Yearly Archives: 2018

The Consequence of Driving with a Suspended License

The consequence of Driving with a Suspended License

Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of California, the ability to drive is a key component of survival since there’s no form of public transportation. However, there are times when the State of California can decide to suspend your license. How a Driver’s License Becomes Suspended It’s a great […]

Your Vehicle Failed California’s Emission Test. Now What?

Your Vehicle Failed California’s Emission Test. Now What?

When it comes to vehicles and their annual emissions test, California doesn’t take failure lightly. Your vehicle has to pass the test in order to stay on the road. The idea is that not only does the strict emissions test help reduce smog, but it also keeps older vehicles that are in danger of falling […]

Thinking About Dropping Your California Auto Insurance?

Thinking About Dropping Your California Auto Insurance?

Owning and driving a car in California is expensive. It’s natural to look at your monthly expenses and wonder if you really need car insurance. After all, it’s a huge chunk of your monthly expenses and the chances are good that you rarely need to use it. While canceling your auto insurance might make good […]

The Ins and Outs of Insurance Fraud in California

The Ins and Outs of Insurance Fraud in California

Fraud is the word used when a person says something they know to be untrue for the specific reason of obtaining some sort of benefit. One of the most common forms of fraud in California is insurance fraud. There are Multiple Types of Insurance Fraud The State of California has authorized prosecutors to handle cases […]

Behind The Badge

Behind The Badge

When we’re younger, we dream of becoming astronauts, presidents, firefighters, doctors, police officers, and peacekeepers. We dream big, and never let anybody tell us we can’t be a cowboy and an astronaut at the same time. It’s a magical time in our childhood when we believe in ourselves. Unfortunately, we grow older and start to […]

What is Flag Day?

What is Flag Day?

Before we celebrate fathers, we have to celebrate the flag. This year, Flag Day falls on Thursday June 14th. If you’re not familiar with this holiday, it’s okay. It is considered a national holiday, yet we don’t get the time off for it. This makes it less important to us even though it’s extremely relevant. […]

Horseback Riding Laws: Even Horses Have Laws

Horseback Riding Laws: Even Horses Have Laws

Horses can be wild creatures. Somehow we’re able to tame them, and teach them to do tricks and how to be ridden. We form bonds with these creatures. Unlike cats and dogs, horses cannot be pushed around so easily. You don’t tell a horse to do anything, you ask it. After all, a thousand pound […]

Motorcycle Laws: Two Wheels of Freedom, Right?

Motorcycle Laws: Two Wheels of Freedom, Right?

The warmer weather seems to be intoxicating for Californians. There’s something about feeling the wind through your hair as you cruise down back roads and take in the views. While some are satisfied with a hand out the window or the top down, others may prefer two wheels. A beautiful day in California will bring […]

Children’s Right and Child Protection

Children's Right and Child Protection

There is something about a child’s innocence that makes us all want to instinctively protect them. Some argue that it’s the fact that they are so helpless that we feel the need to protect them. Unfortunately, not everyone feels this way about children. There are people out in the world that wish to cause children […]

Did You Know about This Forgotten Right?

Did You Know about This Forgotten Right?

Many people are familiar with the First and Second Amendment to the US Constitution. However, this is like only reading the first paragraph of a book and saying you understand everything in between. We do this a lot in today’s society. We look for articles with catchy headlines and graze over them hoping to gain […]