Category Archives: LA Bail Bondsman

How Much Do You Know About Dog Owner Liability?

How Much Do You Know About Dog Owner Liability?

We love our pets. For many of us, our pets are just like our children- only furrier. But, like many things in life, owning a dog is a huge responsibility, one that many people are not as ready for as they think they are. Dogs need a lot of attention. They need to exercise daily, […]

Protected: Why We Can’t Stop Texting and Driving?!

Why We Can't Stop Texting and Driving

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Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble.

Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble.

While any parent will tell you that having kids is truly amazing, they will also very likely tell you that having kids can be extremely tiresome. Children have a lot of energy and are constantly going, unlike us adults who ran out of energy years ago and still manage to plough on somehow. This difference […]

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

Most people recognize the fact that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a bad idea. Unfortunately, there are still people out there who do not understand this concept, and many of them are underage. Young drivers are still learning how serious all of their actions behind the wheel of the car are. […]

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Just about every driver out there knows about DUI’s and how they should never drive while intoxicated with alcohol. However, what many people fail to realize, is that there was a reason the term was switched from DWI, driving while intoxicated, to DUI, Driving under the influence. DUI is a broader term that covers driving […]

Why You Shouldn’t Mess with Wild Animals: This isn’t a Movie, Animals are Still Savage

Why You Shouldn’t Mess with Wild Animals: This isn’t a Movie, Animals are Still Savage

We’ve been misled by childhood movies that showed princess dancing and singing alongside sweet wild animals. That is the only explanation that makes sense because yet again, someone was trampled by a wild animal. Nature is cool, it’s wild, and isn’t boring to city folks. No one ever sees a deer and says “ew.” We […]

Do You Know What Your Child Does Online? You Should.

Do You Know What Your Child Does Online? You Should.

The internet opened up a world of possibilities for everyone. Anyone in the world can get access to just about any information that they want. It is the biggest library of information on the planet. Unfortunately, not everything on the internet is wholesome and safe for children to see, which is why parents need to […]

Why You Should Say Goodbye to Plastic for Everyone’s Benefit

Why You Should Say Goodbye to Plastic for Everyone’s Benefit

California is no stranger to going green. From windmills to solar panels, and paying $0.10 for a plastic bag at the grocery store, California is one of the leaders in going green. At times theses eco-friendly changes may be complicated at first, but they pay off. The more we work together, and come together as […]

K9 Heroes in California: Super Dogs

K9 Heroes in California: Super Dogs

Man’s best friend, is a cute loveable puppy. Dogs are symbolic of love, friendship, and commitment for many of us. They harbor a never-ending love for us and we don’t deserve it half the time. Their undeniable love and commitment to us makes dogs so lovable and perfect for every family. Every dog is special, […]