Yearly Archives: 2018

Earth is Kind of Cool, and We Should Keep It That Way

Earth is Kind of Cool, and We Should Keep It That Way

Just a friendly reminder that we all live on the same planet. Earth is the only planet in our solar system with life on it. Not even just life, but with water, oxygen, plants, animals, and people. Without this Earth, we wouldn’t exhaust. It’s the starting point for the human race. The chances of us […]

The End of Spring Break Blues

The End of Spring Break Blues

We’re almost there. Spring Break is wrapping up, Easter was a blast, and now you’re looking forward to the next big break. If you’re a student, you’re itching for school to be over. Midterms have been stressing you out, and all you need to do at this point is pass. You parents are also ready […]

What Is That Strangely Sweet Smelling Cloud Floating Your Way?

What Is That Strangely Sweet Smelling Cloud Floating Your Way?

It’s a nice sunny day and you’re walking around outside. You’re strolling by some of your favorite shops on Main Street. The flowers are in bloom, and the fresh, crisp air smells amazing. As you’re window-shopping, looking for anything and everything, you notice a low hanging cloud. This low hanging cloud is an odd shape. […]

Does Fleeing Police Come with Tough Enough Penalties?


  Police chases sound exciting. So much so, that in Southern California, they actually became a form of entertainment. Whenever the police started chasing a criminal, people dropped everything and raced to the nearest television to watch the action. While police chases look exciting, the reality is that they create a dangerous situation that has […]

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear.

So many of the problems out there in the world could be fixed if people just cared for one another a little bit more. If people were more considerate and open-minded toward one another, then there would be less hurt feelings. One of the best ways to achieve this goal, is to get rid of […]

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding.

Speeding is something that every driver has been guilty of at least once. We have all had days where our patience ran thin and we found ourselves rushing to get home as quickly as possible. We know doing so is a bad idea, and yet we did it anyways. Speeding puts drivers at an increased […]

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children see more than most people realize. They are always watching adults in order to learn how they should behave in the world. Due to this fact, it is incredibly important for a parent to watch what they do and say while around their kids. If they aren’t they could inadvertently teach their child a […]

Protected: Would You Report Someone That’s Being Cruel to Animals

Would You Report Somebody That's Being Cruel to Animals

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Are You Prepared for the Season to Change? Here Are Somethings to Do This Spring in California

Are You Prepared for the Season to Change? Here Are Somethings to Do This Spring in California

This winter has been cold, but it has flown by. Spring has arrived and now we have to hang up our winter gear. It’s time to break out the floral pattern outfits, sunglasses, and start warming up once again. Here in California we’re so lucky to be able to have such great and diverse seasons […]

Do You Want to Avoid Having Unnecessary Stress in Life? Then Try Having an Open Mind

Do You Want to Avoid Having Unnecessary Stress in Life? Then Try Having an Open Mind

Having an open mind is vital in the world today. There are so many opinions, facts, and attitudes out there. Even in family settings we may feel like we have to tread carefully because we don’t want to offend anyone. Some people get so offended over another’s opinions that you may feel as if you […]