What Exactly Do Bail Bond Agents Do?
You already know bail bond agents help people post bail for release from custody until their trial – simple. But their duties as a bail agent run a little riskier and longer than that. After posting the bail bond, the bail agent is still responsible for ensuring the defendant shows up in court when the judge orders.
If the defendant fails to appear in court dutifully, the agent must personally track them down or hire a bail enforcement officer (like a bounty hunter) to do so within a certain period of time determined by the judge. If the bail agent or bail enforcement office is unsuccessful, the bail agent must forfeit the entire bail amount and the defendant is also punished.
By having a bail bond agent help you, it is most important to act and speak honestly. Bail agents are putting trust in you to appear in court to make the trial as smooth as possible for the agent but more importantly, you. Bail agents provide great service to clients that ought not be abused; bail agents can be trusted, like the ones at Absolute Bail Bonds who can serve you anywhere you are in California.