Yearly Archives: 2020

What Are Your Options for Paying?

paying options for bail

People like to have options, especially in instances where options tend to be a bit limited. This is the case when you need to bail someone out of jail. Leaving your loved one stuck in jail is not an option for you. You have to bail them out no matter how much it may cost. […]

What Happens If a Person Misses a Bail Payment?

bail payment

Most people have a lot of questions and concerns when it comes to dealing with bail. This is largely because most people don’t know a whole lot about bail in the first place. After all, they never expected to need bail. Still, that doesn’t mean that someone they know will never get arrested. In California […]

Is Street Racing Legal in California?

Street Racing

Currently, California roads are clearer than they have ever been in a very long time. After all, roads in California, especially those in Southern California, are notorious for being filled to the brim with bumper to bumper traffic. With so many people staying home, driving on state roads has been a lot more pleasant for […]

How to Prepare to Deal with Bail

Most people have never dealt with bail before because no one they know ever got arrested. With thousands of people getting arrested every single day in California, chances are someone that you know will get arrested at some point. If that ever happens, you want to be prepared. After all, the faster you deal with […]

Our Family Will Help Your Family

Our family will help your family

The most important thing in this world is family. This close group of people, whether related by blood, marriage, or bond, is a group of people that you would trust with your life. You know that if you ever need help, you can count on them to be there and vice versa. You support one […]

Why Can’t Minors Be Bailed Out of Jail?

can minors be bailed out in california

Bail is a confusing and unknown subject to a lot of people out there. Most people don’t think about one of their friends or family members getting arrested, so they don’t even consider how they would bail that person out. In most instances, this is just for adults. Many parents may not even consider the […]

Don’t Get Caught Trespassing on California Beaches

california trespassing laws

Everyone knows what trespassing is, however, there can be a bit of a gray area for people when it comes to certain locations. Some locations make sense, such as stores and restaurants. Some locations, on the other hand, seem impossible to close. How can you close a location that doesn’t have a ceiling, walls, or […]

Can You Drive While High in California?

Can you drive high

Four years ago in 2016, Californian voters chose to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by passing Proposition 64. After the passing of this Prop, the state worked on creating new laws to regulate marijuana usage. These laws were then enacted over the next few years to give people time to adjust and prepare. While […]

California’s Laws on Possession of Controlled Substances

Drug possession laws

For years now, schools have and other government agencies have been working hard to send the message to kids that drugs are bad. Drugs can mess with a person’s body and mind in all sorts of harmful or damaging ways. The worst drugs are either flat out illegal or limited to only be used when […]

What Are the Littering Laws Here in California?

Littering laws here in california

For the most part, people don’t think about littering too much. For some, it is a concept that never crosses their mind because they always throw stuff away in trash cans. For others, it is something they do without a second thought. They don’t even consider how it might affect other people. Littering and illegal […]