Monthly Archives: February 2016

Your Reaction To A Loved One’s Arrest

Your Reaction To A Loved One’s Arrest There’s no predicting your reaction to hearing that a loved one has been arrested. Depending on the circumstance, the type of person they are, and how close you are to them, your reaction can be anywhere between shocked to angry to not even surprised. This would be your […]

Give Your Friend His Freedom Back With Riverside Bail Bonds

Give Your Friend His Freedom Back With Riverside Bail Bonds If a friend has found himself behind bars, you do not have to worry if you use Riverside Bail Bonds to bail him out of jail. For the past 29 years Riverside Bail Bonds has been helping Californians rescue their loved ones from jail. We […]

Record Number Of Exonerations In 2015

Record Number Of Exonerations In 2015 Earlier this month, it was reported that in 2015, a record-breaking number of people were exonerated, meaning they were finally freed after serving time in prison for crimes they were wrongly convicted for. This record-breaking number counts to 149 people, who each spent an average of 15 whooping years. […]

Show Your Loved One You Care By Bailing Her Out With Riverside Bail Bonds

Show Your Loved One You Care By Bailing Her Out With Riverside Bail Bonds When someone you love and care about very much has been arrested, you will do anything to get her bailed out of jail. No one wants to spend time in jail, and no one wants to force those they care about […]

Getting A Tax Return? Use It Towards Bail!

Getting A Tax Return? Use It Towards Bail! Even if you were recently arrested, you will still be eligible to receive your tax return as long as the IRS finds that you are due to receive one for paying extra taxes during the year. Your arrest will not jeopardize your qualification to receive your tax […]

Use A Bail Bondsman You Can Trust, Use Orange County Bail Bonds

Use A Bail Bondsman You Can Trust, Use Orange County Bail Bonds When someone you care about has been arrested, you will do whatever you need to, to get him or her released from jail. Should that really include using a bad bail bonds agency because they said they could give you a deal? A […]

How Long Do I Have Until I Can Post Bail?

How Long Do I Have Until I Can Post Bail? As soon as you finish your bail hearing, you are free to post bail as quickly as possible. You cannot post bail anytime before your bail hearing because you will not know what amount you would have to pay. The judge at the bail hearing […]

Let Orange County Bail Bonds Help You Rescue Your Family Member from Jail

Let Orange County Bail Bonds Help You Rescue Your Family Member from Jail Most people will do anything to help their family members and at Orange County Bail Bonds we understand that. We are a family-owned company that was founded 29 years ago back in 1987 so we get the importance of helping family. We […]

Bail Bond Associated Terms, Defined

Bail Bond Associated Terms, Defined Before you agree to a bail bond company and their payment plan they set you up on, you’re going to want to know and be very well versed with the following common terms that are associated with bail and bail bonds. By knowing and understanding these following terms, understanding the […]

Orange County Bail Bonds Makes Bail Affordable

Bail bonds are not cheap, and paying for a bail is not easy. However, Orange County Bail Bonds is trying to change that. We know and understand how difficult it can be to pay for a bail bond so we are making it easier for our clients. We are finding ways to make paying for […]