just need to […]

Ten Crazy California Laws

Ten Crazy California Laws

For 168 years California lawmakers have been enacting laws to create community standards, maintain proper order, and protect its constituents. In 2017 alone, lawmakers passed almost 900 new bills that sought to address a number of different topics including immigration, minimum wage, paternity leave, and climate change. Over the past 168 years, the reason such […]

Are You Tired of Losing Sleep Every Spring and Fall?

Are You Tired of Losing Sleep Every Spring and Fall?

Every spring and fall, all Californians have to deal with changing to or from daylight-saving time. In the spring, the clocks jump forward and we all lose an hour of sleep, which we then get back in the fall. For the next week after the time change, everyone is tired and grumpy as their body […]

What’s Legal and What’s Not When Placing Hidden Cameras in Your Home

What's Legal and What's Not When Placing Hidden Cameras in Your Home

The Fourth Amendment was designed to protect people while they were in the comfort of their own home. It prevents law enforcement from entering the home without a warrant. The problem with the Fourth Amendment was that it was written and signed into law long before secret video surveillance was even possible. Many people believe […]

Credit Card Chargebacks Lead to 10 Year Prison Sentence

When most people hear about credit card fraud, they automatically think about things like identity theft or cardholders who don’t pay off their balance each month. Few are aware that there’s another type of credit card fraud that involves credit card chargebacks. When you pay for an item only to decide that you no longer […]