Category Archives: Bail Bonds Blog

It’s just another reason to party, right?

It’s just another reason to party, right?

Cinco de Mayo is coming up fast this year. For us Americans, that means we get to have a big party to celebrate. Friends and family can all gather around and the best tacos are brought out. Your mom probably spent all day in the kitchen yesterday and today preparing this feast for everyone. Your […]

How Much Privacy Should You Allow Your Teenager?

How much privacy should you allow your teen?

As a parent, your instincts tell you to do whatever it takes to ensure that your teenager is both safe and behaving appropriately while their out in the world. Sometimes, watching over your teen means that they think you’re spying on them. Is this type of behavior okay? Times Have Changed Wanting to be involved […]

Rules on the Beaches in California

Rules on the Beaches in California

California is known for its coastline. Famous beaches like Venice, Santa Monica, Malibu, and Big Sur are iconic to the rest of the nation. People travel from all over the world to see the golden coast. Musicians write songs about the west coast all the time. California is continuously engraved into the books for its […]

As the Weather Begins to Warm Up Again, Wildfires Become a Real Possibility

As the Weather Begins to Warm Up Again, Wildfires Become a Real Possibility

Smokey the Bear is a famous figure in our nation. He’s taught us campfire safety, as well as wildfire knowledge. Smokey the Bear doesn’t want his forest to go up in smokes. We know that a single match can cause a wildfire, but there are also other things that can cause wildfires. A wildfire is […]

Why Should You Buckle Up in the Car? It Could Save Your Life

Why Should You Buckle Up in the Car? It Could Save Your Life

Following the rules can seem lame, or uncool at times. However, rules are in place for a reason, and that reason is usually for our own safety. For example, the seatbelt laws in California are in place to protect us. For some reason, there are people who think it’s uncool to wear a seatbelt. They […]

How Much Do You Know About Dog Owner Liability?

How Much Do You Know About Dog Owner Liability?

We love our pets. For many of us, our pets are just like our children- only furrier. But, like many things in life, owning a dog is a huge responsibility, one that many people are not as ready for as they think they are. Dogs need a lot of attention. They need to exercise daily, […]

PTSD: The Invisible Wound

PTSD: The Invisible Wound

With so much tragedy in the world, it’s not surprising to know someone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 8 out 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. Most people assume that in order to have PTSD, you must fought in a war. Contrary […]

What Is That Strangely Sweet Smelling Cloud Floating Your Way?

What Is That Strangely Sweet Smelling Cloud Floating Your Way?

It’s a nice sunny day and you’re walking around outside. You’re strolling by some of your favorite shops on Main Street. The flowers are in bloom, and the fresh, crisp air smells amazing. As you’re window-shopping, looking for anything and everything, you notice a low hanging cloud. This low hanging cloud is an odd shape. […]

Does Fleeing Police Come with Tough Enough Penalties?


  Police chases sound exciting. So much so, that in Southern California, they actually became a form of entertainment. Whenever the police started chasing a criminal, people dropped everything and raced to the nearest television to watch the action. While police chases look exciting, the reality is that they create a dangerous situation that has […]

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children see more than most people realize. They are always watching adults in order to learn how they should behave in the world. Due to this fact, it is incredibly important for a parent to watch what they do and say while around their kids. If they aren’t they could inadvertently teach their child a […]