Monthly Archives: July 2016

Filter What You Are Posting On Social Media

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Slowly we are all beginning to realize how important social media is. What was once an online source for fun and relationship-keeping between friends, has now grown to be a useful tool for companies, and government services. That being said, watch what you post on social media. You already know not to post wild, party-crazy […]

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bond – Which Is Better for You Financially

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Between cash bail and bail bonds, there is not necessarily a better way to bail out of jail. They both produce the same outcome. However, deciding between the two is mostly dependent on your financial circumstances. People who use cash bail have to pay the entire bail amount first, then the defendant can get out […]

Summer Fun – From Pause to Play

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Thanks to Los Angeles Bail Bonds, thousands of Californians will have the summer they planned on having this year. They will be enjoying barbecues, beach trips, hiking excursions, and time spent with their loved ones. If it were not for us, some people would miss all the fun, and the rest of the gang would […]

Bring Your Loved One Home with Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

The saying, “there is no place like home” carries such a true meaning. Home is where a person’s loved ones are. It is where a person feels most comfortable, where a person is most motivated. Jail is a stark opposite of this image. Jail is where a person is lonely and scared. It is where […]

Los Angeles Bail Bonds Is the Solution to Your Family Problems

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

When one person in the family is arrested, there is bound to be more drama to follow. It is such a tense and sensitive situation and every person in the family may have a different approach and reaction to handling the situation. How do we bring them home? Who can we hire as a lawyer? […]

The Price of Collateral

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Many bail bonds will require collateral in order to be authenticated. Collateral is typically property, vehicles, and valuables that a person pledges to the bail bond company. The bail bonds company uses collateral as insurance. You see, the big thing about bail bonds over cash bonds is that a bail bond costs 90% less than […]

We Step In To Save Your Family

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Los Angeles Bail Bonds is a professional and reputable bail bonds company in California. This bail bond company is truly special. With a core foundation of family values, and a deep understanding of what it means to offer an excellent customer experience, Los Angeles Bail Bonds is the bail bonds company you want helping you. […]

Los Angeles Bail Bonds Is a Second Chance for You

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

When something bad happens, our natural thought is that “this is it. This is the end.” That you, figuratively, are not going to survive this, whatever it was. You thought that in middle school when you were caught cheating on a test, you thought that in high school when you were caught drinking, and you […]

Los Angeles Bail Bonds Will Save Your Loved One

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Some people think that those who are arrested do not need saving, that they are right where they should be. After all, they were arrested for doing something bad. By having these people arrested and in jail, the public is safe. However, this is not how it always is. Not every arrestee is a dangerous, […]

Los Angeles Bail Bonds and Your Parents to the Rescue

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Admitting guilt to your parents is something we never fully get comfortable with. We hate to embarrass ourselves and we definitely hate getting in trouble. We do not want to disappoint them and make them angry. However, as we grow older, we are able to make some of those fears subside. Not all will go […]